
Saturday, September 10, 2022

Back again

I just deleted a several page rant titled Screwed again by a New York Bank. I wrote it one week ago, on return from the last Peninsula Flea. I was quite ill, and lack of the anticipated replacement card was all I could manage.

Last Sunday: I woke for the necessaries. No card.

Last Monday: I woke for the necessaries and part of supper. No card.

Last Tuesday: Ditto, plus breakfast. I like breakfast. I get up for breakfast. Visited admissions lady, pocketed keys. Card arrived, picked up script and some food. (Out of food by now.)

Last Wednesday: I still slept all day, and ate some food, and wrapped my fingers around moving on the 19th. Went back to sleep.

Last Thursday: Made two boxes, packed one. Read some blogs, ate some food, slept a lot.

Yesterday: Packed and napped.

Today: Packed a lot more and napped. 

The studio is done; the bathroom is done, except last minute stuff. It's a week to go and just my bedroom to do. Sounds like an easy week of packing and napping.

I must get back into a regular routine! Next week!


  1. I'm sorry to hear you've been sick as well as needing to pack. I thought the packing was keeping you offline. Hope it goes well from now on. At least you have a working card.

  2. Sick on top of moving?? Very unfair. Glad you're improving!!

  3. Oh dear! This sounds very hard. All the best.

  4. Hari OM
    Aw heck, it's just exhausting, ain't it? Sending you some of the POTP I keep in reserve and hope you can feel the Love and strength. Once moved, you can take a couple of weeks to nap and unpack and nap again... YAM xx

  5. Be sure to wear a mask when you go into the hallways and common areas of your new place. Consider making anyone who comes into your apartment wear a mask. Covid hangs in the air for 3 hours. Keeps the cooties away. Linda in Kansas

  6. Joanne, I'm so sorry to hear you were facing all these challenges at once. Life sometimes dumps everything bad at the same time. It sounds like you are recovering from illness in a steady if not quick manner, and I'm glad you received your card, finally. Good luck with the rest of the packing. xx

  7. Oh gosh, Joanne. I'm sorry you're having to tackle moving when you're not feeling 100% . You are amazing though and I have a feeling you'll get everything finished in time.

  8. Full steam ahead Joanne - half pace only this week! Once you’re settled you can work your way up the gears again.

  9. Nearly there xx big hug .((0))

  10. You'll be very glad to have all this behind you, Joanne, and get settled into your new digs.

  11. I hope you are feeling better. It looks and sounds like you've had a rough patch. Let's hope once moved in to your new place all will change and things will go smoothly.

  12. What do you think you were sick with? This is so unfair. Do you have any help with the packing?

    1. Some sinus infection; my nose ran like a sump pump the entire time. Disgusting.

  13. They say that moving home is the most stressful ordinary event that happens to us. Having no access to money/food must make it that much worse.

  14. One day at a time you'll get there.

  15. Hope you are feeling better and can get some help with the rest of your packing and moving. Glad you got the card straightened out. How frustrating!

  16. Good luck with the move. I hope it all goes smoothly.

  17. Sorry to hear you were feeling ill and still have to deal with packing. I gather you've woven off all the warp. I find it hard to get back to a regular routine once it's been interrupted. Like now. but getting the box packed for shipping should do it.

    1. I sucked in a deep breath and cut it and taped it. We'll see if it survives.

  18. Sounds like a rough time, Joanne, a move and sickness combined sucks the marrow from your bones. I am glad you can sleep and you sure have accomplished a lot :)

  19. I wish you that the transition will be easy and comfortable and soon you will feel wonderful.

  20. You did well with the packing after the frustration with the bank card.

  21. It seems you had a week of problems. Now I look forward to you having weeks and weeks of smooth sailing.

  22. Wow sounds like covid even though you passed the tests. The extreme fatigue and nose running like a faucet were my covid symptoms but I guess there are other virus and germs out and about.. It also sounds like you are feeling better and that is good,

  23. Enjoy your week of packing and napping. And glad the new card arrived. Take care.
