
Saturday, July 23, 2022

A hesitant post

I am double vaccinated and double boosted. I've had a shingles shot, a pneumonia shot, but no flu shot yet this year. I've read all of those shots, including a flu shot, add to protection against covid. In unison they rev up the old immune system, tuning it up for the job. Oh, yes, and the mask. Don't forget the mask.

A week ago, I learned that one of the four of us in the house has covid. The ground rules for limiting exposure were laid out and time went on. On Tuesday I went to the dentist for the first two of four very expensive fillings. The older one grows, the more ancient and obsolete one's dentistry becomes. Like all antiques, its repair and restoration can become a budget line item.

My head still not entirely clear when I came through the front door, I took a phone call from upstairs. I could be completely wrong on the timing, but no matter. Now two of the four occupants have covid. I was strongly encouraged to move out of the house for a time.

I'd stopped at the house to use the toilet; it was before the drug store on my way home and I had scripts to pick up. So, I turned over evacuation on my way, waiting in line and on the way home.  I decided to stay put. I have nowhere to go; I live here, for crying out loud. I was working on a new web page, and don't have a portable computer. I desperately need to weave, after straightening out my warp.

The threads are skipping everywhere to get to a heddle. If you're not a disciplined fiber person, you may never see it. Here's the secret: it's not how they begin, it's how they end up.

And this is where the thread ends up, in the front of the loom, to be woven. Weaved? Fastened down with horizontal threads. By the time 440 heddles and 220 reed dents have their way, it's a nice warp, ready to weave.

Back to sitting in line at the drug store, I decided I will not leave; there is no place to reasonably go. So I added a large cannister of Lysol wipes to the drug order. I was pleased to read not only its claim of killing 99.9% of viruses and bacteria, it is proven also to kill covid-19 virus.

My plan became to wear a mask when required and be armed with a wipe when in any common area of the house, like the kitchen or living room. Most everyone who had my explanation of my plan agreed.

So there you have my exciting week, condensed into a short column. I read that Bannon drank his own Kool-Aide. I like that, though I suspect it will be years before he serves his day in prison. I only know what I know about the Jan6 hearings what I hear from you. I have not been able to watch one minute.

But, here is what the new warp is looking like! It's denim blue.


  1. Good luck, Joanne. I would have done the same. Plus, you're so thoroughly vaccinated that even if you get it, the result may be mild. Biden's doing well, apparently. And your defense plan sounds very, well, sound.

  2. Oh, please be careful. I so enjoy your posts and I would hate to hear you also have acquired that pesky virus. Can you map your house into zones, some of which are yours and some are for the inflicted? I know sharing a kitchen and bathroom can be tricky, but your other housemates owe it to you to keep as healthy as possible.

  3. Hari Om
    It is far from done with us, that lurgy. And vaxx is no guarantee, it turns out... sorry to deflate. It does, at least, appear to minimising effects for most folk. You are doing all the sensible things, Joanne, and that is all that any of us can do. The bug will do what bugs do and we take our chances. Staying put and weaving seems to me to be an appropriate defiance! YAM xx

  4. I pray you stay Covid free, Joanne.

  5. So scared for you... having that close of an exposure to the virus is really bad. Sooo sorry. And Bannon is just like Trump--they can't believe anyone would think they did anything wrong--ever! They live in an alternate reality--one that you and I have never visited.

  6. Scary stuff. But, as you say, go where? What guarantee is there that another place will be safer? I think you're doing what you can, can't do more.

  7. That looks really pretty, Joanne. As for COVID, it's very scary how contagious it is. And it's everywhere. Granted, my daughter caught the virus on the way home to Illinois from Hawaii and quarantined in the guest bedroom while her husband left meals for her out side the door. Thankfully, no one else in the house caught it. I'm glad you're staying safe.

  8. Take very good care of yourself, Joanne. I hope you don't have it, and if you do, that it's very mild and soon gone.

  9. OHHH that is a pretty blue! Whatever this new version of covid is it is highly contagious but with all of your immunizations on board you should be fine- Or at least mild symptoms, that is what we hope. Dr. Fauci got covid, took the anti viral pills for five days so suffered very little. though he was fine, skating through that one no problem- then covid came back , visited him with a vengeance and he got decked. Please stay well- do all of the things!

  10. I think about this often, how would Jim and I isolate. I suppose the sick one would have to stay in the basement, with food left at the top of the stairs. But there is no door on the stairs. We could call each other on the phones to talk. This is not how I envisioned spending my golden years. Good luck to you with not getting it.

  11. It seems like it is ramping up here again. I am not sure how I have managed to dodge the bullet, but I have not had it

  12. I so hope that you can stay safe. Fervently. And love that denim coloured weave.

  13. You are doing the right things to keep you away from covid. I hope you don't contract covid. It's less stressful to stay at home and less stress means you have better resistance.

  14. Oh good Lord. I, too, am worried about you. And yet- what are you supposed to do? Go to the Holiday Inn for a fortnight? Keep us posted. Meanwhile, the denim is beautiful.

