
Wednesday, August 31, 2022

As hard as I try...

The next couple of weeks are to be all about packing, to move on the 18th. I really have little to pack, so that's good.

One thing I need not pack is my trusty credit card. Sunday morning the first message that greeted me wanted to know if I made a certain purchase. "Yes" and you're good to go; "No" and your credit card is suspended. You guessed the answer. A new card will be in your hands in five days.

In the meantime, I must reserve a moving truck and give them a down payment. It's the same company that moved me the last couple of times, and Tammy said "That's OK; you're truck is reserved.

I need groceries by Friday, or I will be eating at my sister's. I'm getting my hair cut tomorrow. I always put that on my debit card, which could bottom out now. And worst of all, I have to refill my $300 script and that always goes on the credit card! I could wish the damn little thief would rot in hell, but we know that will never happen. 

Tuesday I went to the orthopedic place to be fitted for the foot brace that will lift my toe. I like Laura, the orthidic specialist. I was her last patient of the day, and she was completely willing to review all my options with me. In short, my lack of exercise has caught up with me; I need to develop stronger legs and hips to effectively use the brace. So, I will. 

I may even spring for a bathing suit (on the new credit card) and use the pool at The Atrium. Or not. Here I am waiting for Laura to sort out the braces.

In the meantime, I've begun packing. The studio will be the worst, but the thread is done. Here is a little yellow flower I found in the drive. Yellow is happy.


  1. The timing of the credit card fraud couldn't be much worse, dangit. Not that there's a good time to have someone swiping your account.

    Good thing you already downsized a time or two. I remember the excitement of moving the loom, too, last time. Well, the movers know how to do it now. Remember some of us need your new street address..

  2. My band is an educational credit union and is so user friendly that they allowed me to use my old credit card until my new one came , but not a good idea if there is a thief involved. A swim suit sounds like a good idea, water therapy is the best!! Good end of the season sales on swim wear!

    1. bank not band- though I could start a band called Educational credit union...Catchy!

  3. I hate issues with debit or credit cards! We don't realize how much we use them until they're not available. Great photo of you!

  4. Hari om
    Goldarn it! Meanwhile, your lovely yellow flower looks like Hairy Hawksbill. Which might be a good cuss for the little b****** who made illegal purchase!!! YAM xx

  5. So the move itself wasn't traumatic enough? Someone had to mess with your credit card? Damn.
    I went through a similar situation recently and I could not believe how much it affected my life.
    Get a new bathing suit! Use the pool. Use everything they offer. Get your money's worth. And enjoy.

  6. May that thief rot in hell. Theft is much to common today. You are one very busy lady! The swimming sounds excellent and to have a pool at your home is fantastic.

  7. Bummer about the credit card. That's bad timing, universe!

  8. Might one suggest that you obtain a second credit card? We have three, since it has happened to us that we buy something in the back of the store, then go to the front to buy something else, and the card is declined. It's just infuriating. I know, horse, barn door, but maybe in the future a second one for just in case.

    1. I do have a second card. Whenever the renewal arrives, I send it through the shredder. 100% guarantee against use. If the new card isn't here on Friday, I will go to the bank and beg for the numbers.

  9. Hiss and spit at the credit card thief. And all their family.
    Good luck - with every thing. And thank you for that splash of golden happiness.

  10. As if moving isn't hard enough by itself . . . you are much more composed than I would be! That's a lovely selfie. I'm glad you like your orthopedic specialist and that she is working with you to help you get stronger. Yes, swim at the new place! Like Ms. Moon said, get your money's worth - and build your strength.

  11. Welcome to my world! I'm still fighting to get charges removed from my credit card. :/ They missed one so I had to call them the other day and ask that it be removed as well. I have several credit cards, but only carry/use one plus our debit card for our checking account. Still, I found out just like you did -- an e-mail telling me that there were questionable charges on my account and to call the credit card company's fraud division. :/ It's the pits. Why do people have to be dishonest like this??? Can't they find some kind of legitimate work to do???

