
Thursday, July 14, 2022

The centipede's other feet

Picking up where I left off, I had a loom to tie on. I even posted a picture of eleven bouts, ready to tie on.

Today I began. Why today? It's Thursday, for crying out loud. What kept you busy Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday?

I was sick. Sick. S.I.C.K. I remember saying to someone, "I'm not getting anything done! And I didn't! I slept. I sat in the recliner, totally upright. I slept. And so on.

Finally today I began tying new threads to old. Somewhere past the half way mark I wondered why there were more knots of thread through heddles than bouts of thread on the loom. I counted. There were eleven sets of thread on the loom, the bouts from the last warp, and ten sets of thread on the back of the loom.

There is only one way to solve this problem, and that is to wind on the last section. I called Jan. Now we understand why so few tubes of thread ran out. She did remind me that she was not in charge of counting.

I promised that when she arrives on Saturday, the entire set up will be returned to its Saturday state, like we just took a break! I probably will spend much of tomorrow getting that job done.

There was ample company this week. First, way outside my window, a wabbit. I sat on the bed for a long time, watching it enjoy breakfast. I've seen it before, sans a companion or baby rabbits. It seems quite alone.

And in my window, on the screen, a long-legs. He needs to pay attention, the robins often land on the screen.

And on the threshold, this moth. I do not recognize it at all.

So, back to it. I've a lot of thread to cut and tape down. The beam  cannot be turned in its current state.


  1. Well, this sounds really difficult. Hope you are feeling better than you were.

  2. Oh wow... to see all that thread, all looped nice and neat... amazing thing to see! And I love the bunny 'wabbit' too! LOL Never saw a moth like that one...wonderful coloration/design on its back. Do take care and I'll try to do the same. Seeing a new chiropractor tomorrow! My other one passed away a couple of years ago and I've not tried to find a replacement until now. Hoping it works out o.k.

  3. I stand in awe of your commitment Joanne. I can't seem to get knitting on several projects and I honestly don't know where my days go. And I'm home all the time due to lack of mobility, temporary I am hoping.
    Lovely photos.

  4. I'm sorry you were so sick you lost most of a week - that sounds like no fun at all. Good luck getting the loom job finished.

    How could you tell if it was the same wabbit every time? I had that problem with squirrels here. I thought there was just one. Then one day I saw one with half a tail. From then on I could tell there were at least two. And the one with half a tail was doing very well, fat and sassy. Maybe you have more than one and they just look alike.

  5. That's a very interesting moth--never seen one like it. I'm so sorry that you were sick. It's miserable to feel awful in the summer when the weather is so nice and there is much to do! I have a rabbit or rabbits in my yard sometimes. Or under my deck.

  6. I am so sorry to read this - and hope you are in full recovery mode now.

  7. Maybe it was all the bad politics that made you sick. Get better soon! Drink water! Linda in Kansas

  8. Sleep that heals. Hope you are feeling better.
    A Wabbit or a Hare? Nice long ears

  9. The centipede was happy, quite,
    Until the toad for fun,
    Asked which leg came after which,
    He lies distracted in a ditch,
    Considering how to run.

  10. Hari OM
    It's a Clymene Moth. Has a brightish yellow underwing when it flies. Nice spot - as are all the other critters! Glad you had them for company on what sounds like a not so fun week. And having something to do - undo - redo - gives a purpose to life, so I guess that is the silver lining here! YAM xx

    1. I came down here to say the same thing, Yamini. You beat me to it!

  11. As YAM says, it is a Clymene Moth. I don't think I have ever seen one, Joanne, so maybe they are attracted to looms!

  12. Good luck with the thread today! That is an unusual moth!

  13. I'm glad you are feeling better today. From what you say, "counting" is key and lack of counting has caused some extra work. A bit of delay is not that bad. You've got lots of creatures and they are always interesting to observe. That moth is most unusual.

  14. I hope you are better soon, dear Joanne!

  15. Sorry to hear you were sick! That's a bummer.

  16. Being sick is no fun. Glad you are better. Last fall I had a wren in the garage when I closed it up every night. Took me a while to realize it was eating all the daddy long legs that take up residence there.

  17. No longer sick ?? Right? Bright and cherry and ready to take on the small counting error.

  18. Don't you hate it when you're not well enough to function? It doesn't happen often, but it seems like the days are wasted. Of course they're not - because you are 'healing and regenerating - but since nothing practical gets done, it seems wasted. Hope you are up and running again (well, not actually running...)

  19. Glad to know you're no longer sick. The moth is lovely. I hope it's not the clothes-nibbling variety.

  20. Aack, so much work. But it will be worth it - it always is when you make beautiful things. I hope you are feeling better now.

  21. I hope you're 100% better, Joanne. That is a really unusual moth. I've never seen anything like it.

  22. Okay. That moth looks like the shield design for some medieval knight going off to the crusades. I mean, seriously! What sort of sickness did you have? You poor thing!
    I can't believe how much work it takes to get set up to weave. I'm glad you have help when you need it.