  15. It’s not everyone who has a home away from home and with all of required accessories too.

  16. I understand why you choose to stay at home isolating as you can. I would likely choose to stay also. Of course being a widow, I live on my own. For a lawyer's opinion on the Jan. 6 hearings Dershowitz has compelling opinions,his online show is The Dershow.

  17. Love that blue! I agree with your decision. I too am double vaxxed and boosted with a flu shot and am mask wearing. This latest variant is so contagious though. Hope you can avoid it!

  18. I don't think we can't escape the BA.5 variant. Those of us who escaped the others are dropping like flies. It took me two rounds of Paxlovid but I am finally testing negative and starting to get my strength back.

  19. Keeping my fingers crossed that you will escape the covid bug! Or, failing that, if you do get it, your symptoms will be very mild. You're vaxxed to the max so here's hoping!

  20. Oh Joanne, so sorry to hear about the Covid. This new variant is spreading fast. DH and I got the 2nd booster last week. DH did fine, but it did knock me down for 24 hours. But as you said, that was hopefully ramping up my immune system. And it may not deter us from catching it, but hopefully it will keep us out of the hospital. I will say that when he had it last January, it was mild and I stayed here and didn't catch it. You do what you can... wear your mask, keep your distance, and use your lysol wipes!

  21. I love the blue of your new towels. I'm like you if anyone contracts Covid in my household. Where would I go? It's so expensive to get a hotel for the time one is required to isolate. I think you do the best you can in the situation and your plan sounds like a good one. I use the same Lysol wipes for regular cleaning and now for cleaning during the time of Covid. I hope you will be just fine with your plan.

  22. I would have stayed put as well. Where on earth could you have reasonably gone? As Red said, that would also create stress and stress affects your immune system too. You have done all you could do. At least this variant is not making people as sick - far less so. Hospitalizations are up but that's because so many more people are catching it. Wearing a mask is a good idea, in fact you could wear two and that would be even better (if you can still breathe in the hot weather); the sick ones should wear them too when they are using common areas, even if they are alone there. The virus can remain in the air where there's not good air circulation. Finally, work is really a wonderful antidote to worry and anxiety. You are smart to immerse yourself in it. Sending you love and good wishes. Keep us updated, please.

  23. Jeepers! I'd keep your bedroom door closed, and any parts of the house that are just your's. Consider wearing an N95 mask or one with 3 layers of cloth and/or filter when you leave your room. Once or twice a day wiping down commonly touched surfaces should be good. I used to do it every shift change at my home care patient's house when covid first started, long before we determined it was not from contact as much as respiratory. Better yet: wear one of your lovely new blue towels on your nose and mouth like a bank robber! Hang in there; drink water. A motel or hotel would be an expensive option, and probably not as clean as your square footage in your current spot. Linda in Kansas

    1. Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those peepers?
      Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get those eyes?
      That is the extent of what I know of that song. Bet I find it on the world wide web.

  24. H.I. never caught it from me, and we live together.

  25. It's an odd disease, picking and choosing who to infect. You may not get it. If you do, it may be mild. Thankfully you have been fully vaccinated and boostered, that will likely keep the worst of it away. Honestly, it's hard to avoid these days. My husband and I both had it in early June. Make sure to have water, Tylenol, Dayquil, and Mucinex on hand in case you do get it. Those really helped us get through. Oh, and sleep. Lots of sleep. You are in my thoughts.

  26. My neighbor got Covid and his wife and son did not. They share the same home and did much of what you are doing. My neighbor took Paxlovid for 5 days and he said it helped him tremendously. Being over 65 qualifies you for Paxlovid. (One call to his PCP and he was provided the drug.)

  27. I hope you don't catch Covid but your decision is sound to stay where you are.
    I love the blue of those towels! Stay well!

  28. Yes, that was my thought, where would you go. Though I thought there were only three residents in the house. I hope the two infected are wearing masks in the common areas and not just you.

  29. Fingers crossed for your safety and wellbeing Joanne. This is a highly contagious variant and vaxxes aren't as effective. Take every precaution. And yes it reinfects are after a stupendously short period of time.

  30. I do like that color. I do like the fact that you are making work work.

  31. I got covid at Heathrow in London. When I tested positive I asked my husband if he wanted me to isolate. He said no. He got it from me three days later. We got paxlovid prescriptions and felt like we had colds for about a week. After two years of waiting for the other shoe to drop, it dropped kindly. (We're 73 and 79).

  32. I really like the pattern and colors. Great choices.

  33. I think you did the reasonable thing: stay. And I wish you with all my heart, that you don't get Covid. You have done what you could to be protected - and we all cannot flee forever. Good luck - and the weaving is beautiful!

  34. I've been vaccinated four times but I still caught covid a few weeks ago. It's a sneaky old thing. Symptoms were fairly mild but my throat was incredibly painful when I sneezed or coughed.

  35. Stay healthy! I'd do the same - home is home.

  36. I love that blue. I know you love it, too; it's probably in your genes. I think "staying put" is the sensible thing to do, especially since weaving is so essential for your well-being. All those precautions you're arming yourself with sound sensible too. Good luck and good health!
