
Saturday, July 16, 2022

A couple more shoes to drop!

Jan came in at ten this morning, to change out spools while I wound on the missing bout. This was yesterday's eleven bouts:

This is today's eleven bouts:

And why do the threads look messy? Because they are! At one time they were so neatly tied on to all those threads hanging from the heddles. But then new bouts cannot be wound on. Sadly, off tension, thread loses much of its snappy, polite persona, and just goes limp. This warp will be the ugliest of my life. I'll treat you to a picture, when it's tied on.

I had just reached turn 101 of 125 when my sister said, "Wait, there's a thread not moving. As she searched the thread run for its position, I searched the reeds, the little metal uprights that hold the thread. When I could not locate the missing slot, I counted. Thirty eight threads, not forty. Two missing. For 100 turns. Well, 101. I put the two through an end slot, taped them to the bout, and finished. 

Not my first time at this rodeo, either, but I gave up the tools to solve the problem around 2002, when Jan and I retired. I believe I can make the tension box work. I will make something work!

My web page is being massaged by a professional. Everything Old is New Again. That is very good news. The first page is about done, a couple of references to fix. There will be another page about cotton and towels and words to be SEO'd, Search Engine Optimization. Is there anything you'd like to see? Let me know and we'll see if it can happen.


  1. I love the new web site! It's clean, there's nothing blinking or rotating, the links work and it's perfectly elegant. Good job from your web person.

  2. I think launching a ship to Mars would be simpler than what you have to know for weaving. Good luck with that tension box.

  3. Your knowledge of weaving is amazing. Outstanding ability to problem solve when something is off is pretty impressive too. Your new web site is very spiffy. Nice job!

  4. You are one amazing person. One of my role models. I call it 'creative coldworking', when I take a piece that didn't cast well enough and cold work it, grinding and polishing, into something I can convince myself was planned. I've saved several pieces that way.

  5. At least it is all wound now and if the towels turn out less than perfect, just have a 10% off sale? Or if any flaws aren't noticeable to anyone but you, just sell them as usual.

    1. The towels will weave well, but I will have a messy warp to look at for a couple of months.

  6. Genius, that is what you are! I have known this about you all along!

  7. I like the website Joanne, very crisp and incredibly easy to navigate. Well done to all!

  8. The web site looks good - and I love that the towels live around the world. Happily, beautifully, practically...

  9. That's a lot of work and a lot of math! Whew! Linda in Kansas

  10. Excellent website, clean looking, efficient and simple to understand. As someone who could not tackle the 'tying on' on a floor loom I am completely dazzled by your skill to do the same.

  11. Hari OM
    A solution always handy - messy is fine! The site revamp, though, is far from messy; it is sleek and user friendly... More power to your loom dear lady! YAM xx

  12. I love how you refer to your thread like a living being. Which it is, of course. Your expertise is st such a level, and your results beautiful.

  13. Your new web sight is coming along well, Joanne. It looks so crisp and clean.

  14. I never quite know what you’re talking about, but you sure do.

  15. Love the web site, but when I went to it, I found no teal towels in stock. So when will you be weaving Teal again?? Or aqua? Hugs and looking good!

    1. I can move it up the line. Under duress, it takes me six or seven days to make 12 towels. I'd rather work at a more leisurely rate.

  16. "...loses much of its snappy, polite persona, and just goes limp" wow that's a description I would be careful in applying. Maybe lasagna?

    1. That crossed my mind, too, but lasagna wasn't one of the answers.

  17. Now that my daughter has her new place, I need to visit your website! :)

  18. Good Lord. How do you possibly keep up with all of that? Well, you are a professional. To me it looks like magic.

  19. Oh wow! This is so complicated. I'm sure it keeps your brain young and sharp.

  20. Uh oh.... I just published a comment and it disappeared.
