
Saturday, August 27, 2022

Research complete

There has been a lot of thinking in my room, lately. The thinking has centered around winter, and what I might do to get through it. A couple of doctors recently have offered me annual visits, not semi-annual. I accepted without second thought--it doesn't snow in August!

According to The Farmer's Almanac, northeastern Ohio is in for it. Unreasonably cold and snowy. I live about where the last "a" is located in that statement on the map. Last winter also was unreasonably cold and snowy. We had 20" of snow accumulated in the drive outside the garage; any car left in there would have been snowbound.

On the other hand, that same 20" was moved in increments from the hundred foot sidewalk to the top parking area, and then piled higher and higher around the two or three cars parking there. I didn't want to deal with one flake of it this winter, and by the time I thought of it, neither did any of the snow removal outfits that worked in the township. No plow company would take on the job.

Another problem is my solitude. I like it too much. I need someone to say "Let's go for a walk!" "Let's go to the gym!" And in my usual in for a dime, in for a dollar, I decided it's time to go all the way.

I've spent a deal of time these last couple of weeks interviewing independent living facilities. I had to know if they could accommodate my business, my car, my deliveries, and then all my wants, like a card game, a gym, a studio apartment.

The most common strike-out was a waiting list. Next was lack of the size/price point I wanted. Several offered the next size up at reduced rent, but I have become so leery of rental agents, no thanks. These places are all owned by people interested in profit. Then there was the right size, on the second floor, without an elevator.

I kept my eye on a community that looked perfect on paper (actually, the internet). I exchanged texts with the Community Coordinator; she would return my call the next day, the next day, the next day; she was swamped with tours. An assistant did call to offer apologies and we set up an appointment for yesterday, the last tour of the day, though there were two on the schedule for today, Saturday.

Jan came with me; two old ladies on canes. The Coordinator was personable and knowledgeable. I patiently sat through the sales pitch, and all I wanted to do was see the room I knew was still available. The boxes I needed ticked were. 

When we came to car and snow, the concierge will clean your car and drive it around to the main entrance for you. "We keep snow cleared; safety is first!" It actually says that on their front page: 'A senior living community specializing in "quality of life with safety in mind."' I almost signed on the dotted line right there. But I still needed to see the room.

Bigger than my current digs. The Coordinator was pointing out where the previous tenant had positioned his bed, his sofa, his blablabla. And I said to Jan, "The bed goes into this walk in closet, plus my clothes.

There is a storage area across from my door to store all the wheel chairs and walking aids and other miscellaneous I have accumulated. The community laundry room is one more door down.

Three enormous windows are positioned along the wall behind the "bed". The first two windows are set into an alcove; the third has a very deep window seat in the alcove in front of it. Something mechanical is enclosed by that window seat, and I asked the Coordinator to learn what. 

I asked my sister, "What would love to occupy that window?", and she said "You tell me; I'm not putting any ideas into your head!"

"A cat!"

"You can't have Toby; Bek loves that cat!"

"I know, and he's all hers!" I asked the Coordinator, "Pets allowed?"

She answered "Small dogs and cats."

"Sounds like a calico to me," I said to Jan.

Deal done. Sometime in September I will be in the last efficiency in The Atrium of Aurora. Ohio, that is.



  1. So happy for you. Looks like a wonderful new home.

  2. This sounds like a perfect fit, Joanne! Yay!

  3. Congratulations! You really make things happen when you set your mind to it! Dare I ask about the loom? -Jenn

    1. It comes with. That was a box that needed checked.

  4. Well done vou! Your friends will feel better knowing you're safer, and with an interesting social life too.

  5. OK then! Decision made. I do hope you'll be happy there.

  6. Gotta have room for that loom so great thinking on the bed - I’m sure you’ll come up with an idea on how to make it fit.
    lol and the bathroom/toilet is right next to the front door, handy for when you return from whatever and are bursting to go:)

    1. That closet is over 8x8; plenty of room for a six foot bed.

    2. Taking the closet door off the hinges - having an opening instead - will make a difference. Open plan, maybe warmer if there’s no heating duct in there.

  7. Well done you. And hooray for sharing your space with a cat.

  8. Well done Joanne! The space looks perfect for you, a calico and the loom.

  9. I don't see a laundry, is there a washing machine in the bathroom? Or a separate shared facility somewhere else? I know for sure I couldn't sleep in such a tiny space as a wardrobe, but that's me. I'm glad you found the perfect space with snow shovelling and valet assistance with your car.

    1. No, there are enough washing machines and dryers just across the hall.

  10. I always think of Ohio as much further west and every time I look at my atlas I am surprised at how close to the east coast you are.

    1. 8 hours to the Atlantic Ocean, 8 hours to the Mississippi River.

  11. That's a hard decision to make. Glad you took it on.

  12. I've heard of 'in for a penny, in for a pound', but never 'in for a dollar, in for a dime'. As an American, you'd think the situation would be reversed!

