
Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Closing in

I've concluded it's crummy to be 80 years aged and packing to move--by myself.  So I treated myself!

It probably is the best pecan roll I've ever purchased, and sight unseen, no less. The shopper deserved every bit of the tip I left her.

One room, the studio, is done. Complete. The bathroom is stripped down to toothbrush, toothpaste, my comb, soap and a towel.

I'm down to my bedroom, and boxes are beginning to pile up. Most of the shelves in the closet are empty. I have about ten linear feet of shelving in my new bedroom, plus the metal shelving I've been dragging behind me the last several moves. Things will have a home.

I'm not up for more than half a day of work, and the rest of today is to empty the black shelving into the U-Haul box and seal it up. And finish the pecan roll. And keep sending "you can do it" gifs to Shelly, for her state nursing board exams tomorrow.

The weather is decidedly colder. Mid seventies all week, back to eighty for the weekend.

Well, down to the last fork full; back to packing.

P.S.: I'm the only one keeping track, I'm sure, but for the record of the work of New York banks, the first replacement credit card arrived today. The three to five business days to receipt card. The card compromised Sunday, August 28th, arrived today, September 13.

And if you are familiar with Ohio, it was mailed from Westerville, Ohio. That town is located on the three digit interstate that circles Columbus and shoots traffic off to Indiana, West Virginia and Kentucky. It takes less than two and a half hours to drive down Interstate 71 to Westerville. 


  1. Aaargh. Your card story is maddening for sure. I'm lusting after your pecan roll, but I don't envy you your move. Packing is the pits.

  2. Quite right to set up a reward! I guess the timing of school and so on has taken up the people who might have helped. But you do seem to be managing.

  3. You are doing great to do all your own packing, I wouldn't want to attempt it. The pecan roll looks delicious.

  4. I am so glad that you gave yourself a totally deserved reward. And even gladder that it was delicious.

  5. Moving is so hard, You find things you didn't know you had and now don't know what to do with. We have been trying to get rid of a lot of things as we finally realized our children will not want it and will just throw it away. Oh old age is definitely for the brave at heart.

  6. The card saga is so frustrating and being at their mercy is very hard. It looks and sounds like progress but what a ton of work! I would love that pecan roll.

  7. You sound like you're well up to moving and that's the best time to do it, not when someone needs to help you. I really hope you enjoy your new home. And good to see some progress on the cards.

  8. Hari OM
    Oh YUM!!! Packing is the pits... but you are a trooper and in a matter of days, now, it will be in reverse. Then I suggest another pecan roll!!! YAM xx

  9. How frustrating about the credit card! Glad it finally showed up!

    I hope the remainder of the packing goes smoothly, Joanne.

  10. Unbelievable that it took that long to get your replacement card. We've always gotten ours within about 3 days. Here's to the last move you'll ever make, god willing and the creek don't rise. Except for the very last one and you won't be doing the moving for that.

  11. I am honestly surprised that your young blooded relatives could not pitch in and help with the packing and moving. They could have set up a rotation of helpers. Some being able to pitch in more than others but everyone helping in some way. I do not like what has happened here. Stay strong Joanne! I'm sorry you had to do this move alone.

    1. The four not in college out west did volunteer. But then it had to be a Sunday, the only day one has off, and coordinating that became too mind boggling, plus then hiring a moving truck for Sunday and so on and so on and so on, and I gave up.

  12. I'm with your other blogging friends--you should have had help! And to take as long as it did to get your replacement card is unbelievable. Life is definitely backwards in some ways.

  13. I'm so sorry you've been sick. It makes everything harder than it needs to be.

  14. Argh! The bank snafus are a PITA. Too bad all your blogging buddies can't come together and pack for you!

  15. I am in awe of you. I wish I could help you pack. I will be so happy to see you in your new home but I'm sure that you will be even happier.

  16. Dear Joanne- you tough cookie- energizer bunny- you! You get more done than I could ever manage - I want to be you. I will start with the pecan roll...

  17. I'm glad the card finally turned up. I've been waiting on something far less important which was posted August 9th and still hasn't arrived. The pecan roll looks delicious and you should treat yourself to another one after you unpack at the other end of your move.

  18. I had a friend who said you shouldn't be allowed to move when you're 80.

  19. you're amazing. Soon everything will be easier. You made the right decision and you are almost there.

  20. It was hard work aged 66 so not surprised it's taking you a while, but once you are into your smaller place you will be able to have a good rest. Good luck to Shelly for her exams

  21. The thought of readying to move as a senior is almost overwhelming

  22. How many more sleeps? Bet you’re crossing them off the calendar. I don’t envy you having to put it all away at the other end… least you don’t have to cook but morning coffee could be an issue so make sure you pack the kettle last!

  23. Moving is never fun, never easy. But I expect things will be better soon!

  24. I look forward to hearing you are moved, unpacked, and settling in. My sister just moved into a similar type of living arrangement and really loves it.

  25. I can't imagine trying to move alone (at any age... but especially ours). All I can say is just do the best you can and don't overdo. That cinnamon pecan roll sounds scrumptious!

  26. I hate to move having done it so much in my life. One of my credit cards moved from Visa to Master Card. Every time I logged on to my computer to check the card's progress I was notified to expect a new card soon. Finally it came after a month and a half.

  27. I think you definitely earned that pecan roll, Joanne, and it looks magnificent.

  28. Treating yourself to something nice is well deserved! Looks like you are making good progress!

  29. Pack well, lift less!
    I hope all goes well with your move. Finishing the pecan roll sounds wonderful.

  30. I've tried cinnamon rolls but not pecan rolls. I must track some down.

  31. Okay, I've come up with a cunning plan. Flood your facebook with pictures of pecan rolls. Mention that you have a half dozen of them to give away to the first six people who show up at your house. When they trample a path to your door, put 'em to work. Pro tip: Make sure that you give them a pecan roll when they are done.

  32. I've never had a pecan roll either, only Cinnabons. I'm amazed you're doing all that packing by yourself. And all this work even after that awful accident with your leg. You ARE amazing!

  33. Uh oh... I just wrote a comment and it disappeared. I hope it didn't go into your Spam box.

  34. You deserve every treat in the book and I am beyond delighted you have found a forever home that looks so perfect for you. I am in awe of your 1/2 days. I suppose if I had to I could do it but with frequent breaks. Good luck with everything my friend.

  35. Don't know what's happening to my comments :(

  36. I do hooe your moving day goes smoothly tomorrow!

  37. Sorry you had to deal with a card being compromised. We've had it happen way too often and it's really frustating. The last time I was out of town so they had to overnight the card to me. Why, when are you moving? I must have missed you talking about it earlier. Your pecan roll looks yummy. Glad you enjoyed it. Why isn't someone helping you with the packing?
    Sandy's Space
