
Saturday, April 16, 2022


The feeling of helplessness in the face of so much world turmoil leaves me on the whole sick in the pit of my stomach. The last time I was totally invested in change was the Women's March on Washington, 2017. Now I support so much with my money, and of course it helps, but the change? Barely perceptible. I just am overwhelmed.

Life goes on, we know. I am busy because it is all I know. I suppose I should thank the universe for my parents and grandparents, who only knew working to survive and prepare for the future. And then, my future is closer to closing than it has ever been. That's an amusing observation.

It was a busy week in the studio. Turnaround has been faster than I ever recall. Without the back and forth of changing out empty spools of warp I stayed focused on turning and wound on all eleven bouts of thread in three hours. Jan says it was two and a half hours.

I spent this week on some errands, and tying the old warp threads to new. My birthday balloons are being overwhelmed. Two have put down their heads. I wonder why they seem to be going down in order. The white was first, last weekend. Now the yellow. Blue next?

The warp is ready for weaving. One of the most uniform in some time. I spent an hour or more last night, retying each bout to the apron rod. I'm weaving the first set of towels in garnet, on the shelf back there.


  1. Yes, at the moment it's one foot in front of the other. I'm glad you have your weaving. It's important work even when it doesn't always seem relevant. It always is.

  2. Hari OM
    I agree with Boud - anything that keeps our hands busy and minds occupied helps relieve the external input, which could very easily overwhelm us all... YAM xx

  3. I also agree with Boud... and try to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Stay busy. Do what you can... even if it seems so little. Pray.

  4. For some reason, I'm very excited about this newly tied warp. Can't wait to see how the garnet towels turn out. So much work.

    1. This warp went on like butter, to quote an old family saying. The garnet is lovely. A new color for me.

  5. So often I can't finish reading Heather Cox Richardson. And I can only read so much news before I stop before the sadness threatens to overcome me.
    Keep on weaving!

  6. Things do seem worse than usual in the big world. I'm avoiding it as much as possible. I do what I can to help, but avoid the news.

  7. We're in a period of upheaval, backlash and backsliding now, it's true. It's hard not to feel despondent about it, but we can only hope for the best in the long run.

  8. Something like 3/4 of the population in the US is in favor of reproductive rights. How then, do these crazy old white guys keep getting elected and making laws that people don't want? What the hell? Arizona is just going down the rabbit hole on all of this, it's good to be gone. I miss the desert but I don't miss those people.

  9. I have nothing more to add. As you said in a comment to me the other day, all we can do is the best we can. Seems puny against so much horror and suffering.

  10. I hear you. And agree. Conservatively speaking about 10000 per cent.

  11. Observers see signs that the world is getting better (not the environment but otherwise), but if that is true it is hard to see at the moment.

  12. So much is overwhelming right now. I want to stay informed but it is painful to watch and hear. I want to help but feel helpless to do anything that actually would help. You accomplish so much Joanne and you should be proud. Your example of hard work and staying busy is a good one. Thank you.

  13. We all stand helpless before this evil that takes place before our eyes and ask ourselves how it could be that this is happening again and no one is really helping them.More of your compassion can not really be done. And you have a lot of compassion.

  14. the world of humans has always been fraught, the internet, television, radio delivered live, that is the difference i think. Always on the edge. We throw money at every rational cause as well with very little change for betterment that we can determine.We don[t know how to help, but money is not the way. We pay for specifics sometimes, like an abortion or twenty, and many, many vasectomies.

  15. I think we all share your feelings of despair, sadness, impotency and revulsion that the world stands by while Ukraine gets obliterated. In the meantime we continue to ignore or deny the climate crisis unfolding daily before our eyes. We are doomed - and not too far off either.

  16. I feel the same, Joanne. I haven’t verbalized it but the feeling is there and strong. I’m living with my head in the sand really! Sad but true!

  17. I'm so discouraged too--about the state of the world AND of the nation. I hunker down with the cat and books, take long walks and try to stay a little positive. But it's harder and harder.

  18. The apron is that cloth covered beam at the front and that's where the woven cloth is wound onto as you progress?
    The war in Ukraine makes me feel sick in my stomach too, there really is no need for it, just the greed of one small man.

  19. Despite the world in crisis, we must continue on. One day at a time. I tell myself, this too will pass. The question is: When?

  20. It's a strange time in the world when things do not seem to be making a logical progression.

  21. These are hard days. They are. But I see reasons to be hopeful. I do.

  22. I see a lot to be discouraged about.

  23. Easy to feel overwhelmed with the world view, with the country view, even the state view. Keep our heads down and do what it is in our power to do and then let go of responsibility for things out of our control. Sooner than not we will have zero influence or knowledge and it will be other people's concern. It's a good time to be old.

  24. I think a big difference is that the news of the world is so immediate. Every factoid is available on demand, and cycles through so quickly. I'm walking a fine line of keeping informed but disconnected.

  25. Good work on the weaving. I love hand crafts of all kinds and that tapestry bench cover is beautiful.

  26. I'm just amazed at the work you do and the beauty that emerges. I've read all those previous posts you put up while we were gone at a convention. Thankk you for putting all this up for I have obviously forgotten so very much.

  27. "The feeling of helplessness in the face of so much world turmoil" That sums it up very well. Putin continues his deranged assault on Ukraine, while the British government plans to send unwanted arrivals to Rwanda. And there's nothing I can do about any of it except donate to MSF and the Red Cross. It's all quite horrifying.

  28. I am always impressed with the weaving set up and more so with your weavings and knowledge. The world is a scary place these days. Sometimes there doesn't seem to be an end to the black tunnel. All we can do is keep a flashlight hands and move forward. There must be light sometime.

  29. You are absolutely amazing, Joanne... seriously amazing. After all you've been going through, you still have the stamina to do your weaving.