    1. Also: Well done on finding suitable accommodations. I'll miss seeing photos you post here of Toby, however.

    2. I'll make a note to ask Bek for a snap, now and then. Better over her legs than mine!

  13. That's so great! I'm happy for you! Winter concerns should be greatly lessened. Plus a new cat!!!!!

  14. Oh wow! You really did your research and came up with the perfect place for you. I am so excited for you. That's a big decision. I am not looking for the day when I will have to make that decision too. I'll look forward to seeing your photos, once you're settled.

  15. Oh my word!!!!! I am sooo happy for you! Oh my gosh! And I think we may be a bit closer to finding our new nest as well. Oh my goodness... blessings do abound. I think you're going to be very happy there. Where will you put your loom?? In the living room corner facing out into the living room so you can weave and watch t.v.? LOL Huge hugs of happiness to you.

    1. Running the length of the wall with windows, not pictured, but behind the "bed".

  16. Good for you to move to a senior residence. It's very hard to shop for these places as they are all just a bit different.

  17. Congratulations. I hope you enjoy your new digs.

  18. "Efficiency" is the right word to describe the apartment - it's compact and yet has everything you need. Except the cat, which I trust you'll have no trouble finding :) Well done on what most people would find to be a difficult decision - but you are a practical person and you've found the right spot. I'm so glad you did!

  19. Sounds like you made a well-thought out decision. Can't wait to see pics once you're settled in !

  20. It seems many of us are thinking ahead to the winter and the challenges it brings as we get older. I'm impressed you seemed to find a new home in short order. I'm so glad it ticks all your boxes.

  21. So glad you have found an ideal spot to live in. Also have my eye on a place, but in my case it is a matter of waiting for a flat to come up. I also enjoy my solitude, though in my family it is called anti-social.

  22. Hari OM
    I had a gander at their website - looks grand! Joanne, you had managed another year without having to take this decision, but now it is here and it looks to me like the perfect choice... as I sleep in what is effectively a walk-in closet (The Den within The Hutch), I totally agree with your plan for that!!! Can't wait to see it set up and who your new com-paw-nion will be!!! YAM xx

  23. It seems not so long ago, Joanne, that you just moved to where you are now, so I have all my fingers and toes crossed for you that this works out well.

  24. Sounds like a good move. I seem to remember you had more than you deserved of snow last year - or even the beginning of this year.

    1. Yes, at one point both Kay and I were literally snowed in. The regular snow behind the cars, plus the load thrown by the snowplow.

  25. I had almost forgotten how high our snow got lied last winter. Fortunately, the removal guy did most of it, but even shovelling the bits and pieces and tossing them up was becoming problematic by the end.

    The place sounds right for you.

  26. Very exciting, and a good plan.

  27. This sounds perfect! I so admire your ability and perseverance when it comes to coming up with solutions and answers to your requirements and needs. I think you are going to be very happy here. Now of course I want to know things like- will you be making your own meals or eating in a dining room? I am so nosy.

    1. Like me--have to know everything. Two daily meals are in the plan and no refund if not eaten, so two problems addressed. 1. I need to eat; 2. I really don't like to cook.

    2. Sounds very good. I hope the food is more than decent.

  28. Congratulation, Joanne, and my admiration to you that you mastered all difficulties and acted!
    To put the bed into that walk-in closet seems a good idea to me - unhinged doors for moving and air, maybe a curtain? <- Woven by yourself?

    1. I've completely overlooked removing the door, though I did that for Laura in the trailer. I'll ask maintenance their opinion.

  29. Wow, this sounds excellent! And unexpected to me at least. It sounds like a great place for you!

  30. Is moving easy for you?
    I'm not sure I could pick up and move quickly. I've gotten too comfortable here, even if my place seems at times to deteriorate quicker than me.

    1. I have so little stuff left. I've enlisted grandchildren and a friend.

  31. Oh, Joanne! This is perfect. Except having to move again. But yeah, more room, safety and security, car and snow dealt with, no more drama in the house, all the help and company you need, and get to be Gramma again without getting permission. Good for you. You are a force to be reckoned with.

    1. Thanks, Ellen. I will have some stories to tell, but kindly.

  32. I live in a rent-controlled independent living facility (as you may recall). It's funny I was looking at your layout before I read your further comments and thought: I'd put the bed in that large closet. Delighted you thought the same. It looks fine Joanne, and you'll feel so much safer and less reliant on others. Congratulations and well done!

  33. This sounds wonderful, really. On your own, in your own digs, safety, company if you wish for it and freedom. Perfect!

  34. Congrats, Joanne! Looks like a terrific setup. Best wishes for many happy years there!

  35. Best of luck in the new apartment. "Bigger than my current digs" sounds good. I hope it's nice and warm come winter.

  36. First of all, I'm awfully glad to see that I'll be escaping the 'unreasonably cold' winter. Secondly, I have to say that what I admire about you is your practicality. You're definately a person who takes a good look at the big picture and then rolls up her sleeves to do what needs doing.

  37. Sounds great but I would get something in writing saying you can have your bed in the closet.
