
Monday, July 18, 2022

I am so pisscited

Here's a story from the time I was an exhibiting weaver. We exhibitors would arrive at our venue, generally the evening prior, load in our display and our stock, set up an attractive booth. The next morning we arrived early, ran our vacuum, dusted down the display,  stashed our personal belongings out of sight, and waited for the doors to open.

It also was a good idea to engage with the spirit of the show. Customers come to have a good time and it's the job of every exhibitor to help them have a good time. When I was ready to open but it wasn't yet time to open the doors, I often walked the show, exchanging greetings, encouraging new vendors. 

New vendors would ask, "Is this a good show?", and I became so known for saying "This is a GREAT show! I LOVE this show," that groups of exhibitors saw me coming and started the chant "I LOVE this show" when I was still ten booths away.

So, long story short (haha), at a show in Virginia, I had to scoot to be back at my booth on time. though I was safe because I was at the left end of the show. When the doors open and the crowd surges in past the ticket booth, they turn right. I know a lot of things about how people behave!

It was a regular school day, a Friday, and a little girl dragging an older woman broke from the crowd and turned left. She definitely was in charge of her little train, and all the way I could hear her saying "I am so pisscited! I am so pisscited!" They stopped in my booth and I learned she was six and in the first grade, but her aunt had her mother call her off school that day to come to the show, and she was so pisscited.

That's still a good way to be, most mornings.

Shara, the woman who redid my web page, within the parameters of the program, is done. I am so pisscited. I had no idea an old weaver could look so good. Send me more pictures. You all feature large in the new format. The whole site is good. I am so pisscited.

Click on the circle of towels at the top of the column on the right and you go straight there, any time. Or click on the link, Everything Old is New Again.Shop, and there you go, this time.


  1. You certainly sound pisscited! Congratulations on the new updated website and your whole attitude to life. I want to be Joanne when I grow up!

  2. A HUGE congratulations on the website! I had a visit and it’s perfect! You are one of my inspirations, Joanne. I thought you should know that. - Jenn

  3. We are all so pisscited. That little girl has the right idea.

  4. Sounds great! I was first worried that you were pissed and excited at the same time. A child's viewpoint is wonderful Linda in Kansas

  5. Pisscited is an excellent way to be..

  6. What cute stories of your exhibiting days. I'm so pisscited to see the new website. Congratulations!

  7. I’m another who wondered if you’d been on the beer……I looked at the website and am piss…whatever too

  8. LOL ... toooo funny by half! I can just picture that little girl!! Hugs and congratulations on the new web site. Excellent job!!

  9. Hari OM
    That's the way, J, you have every right and reason to be pisscited about your site - it's fab!!! YAM xx

  10. When I saw the word I thought it came with old age, Joanne! Your site looks quite wonderful; clean, crisp, easy to read.

  11. I am so pisscited for you! That web site is amazing! The "Where the Towels Live" is absolutely genius.

  12. Pisscited - wonderful word and I just may have to use it! Your new website is very nice! Congrats!

  13. Your web lady did a great job but of course it's the towels that are the star. one of my blue towels is currently hanging from the stove handle just like the picture I sent you.

  14. What a great word, A wonderful abbreviation of "I was so excited I could pee" :D

  15. I love how little kids talk and think. You have many wonderful memories of your shows; no wonder you look forward to them so much.

  16. Love the website, I can see why you are so pisscited! I wrote about my children and their mispronounciation of words just today. Made me all warm and fuzzy .... or that log my head hit did more than I thought!

  17. I see Paddington has been assisting you. He doesn't look especially pisscited about it though.

  18. I can see why you are so pisscited. It looks wonderful and loved the story as well.

  19. great story! Did the little girl get something from your booth?

  20. Pissited...OMG, that will stay with me for sure. And no doubt you as well. The things that come out of yougin's mouths.
    Sandy's Space

  21. Your web page is fantastic, If it was mine I'd be pisscited too|!

  22. This is just so cute. I loved seeing all the good homes where your towels have been adopted.
