
Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Back on the internet

Hello. I'm in my comfortable desk chair, and falling asleep every couple of minutes. It's 4:33, and at five sharp I should be seated at the dinner table and looking engrossed in the conversations about me. So, there will be a long period of silence in this post. That's probably a good thing; I just took a series of pictures of the state of affairs, but they have not yet loaded.

It was a grueling move. The two young men had me out of the old place in two hours flat. But it took them six hours to load me into here, and that through no fault of their own. I am in the middle of everything in this building; no shortcuts I noticed. Down an excessively long hall, up one level, and retrace the route to the end of another hall. Brutal. That means a lot of walking for me, too, and I intend to become accustomed.

I'm sure you'd prefer a tour to homily's, so here goes. Come in a door, past the bathroom and coat closet, past the hall table and the tiny kitchen. Nothing else is tidy, yet.

About face, to the main part of the room, which consists of the loom, the shipping table, the sewing table and some furniture. Lots of furniture, and I gave some away today.

The thread cupboard and the red sofa became a sort of wall from the rest of the room, which house the green chair, the computer and the "cat's room".

The computer is on the near end of the black table. Behind the green chair is a "window seat", two or three feet deep and equally as high. When I saw it, I saw a cat up there, owning the window. When all else is right, I'll find an old cat to live there. 

And finally, the closet bedroom. Everyone remarks on claustrophobia. If the room were a foot wider and had a window over the bed, it would be my childhood bedroom.


  1. It's small, but that's not a bad thing at our age! I could sure use a smaller house to have responsibility/cost/cleaning of. I think it will do you nicely! And I can just see a black and white kitty on that window seat. It would only be a short leap for it to land in your lap, purring contentedly. So very happy for you. It'll all get put to right eventually and you'll settle in just fine. Hugs to you...

  2. It looks lovely, but where will you be hanging your clothes?

  3. Once you get everything sorted, I imagine that it will feel a lot less claustrophobic.

  4. Congratulations on the move, Joanne. I’m sure it will feel good when things are a bit more organized and unpacked. Am I understanding correctly that you’ll be taking meals in a dining room with others? - Jenn

  5. I'm glad you're in your new place right now. It looks very nice and cozy. The loom looks right at home! Yes, the bedroom closet is small but still it's nice to have a separate sleeping area from the rest of the suite. May you be very happy in your new home!

  6. Looks more together than most folks have after a big move. Maybe a stuffed kitty for your window won't require all of those care tasks that cost money. Linda in Kansas

  7. The place is amazingly well put together for how little time you've been there! The closet bedroom isn't too much smaller than my girls' bedrooms. It already looks cozy!

  8. You have done amazingly well in such a short time! Things look pretty shipshape already, if you ask me. That walk to the dining room will burn off all your meal calories - don't forget to eat all the high-calorie things!! Glad to have you back to the blog :)

  9. I'm so sorry about the gruelling move. That is always a headache. But thankfully you had some young men to accomplish it all. Your new apartment looks beautiful and your bed fits into the closet nicely. What a wonderful big closet. I don't think it's claustrophobic but just nice and cosy.

  10. I'm waiting for the cat. I'm sure he will be happy with you.

  11. It looks good. Very good. And I like jenny_o's comment too.

  12. Your apartment is lovely. Congratulations. I like the closet bedroom - I would feel very safe and comfortable in that room.

  13. It looks very cosy with all furniture pieces close enough to be supports for you as you move around.

  14. Good to see you around again and that the move went fairly smoothly.

  15. Welcome home Joanne. Here’s a little something for you
    May your troubles be less and your blessings be more and nothing but happiness come through your (new) front door.

  16. Not surprised you're tired after the move. It's looking amazingly organized right away. Happy times in your new home! Enjoy.

  17. Hari OM
    Welcome Home! I was thinking of you as I went to bed last night, wondering if it was about time... and I am glad to read that you have the option of community meals, but also can prepare for yourself if desired. A crostata or two, perhaps 🙂 Now settle in and let us have update shots once you feel properly landed. Huggies, YAM xx

  18. We will all look forward to following your progress as you get settled in Joanne. I hope the loom is shuttling away very soon. Good luck.

  19. Moving is the WORST! I'm so glad it's now behind you, and you must be very relieved. I like the look of your new, cozy home.

  20. Moving ain’t fun, so I hope this works out for you for quite awhile.

  21. I was thinking of you when I woke this morning, wondering how the move went. I am glad the moving is complete. It will take a while for you to settle in there. Take your time. I hope this place is everything you could wish for, Joanne.

  22. Like Marie above, I, too, was thinking of you this morning when I woke up. Where is Joanne? Is she okay? Has she finished moving? She must be exhausted...
    And on and on.
    And here you are and I am so glad to see that all is coming together nicely. You are going to be comfortable here. I can't wait for you and your cat to find each other.

  23. How nice that the move is done! Sounds like you will be very happy and comfortable there! Best wishes!

  24. Your bedroom IS a closet- I love tiny closed in bedrooms but a window is preferable or at least the illusion on a window. Fresh air when sleeping if pretty important to me. Anyway, glad you are moved and all went sort of OK. Are you there for keeps?

    1. For keeps! Someone else can move me to assisted living and then memory care.

  25. Well done looks a neat home and worth the trouble xx

  26. It looks like the perfect sleeping pod to me. I don't want any light whatsoever, and have gone to lengths to make it so. When we had the last RV, I put black craft paper behind the shades to block the light coming in through the cracks between the shade and the window. So your sleeping room looks good to me. Things are looking good, I hope it makes you happy.

  27. You are moved! It is a lovely place with room for one. It looks homey already.

  28. Joanne, they DO have pictures that look like windows that you could put behind your bed. You might consider that. And all the rest will fall into place as you become settled. As for the long 'walk' to the dining area or to your room, is that going to be a problem for you?

  29. You've made a great choice to make this move.. It looks compact and cozy as well as beautifully accommodates your weaving. When you bring home your kitty, all will be perfected. The walk to get to your humble abode can be considered daily exercise and I'm sure your doc approves.

  30. Hang a nice picture of the outdoors on the wall opposite the bed and there's your window. So glad the move is done. I'd sleep with the door open though, otherwise with no daylight creeping in I might never roll out of bed.


    1. The door came down and is stashed under the bed. The open space faces the windows.

  31. Hope the new place treats you well, Joanne.

  32. Is that hall table lamp base filled with the pebbles people sent you from all over?

  33. Thank you for sharing this, Joanne. I can now picture you in your new place. Your bedroom is small, but you don't need a ton of room to sleep in. Everything else looks nice and comfortable. Take a rest now before you start rearranging things.

  34. I love it Joanne. I had a tiny bedroom as a child and I always feel so safe in a space like that. I had a huge (marital) bedroom once where the king size bed looked like a bunk, and never felt safe in it.
    The layout looks great. But the hall walking not so much.

  35. It looks like it has the potential to be a cosy place to live. I agree about the bedroom though, I wouldn't like to sleep without a bedroom. A cat is a very good idea, and an old one even better so it doesn' t have to live out its life in a cat shelter.

  36. Yes, that's a lot of walking to do. Hopefully as you say you'll grow accustomed to it.

  37. I wonder would a mirror behind the bed reflect the light from the windows across the hall? Oh what does it matter? You'll be fine!

  38. I think it looks perfect. You have enough room for your work and the little bedroom fits you fine. Best of everything in your new home.
