
Wednesday, July 27, 2022

No covid, hurrah, hurrah

I wonder if emerging Covid free from essentially two sources of exposure has anything to do with being O-, mosquitos don't bite me, I'm naturally immune to smallpox, not to mention Lysol wipes, mask and, oh, yes, quarantining.

That was written late last night, after our text messages were flitting from phone to phone. The other person felled by covid was cleared! I dashed off that paragraph, intending to write an entire posting today, while the length of toweling went through the washer and dryer.

Then, one of us tested positive this morning, at the end of many days of negative, and was given five more days of quarantine. I flipped over to the news feed, to find something happy to write of. The good news is, it's 72 degrees, going on 80, thunderstorms predicted. I guess that's why I was looking around for my jacket.

I literally found nothing else. I started listing the bad news, and just deleted that paragraph. There was a snippet about Instacart retaining its share in the fairly new delivery market. Currently it adheres to a thirty minute program, and is considering adding a fifteen minute service.

This sort of competition is stupid, but that is only my opinion in relation to my very unique lifestyle. Still, haste makes waste!

I haven't described my lifestyle lately, related to delivery services.  I'm not driving for Instacart, but I have subscribed in a big way. I've settled into a routine of weekly ordering. It's not from my preferred store, Kreigers. That is an independent store and does not use Instacart. I've settled on the Heinen's in  Hudson.

On the whole, it's an excellent service. I keep a running list, and when I'm down to nothing for supper, I call in the order. On the whole the shoppers have been good to excellent. The fails with inexperienced shoppers have been sad. I asked one to substitute Land of Lakes unsalted butter for my brand she could not locate. I got a plastic tub of Land of Lakes butter/canola oil spread. Sad.

However, one of my first substitutions introduced me to Asian cuisine. That shopper knew his way around the frozen entrées. I need to look into the shopper protocol and see how I can select a tried and true. There may be no solution to peanut butter for some time. A shopper substituted Skippy natural peanut butter for my order, and I was a long time stirring up and eating it.

The good news I do know is that the toweling has cleared the washer and dryer and is ready to cut and hem. Here is a happy picture. Remember this? Many of us missed the gun on the back wall. Any ideas on what it is?


  1. Cheers on the negative covid. And I do love that picture. I love pictures with layers of meaning like the gun on the wall.
    And the news, very little of the good variety in this decaying world of ours.

  2. Hari Om
    I scan the headlines each day - you know, habit - then move on to that which uplifts; blogs, vlogs, puzzles, books... Well done for staying -ve and may it ever be thus! YAM xx

  3. Cool juxtaposition, with the flowers framing the gun. Shades of the 60's daisy in a rifle barrel.
    Amazed that My Guy and I are still Covid-free, although I'm sure I've just jinxed us both.

  4. I like your intention to remain positive and post happy things. A good example to follow.

  5. Big cheers on remaining Covid-free! Isn't it nice when things work out in our could not happen to a greater person. I'm glad for your good fortune. It does sound like you know how to play the shopping game. I've not used this service but will always remember your shopping system. I do love the picture. I'm not adverse to guns and have relatives that hunt and shoot skeet. Personally, I have no desire to own a gun nor shoot. In my view, the issue is keeping guns out of the hands of the wrong people.

  6. I'm grateful I've remained COVID free, too. I avoid crowds, and even small gatherings. Instacart would be wise to let you have a preferred shopper, but I suppose taking the person you get is part of having your order delivered in a timely fashion. An aspect of the job people probably like is doing it only when they want the work. I had to look and look before I saw the gun and would not have noticed it at all if you hadn't mentioned it. It blends into the background.


  7. Very good to read that you've evaded Covid for the duration. I'm due my second booster; it's not yet scheduled.

    I like that one of the shoppers inadvertently broadened your palate. :D

  8. The gun in the picture is very mysterious. I wonder what message the artist was trying to give there?
    I'm so very happy that you're still negative. May you remain so. Do you suppose there's been any studies done on rates of covid within different blood groups? I think there should be.