  12. p.s. that's a great photo of you!!! Wish my hair looked that good! LOL

  13. Yellow is a very happy colour :)
    I hope the toe lifting helps and more walking to strengthen the legs and hips will definitely help, but take it easy, no more falling over. Please. I'm sorry your credit details got stolen. Crooks are everywhere!

  14. Looks like you made a good decision in this move and things will be fine soon.

  15. Dear Joanne, I hope all will be well! That someone stole your credit card is a nuisance with a very bad timing! Will someone help you packing?
    The little yellow flower sits here in front on the lawn of my balcony in Bavaria too. I will think of you when I see it (often!) and send you my best wishes. Britta

  16. Great move Joanne. You have it under control.

  17. You look pretty spiffy in your blue jacket, Joanne. It's a bad time to have these credit card issues, but it's obviously beyond your control when people with ill intent do bad things. Hope you can navigate through it all without too much grief.

  18. Coming to the end of the season- you might strike lucky and get a cossie on special in the sales! Squats are the exercise of the day - hang onto the back of a chair or the kitchen bench as you sink and rise (just for balance)

  19. It doesn't seem all that long since I was reading about your last move, but I guess it must have been 2 or 3 years ago.

  20. PLEASE buy a bathing suit so you can use the pool. Moving is rough, there's no getting around it. But having a pool to float around in when all is said and done is something to look forward to.

  21. How nice that you will have a pool to use. Walking in the pool is a good way to exercise because it is easier on the joints while keeping the muscles moving.
    Sorry about the credit card trouble. At least your credit card company was on top of it and it didn't cost you anything. Good luck with the move!

  22. I am sure that yellow flower is a good omen. Hope all goes according to plan.

  23. You are looking good..hope the exercising works well. Credit cards are a necessary nuisance..we only use ours when we have to!
    Moving again?! I think your address in my book is out of date it will be doubly so!!

  24. I like the photo too! Sorry about the card problem. Hope they get a new one to you soon. The Atrium looks like a really nice place (I looked it up). It will be nice to be able to either cook for yourself or go to the dining room...

  25. Using your CC online and the number of hackers/scammers only goes well for the criminals. Our card has been stolen a handful of times. No loss of cash but a big loss of time updating the places with auto payments. Because of this I will keep two separate active cards. The backup card doesn't get stolen much but I assume it's because I don't use it much.

  26. Bummer about the credit card, Joanne. I hope the move goes smoothly and the new exercises treat you well. Take care.

  27. You're looking wonderful in the photo. Too bad about the credit card. These kind of issues always put a crimp in our plans. It's a good thing you're very organized as you have a busy time ahead.

  28. All the best with the move, brace and exercise.

  29. I love the yellow flower wishing you happiness and the dung of a thousand camels on the scammer's house. I experienced the same with my bank account. Refunded quickly but they'd taken a couple of thousand. Tip from bank: check your bank account every single day.
    so much good luck on this move of yours and the brace.

  30. Dandilyons! Has it even been a year since you moved the last time? Does your new place have a gym as well as a pool? That would make it easier for you to build up strength. We have had our credit card replaced about four times I think. I'm sure it will happen again. At least they refund the funds.

  31. It doesn't seem like you've been put for a year. Time flies. There is never a good time for a credit card snafu, but the timing in your situation could not possibly be worse. The last time that I had to do all this, I was surprised to learn that my local branch had a machine and could make the new card as I waited. Is this possible for you?

  32. Our bank is very good about checking dubious-looking transactions with us. Luckily they're usually bona fide and we haven't needed replacement credit cards for a long while.

  33. Ouch on the credit card problem. Doggone it! However, I'm just so excited for you. I'll be looking forward to seeing photos of your new place.

  34. Hi, Joanne! I saw your comment on Linda Sue's blog saying you couldn't access my blog? Not sure why... I did change the url for a while, but it's back where it always was:
    Good luck with you move--I just moved in July--drop on by!

  35. Hm... seems my comment didn't go through... I was just giving you my url--I saw your comment on Linda Sue's blog that you couldn't see mine.

  36. (Oh, I see--you moderate your comments---so obviously you can delete (not post) these last 2).

  37. Great photo of you. Good luck with the move. Packing everything up is incredibly stressful! Without credit card issues too!
