
Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Shuffling a bit ragged

Hello, all. I wrote last the middle of last week, Wednesday. Since then I just kept straightening. As Shelly's muscular, furniture moving friend said, "You've made it look homey". Kind of him, and I have. All that needed finished was the loom area, and that happened Sunday. Shelly and I straightened out the entire thread situation and we left it good to go.

Sunday night I rounded up the trash to put outside the door at nine p.m. Shuffling along with my cane and another bag of trash I caught a right toe with a left toe, and holy memory of my last fall, I was down in a perfect face plant. My forehead, my glasses and my nose flat on the tile floor. Also my left knee and right palm. Only my nose broke.

Another ambulance ride, this time about nine-thirty at night. They CT'd my brain and x-rayed my knee and other things they were concerned about. Home about three in the morning. A nurse opened all the doors and the ambulance fellows wheeled me back to my door. I asked them to put out the trash as they left.

I was able to get an eye doctor appointment for today. I learned it has been more than five years since I purchased these frames and lenses. They can do little for the nick in the left lens. You can see it there, at the end of my eye, there on the right. So I bit the bullet and bought $650 worth of new frame and lenses. In two weeks I'll look quite different.

Tomorrow I'll work on an ENT appointment. I doubt anyone would want to mess with a broken nose right now. I was thinking you all must be pretty fed up with such a disastrous specimen. The good news is, nothing broke but my nose. The worst bit of that is being stuffy and the trail of blood I managed to keep on the tile. When I came home from the hospital, it was cleaned up. 

So between my bouts of drama, I have registered to vote! Clearing the most important jobs off my desk first! I probably should get an absentee ballot, but I can't do that until I know my name is registered on the polls.

We should also be thinking long and hard about our Florida and Canadian east blogger friends. Knowing they are loved can help when facing a storm stronger than they are. Now I'll post this and go read blogs.


  1. Ouch. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

    Take it easy.

    I broke my nose last year. It was an experience I'd prefer to avoid ever happening again.

  2. Oh bless your heart (and your poor nose!!) You remind me of me last month when I face-planted into a door frame (the frame won and I lost!). I still have twinges of activity where my head hit and there's a definite crease in my forehead. I do hope your new glasses work out for you... and that the ENT can fix your poor nose. Feeling for you.... Healing hugs... T

  3. 🙀 Oh dear. I hope you recover soon, and I hope you look worse than you feel.

  4. Ouch! and Drats! Glad you went to the ER to get checked out. Lucky you didn't hurt the knee or arms. (Did you REALLY hit face first?) Might want to consider pushing the trash bag next time or scooting it with one foot, or stabbing it with the cane to push it out. LOVE how you asked the ambulance guys to take it out for you. Be careful walking around your new layout. Might want some night lights on the walls. Take care of YOU! Linda in Kansas

  5. Hari OM
    😨Struth, Joanne... well, I count that as number three of the major falls, so it's all smooth running from here; mainly because now you are in a place where things such as trash removal might be assisted to save you from yourself! Sending healing vibes (with a wrinkled brow and nervous giggle on your behalf). YAM xx

    1. Yam, I only had one job--move the trash to the other side of the door. How pathetic I am!

  6. Oh you poor dear! Those bruises will fade. I’m glad you were well taken care of but I’m so sorry you had to be hurt again! You’ve certainly had your quota! Time for that cat - some cat therapy would be good right now. - Jenn

    1. Jenn, I woke up this morning thinking how to look for a cat shelter. But I spent most of my afternoon with the eye folks, and still can't see through the eye drops.

  7. I'm glad it was no worse, Joanne. I live in fear of doing the same thing. Mend well.

  8. You lead an overly exciting life, my dear! Seriously, it is fortunate that it was only your nose but what a pain anyway. You need to think of a thrilling story to explain your battle wounds. Feel better soon!

  9. It's funny how elders fall. We just go down like a pole. we don't put out arms to break the fall. I've done the face plant a few times so I know what you're talking about.

  10. You look very impressive! I hope the healing goes well and that you can soon just enjoy the serenity of your new place.

  11. Holy moly, that was one helluva bar fight! But as they say, "you should see the other guy" -- amirite? Feel better soon, slugger!

  12. So glad you didn't break anything else, knowing your history. And you look pretty lurid right now! I hope you feel better soon. What a start, huh?

  13. Holy crap! Makes my eyes water just to see your poor face. But I do have to tell you, the fact that you had the ambulance fellow put the trash out while he was there. Take care, sistah. We need your vote!