  9. It’s good to hear you are Covid free, Joanne. Not by accident though. You worked hard to avoid it.

    I noticed lots more people in masks again when I was at the store this morning. I haven’t taken mine off.

  10. The best of all good news is that you're remaining free of covid!

  11. So glad you continue to be covid free! There was a study a while back which dealt with different apparent susceptibility in different blood groups. I didn't pay much attention, not having any idea what my blood group is.

  12. Yay for NO COVID!! It's been almost 2 weeks and in spite of a heavy-duty exposure from Grandson's babysitter, we've all remained negative. Fingers crossed. I use the pick up services from my local grocery store and they are efficient and usually quite logical about their substitutions. (although I don't like unscented cat litter)

  13. I hope you never get COVID. I have not had it either.

  14. Thanks for the info on Instacart... I kind of knew about them but hadn't really checked them out before. I Googled them and discovered that WalMart delivers for free. I think part of the key to success with these delivery services is having a list and knowing exactly what you want (brand, size, etc.). As for the gun in the photo, I'd think it might be a Remington single-shot. Not a musket because the barrel is wrong...just guessing.

  15. Just did a search for that guy in your photo and the best I could do was come up with the artist's name! LOL

  16. It sounds like you dodged the Covid bullet nicely. Does your toweling throw off a lot of lint when you wash and dry it?

  17. That painting does indeed look and feel Carl Larsson, a favourite of mine. Always happy family orientated. Wonder if that was the wife mending the laundry, as for the gun probably for hunting in the 19th century. Glad you are Covid free.

  18. No idea on the picture.
    Glad you missed out on Covid, but wondering how does one be automatically immune to smallpox? I was vaccinated as a baby leaving Germany, and I've read that vax lends some immunity to the new monkey pox doing the rounds, although that is mostly confined to men who have sex with men.

  19. I am so glad that you remain covid free. I am clueless on the gun - and had to look several times before I saw it.

  20. The woman looks as though she’s ‘in a cabin, in the woods’ so maybe the gun is protection - from what I don’t know. The whole picture doesn’t have an old fashioned look to it though…1920s maybe

  21. Well done for staying have enough problems without adding that!!
    We are toying with the idea of online shopping, as the delivery charge is about the same as fuel ...however the substitution game is something we don't feel like playing!

    It is a happy picture...but that gun on the wall??

  22. To be COVID-free is good! Please stay that way. I have never used a store delivery service and as long as I can avoid it I will do so. Yesterday, for example, I bought green onions and some of them looked pretty sad. I picked through until I found a good bunch but I wonder what a store packer would do.

  23. I'm so pleased that you don't have Covid! YEAH! :)

  24. We have used only ‘natural’ PB for years. Once you get used to it, the other tastes wrong. Mind you, it isn’t me whol does the stirring. 😀

  25. I've started reading the headlines on the news feed - once in a while I read the attached story but then it just annoys, frustrates, makes me sad - so I go back to headlines only. Good to hear - no covid. Gun on the wall?? Maybe a many great grands weapon in case of hostile beast or man??

  26. The picture strikes me as perhaps from an older time (I can't find anything modern in it, at least) and the gun as just a decoration from an even older time. I'm glad you're still Covid-free, or that's how I read your post anyway. Keep up the good work :)

  27. Never tried grocery shopping service. I have seen the workers in the store. On time I figure out this person who was intensely studying her smartphone and checking her cart was working a a service. I finally interrupted her because she was blocking an item I wanted of the shelf. I'm glad the service works good for you.

  28. Don't know the rifle. Civil war perhaps. We use the services offered by Ralphs or Vons. G says they will do.

  29. Yes the painting is by Carl Larson - google ‘Carl Larsson, Syende Flicka’
    “The elegant composition captures a quiet moment of needlework in the so-called "Workshop" at Lilla Hyttnäs in Sundborn. The room in question originally served as a studio before the new larger (Sweden's largest in its time) studio was inaugurated on New Year's Eve 1899. In connection with this, Karin Larsson moved in with her looms in the old space which was later called "the Workshop". The room, which also served as a living room for the whole family, is still dominated by a yellow mother-of-pearl panel and green carpentry”
