
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Ideas, please

It snowed overnight. Worse yet, it is one-thirty this afternoon, and still snowing. I put off today's errands to tomorrow, and I cannot dodge them tomorrow. I have an appointment to be evaluated for a physical therapy program. It was another "First Available" appointment, and this one fell in April. I do not want to miss it.

Here is my dilemma. As most repeat customers know, I offer a discount eventually. It was easy to do when I managed invoices "in-house". But now I have bought a web site and have a very basic program to handle sales. The program comes courtesy of Square, the company that handles my credit card sales and provides the software on that site.

The software meets my basic sales needs; it displays my towels nicely, tells me what to ship and where, and puts the receipts in the bank. There are "add-ons" to the program, but, of course, they cost money. 

My grandson Blake helped me set up the program, and he is totally responsible for giving us the Where the Towels Live page suggested by Margaret of Camino Confidential. I asked Blake to look into a couple of add-ons I might use, and he dug down to the cost. There is no free lunch, as we know.

The cost of the programs I could use is $49 per month, after the first free month, after we've done all the work and have it up and running. That's the same as putting two towels in the trash can, every month.

How about this: when you buy the fourth towel, in the same order you can have one additional towel of your choice free, depending on availability, which you also can figure out. (When inventory drops to two towels, the program alerts the buyer to low inventory.)

Simply place your order, and send me an email saying you have now purchased four towels and want your free towel, and state the color. I will add it to your order.

Do you think this will work? Let me know in the comments, or give me any other ideas you can think of.

Whatever I decide to do, I'll advertise all over this blog, and on my web page,


  1. I think that would work just fine.

  2. That sounds like a good solution to me. I'm sorry about the snow in April.

  3. It does sound as if it will work. And what a generous offer.

  4. There is always a way around problems...hooray for lateral thinking!!

  5. Call me Scrooge, but I think you're too generous! I advocate no discount at all and no free towels. Your handcrafted towels are worth every penny and people should be glad to buy them! Handmade quality costs money. You're not Walmart!

    1. And as a hypocrite, may I just add -- thank you for the two free towels I received a few years ago.

  6. I agree with Debra actually. Why should you give a discount? I can see if you have return buyers that you want to eventually reward, you can send them a free towel but otherwise, just charge what you charge and leave it at that.

  7. I think that's a good workaround if you can depend on people to be honest. But like Debra and Ellen D. I think you are too generous but then that's who you are and I have been on the receiving end of that generosity so who am I to deny it to others.

  8. Hari OM
    It threatened snow here at the weekend too - but today it was proper spring again. That's April for ya. (As to the other matter, I can have no input, being a blessed recipient but unable to be a buyer...) YAM xx

  9. I think it's not necessary to offer any freebies. Instead, you could, without saying anything, slip in an extra once in a while to a good customer. That feels like a bigger deal to me. And it's your choice. But don't offer out loud!

  10. I like the idea but don't think it's necessary. I'm looking forward to when my older daughter and son-in-law(and grandson) move into their house so I can buy MORE towels!

  11. I think you sent your snow my way. It has snowed all day here.

  12. I agree with everyone else--your towels are too good to give away. If you want to give a bonus to someone who is a regular customer, you can give them a wash cloth that you've made from your trimmed fabric/leavings (as you gave me). That in itself is a very generous bonus.

  13. I have no idea whether or not this will work. I do wish I could buy more towels, but I simply have no more storage space, and I'm buying baby things instead these days. The twins will be needing nappies and wipes by the dozens.

  14. It sounds like you are getting a good system up and running. The important thing is if YOU are comfortable with it!

    I don't think I've spoken to anyone that is not totally done with winter! The problem is that winter is not done with us!

  15. With today's economy and your own daily expenses, I'm not sure a discount is expected. Certainly kind of you, but the towels sound good enough to not need a discount for future assured sales. Do they wipe away snow for the season? Linda in Kansas

  16. I also think that your towels are too good and should not be given away for free. Unfortunately the delivery here is very expensive. And I'm keeping your towels for many years to come.

  17. Couple of don't need to give away free towels.....maybe free shipping in a flat rate envelope ...on occasion....not all the time. I weave and sell towels, as you know, and I know that we are not nearly making what we put into them, so free towels.....except maybe for a "special".........and then it should be your choice........I have a stack of towels that are perfectly good, but maybe not my faves..........use those. As far as the web site goes.....I gave mine up.......after doing the math on a year....I realized it no where near paid me back .....and oh, the aggravation. I sell on FB......and from the if you are going to do the web the cheapest and rethink it after a year. my humble opinions.

  18. Who ever said making and selling towels would be easy!!

  19. That is a generous offer, Joanne.

  20. Very nice webpage. And, yes, I think that's a good idea and will appeal to many buyers. ps - I thought it was against the rules of the universe to snow in late April unless you live at Santa's house (you didn't move there, did you?)

  21. That's a most lovely web site,,,,especially the part that shows where they live.

  22. I think it is a great and generous offer, Joanne. I hope it will be very successful for you.

  23. More time for weaving. Hope the snow has melted by now.

  24. Dear Joanne, I think that you might shrink your very generous offer (if it is technically possible) to adding a washcloth of the same colour/fabric when people order four towels (ONE wash cloth).
    Maybe you get enough washcloths out of those 2 towels you metaphorically throw into the bin?

  25. Oh my gosh... Snow? In April? I sure hope tulips and other flowering growth were not hurt. I think it's awesome that you're going to be able to sell your beautiful towels on the web.