  14. Good GRIEF! You've been a busy girl. And still getting your ducks in a row to vote. You are indefatigable.

  15. Here I was thinking the reason you haven't been posting was that you were so busy acquainting yourself with the new environment and activities. Wow, was I off base with that thinking! A whole different kind of "busy"! I hope the worst is over and you mend with no more mishaps! I had one of those "meet the concrete" events in mid August. I did manage to get my right hand involved. Mostly saved my face, but my hand still remembers.

  16. Oh that looks so very painful. Along with every other fall you have had over the years, the nose is probably the last of your bones to have been broken. Is there someone available to come in and take out the trash for you from now on? I wonder if a cat is such a good idea. He would be a companion sure, but you might trip over him? I'm glad you registered to vote.

  17. Yikes! Hoping those bruises fade quickly.

  18. Jiminy Crickets, Joanne! Those are quite the shiners! I'm very glad to read that nothing else was broken in what sounds to have been a nasty fall. I'm thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery from your injury! x

  19. Oh dear dear Joanne, how terrible for you. I was so upset reading this. What a topper for your move that you were so excited about! Heal fast my friend. Not a good look for you at all.

  20. Oh my gawd woman! You're going to need a bubble suit if you keep that up!. My many cousins in Naples, FL are in panic mode. My last uncle is 97 and housebound! During the last big blow my pastor cousin lost the roof of the church. Yeah, we're some worried!

  21. I am so very sorry to read this - and equally glad that it was no worse.

  22. Dear Joanne, oh, oh, oh - what miserable happenings! I wish you to heal soon - and am glad that you managed to get doctor appointments (except for the nose, if I got it right?).
    I adore your strong will and stamina - and hope so very much that you can now live undisturbed by accidents in you new cozy surroundings!

  23. What an awful turn of events, Joanne. I hope you feel better very soon.

  24. Gosh you are such a worry Joanne. Perhaps no cats, you know how they wind in and out of legs. Get better, lose the bruises and get someone else to take the trash out.

  25. Oh my! That does look painful. Praying your face heals up very soon.

  26. Joanne! Oh, you poor darling! That must have been so frightening and so painful. Please, lady, rest and be careful.

  27. Damn it Joanne. Are you trying for the Guiness Book of World Records for most accidents survived? As I told my friend Carol who had a heart attack and came back to SHARE a week later and then had another heart attack and came back to SHARE another week later...Girl, stop doing that! Don't mean to sound harsh but we all worry about you. And besides I need you to weave peach towels cause that's the color Autumn wants.

  28. Sorry to read about your fall, Joanne. Hope you feel better soon! Since my face plant last year, I am more careful when I am out walking. Stay safe!

  29. You must have been a bit worn out with all the moving and settling work. Moving the trash was the last straw. You must be sore. I'm sorry about the mishap. Can you hire a helper for a few hours a week? Give him/her a bunch of tasks at least until you are fully healed.

  30. Holy crapoli, that was some kind of fall. I am so sorry to hear about the nose and all of the rest of it. It's amazing to me how much glasses cost.

  31. Oh blimey that looks painful! I hope the bruises go and your nose heals. Do you get a broken nose fixed or does it fix itself I have no idea.

    1. The ER doctor said no one would do much with it until the swelling receded, then I could get any nose I wanted.

  32. Gosh, Joanne. You took quite a spill. I can’t believe I am typing I’m glad you only broke your nose!

  33. Joanne, I think I would wrap you in bubble wrap from now on... Good gracious, girl! (at least you were in a place where there are people around and not alone - did help come for you pretty quick?)

  34. Landing on one's face during a fall is painful. It's where I always end up. I'm sorry about your poor nose and grateful that nothing else was hurt. Feel better soon.

  35. Ow, you didn't need a face plant!! Sending fast healing thoughts!! And a big virtual hug (((0))).

  36. Imagine my surprise to see your black eyes! I should say to be careful, but that ship has sailed. I hope you heal soon and glad it wasn't a lot worse. I will tell you what I tell HeWho ... just sit there, don't move and tell me what you need!!

  37. Those bruises are just a few weeks early for Halloween, Joanne, but my heart goes out to you. You must have a walloping headache. Do take care and a speedy recovery to you.
    Bonnie in Minneapolis

  38. Oh wow that looks painful. Wishing you quick and good recovery.

  39. The falls are always a surprise, frustrating and embarrassing. Hope you have a quick healing.

  40. OH MY GOSH, Joanne! I'm sending you a warm hug from Hawaii. I am so sorry for your pain and trauma. You broke your nose? And yet you persevere and keep your spirits up. You are my inspiration and role model!
