
Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Doctored up, doctored out

Between missing a lot of regularly scheduled bi-annual sort of appointments from spending two months in rehab, and then missing a lot of rescheduled appointments due to being snowed in, I currently find myself doctored up and doctored out. 

Today I saw the doctor who set my femur last November for the fourth time post operatively, at three x-rays each time, plus who knows how many before, during and after the surgery. So when he told me he'd like to see me a couple more times in the next two months, I said "No". And he smiled and agreed. He mostly wants to point out to everyone how beautifully I recovered.

Last week was the endocrinologist and the podiatrist, this week the orthopedist, the pain doctor, next week another orthopedic surgeon (maybe the pain in my right hip is a degenerate hip) and today I had that bone infusion. And something is wrong with my car's steering column, and that has an appointment, too. 

The bone infusion: there was a certain smell to the antiseptic the nurse used to scrub my arm before sinking the needle. By tonight the taste of it has migrated to my mouth, and is not pleasant. She promised to send me home with some Tylenol, as I have none, but the nurse who detached me didn't provide them, and the taste in my mouth is being accompanied by a growing headache.

My sister is coming to visit tomorrow, hopefully with Tom. My Windsor chair's rungs are suffering a bad case of winter heat, and to properly treat them I need my longest clamp. It's in the basement, probably in the laundry room, or else in the garage in front of my parking place. I'm not up to those steps yet, and my sister is having ramps installed at her house for her wonky knee. Tom can't get on his knees any more, but still does steps.


  1. Maybe ask your sister to bring some Tylenol? She might have some on hand or could stop and grab some for you. Tom may charge you more since he's knees still work on steps. It's good to have a supply of Tylenol and helpful relatives around. Linda in Kansas

  2. I hope the injection works, and maybe your sister can bring Tylenol.
    I don't blame you for wanting to cut back on doctor visits.

  3. I always keep tylenol on hand, even if it takes ages to go through.

  4. I understand being tired of all those doctors' visits! Just one after another, over and over again.

  5. I think it might be a good idea to always keep some sort of pau=in relief handy at all times. Like always having a box of bandaids in the house when you have small children.
    Do you have another chair to sit in until the Windsor can be braced?

  6. I hope your sister and Tom can help and I don't blame you for being tired of doctors.

  7. For sure you're doctored up and doctored out. I hope things get sorted out for you.

  8. You have been very busy with doctor appointments. I would have said no to returning to the doctor who attended the femur. Why pay more money and take more time for things that are unnecessary. After all these specialists do get paid.

  9. Your sure are doctored out! You need a break from them for a bit. I hope you don't have much more than that headache as a side effect from the bone infusion. Hopefully that will help to prevent further breaks!

  10. I hope that this is the peak of suffering, Joanne - and that you start being over it! Yes - doctors are fine, but it is fine to have sort of control when you don't need them ALL the time. So: I wish you well!

  11. I see the wonderful picture of the towels and again want to thank you for the ones I have, every day anew I fall in love with them.

  12. You certainly are having a lot of doctoring.
    Hopefully a team effort will get your chair sorted.
    And you are still producing beautiful certainly are not one to lie down and give up xx

  13. Replies
    1. Brand name of what we call acetaminophen and you call paracetamol

  14. You seem to have had a lot of doctor's visits, something here that is missing as our local surgery is locked up and almost impossible to get an appointment there. Hope the new injection works and doesn't have too many side effects.

  15. Hari OM
    That's what happens when dams unblock... floods. Hope everything settles down nicely though. YAM xx

  16. We’re all experiencing aging issues right now. I mean I and some friends as well as you and the folk that you mention in this post.

  17. It sounds like among the three of you, you’ll find that clamp. Where there’s a will…

  18. Now I have another reason to avoid that bone med...funky smell, taste, and headache. I have a follow up with the afib doc sometime this month but I forgot to put it on the calendar.

  19. You definitely need a vacation from the doctors. Spring will be the perfect respite. Even better, tell the weather Gods to stop the snow!

  20. You ARE doctored up and I imagine, doctored OUT! Although it's good to make sure that all is being tended and watched over, there does reach a point where enough is enough.

  21. Too many appointments are as bad (worse?) than not enough. Sounds like life is getting back to normal. Yay! I have those towels!

  22. Doctored up for sure! And feeling better each day??

  23. Looks like all those visits have left a bad taste in your mouth. No wonder!! You sound quite spunky in spite of it all.

  24. I also keep Tylenol XS around as it is my 'go to' med for almost everything. Hope you can get your hands on some soon.

  25. You are indeed all doctored up. Hope you continue to heal up. Enjoy the time with your sister.

  26. Bones and steering columns both need to work well. So many appointments. Wishing you better days.

  27. Glad you have healed so well! I always have Tylenol and ibuprofen on hand, as well as bandages and all manner of itch remedies. HeWho is always into something. Tums, too.

  28. Holy smokes! You have had to deal with so much. Since I can’t smell or taste much, I can’t know if there was any smell or taste after my infusion.
