
Friday, March 4, 2022

At loose ends

I weave as much as I can each day, but my back does give out and more things to do are rather limited. I wiped down the bathroom windowsill this morning. Too much dust! This inspired a small amount of cleaning that lasted close to half an hour.

The weather is breaking freezing the end of this week. That was of absolutely no use Tuesday, when I woke to a couple of inches and a snow covered car. On the other hand, I no longer feel guilt at rescheduling a doctor appointment, and so I did with my Tuesday eye doctor appointment. 

Weather for the coming week should be beautiful. I have an interesting appointment scheduled for mid week. After years and years of declining all offers of bone strengthening drugs, the last break changed my mind. 

The femur is the biggest bone in the human body, and when I fell last fall, mine snapped like a small stick. So, I signed on for a twice annual injection. The day before I have probably my last visit to the doctor who set my femur. He says he is beyond pleased with how well my femur has mended. He probably will be pleased to learn I've become proactive in bones.

And best of all, I put new batteries in the  Netflix remote. Nothing happened when I pushed buttons yesterday. I checked all the plugs and they were secure. I tried the television remote, and it turned the TV on and off. Sadly it can only do that and change the volume. 

Removing the back cover of the down remote, I saw gas station batteries, and recalled this happened the last time, when I put in the Roku device and used the remote for the first time in months. I called Roku and described how the remote was not controlling the Roku signal. After a polite pause, while he probably leaned over and tapped his head against the wall, the nice trouble shooter suggested I needed new batteries in the remote.

That precipitated a quick trip to Marathon for batteries that solved my problem. I knew I had more AAA's in my stash, so I saved looking for them until today. I saved picking any program for later, but was so pleased to see a new season seems to be in progress. More to do while I wait for better weather.


  1. Yeah, we all need new batteries from time to time, don't we, LOL?

  2. I hope the bone issues are helped by the injections. I certainly hope for intact bones from now on.

    I wish I could plug in batteries to myself sometimes.

  3. That sounds like a huge improvement, two injections a year for bone strength. Hope the weather does improve, Joanne! It’s supposed to get warmer here but snow over two days.

  4. Good decision for pro-bone health shots! Hooray! Still be careful though! Linda in Kansas

  5. I just had the first of those bone injections. I got no warning of the side effects, which hit me like a steamroller, lasted almost two weeks and kept me from doing much of anything. Just sayin'....

  6. Hari OM
    Ah, I see Carol has beaten me to it with that wee warning of how those injections can kick like a mule! But yeah, a good decision. As for the remote and batteries... I was in that exact same position a few weeks back. I was the one banging my head at the 'duh!' realisation... YAM xx

  7. Great that your femur has healed well. Bone strengthening is a good next step. You want to feel well and able to enjoy Spring and Summer. Batteries - why can't all batteries last 10 years?

  8. When I have remotes that don't work the FIRST thing I do is change the batteries. Works every time.

  9. Good decision on the bone strengthening drugs. If anyone was a candidate for that it would be you! ; ) We just got a new Roku remote and we can tell this one what to do (up to a point).

  10. Glad that you're taking some bone strengthening steps and getting things accomplished. No guilt on the rescheduling of appointments in the bad weather. No more falls!

  11. I am so very glad your femur is mended, Joanne. I've been taking Reclast Infusions once a year, but you can only take it 3 or 4 times. I forget. I'm at my limit so I'll have to switch to something else.

    Wow! Snow? My daughter says they just removed their snow tires in Illinois. I hope they don't regret it.

  12. I'm glad to hear your femur has mended so well and that you will begin to take bone strengthening medications. It's miraculous what they can do these days in medicine.

  13. Outstanding news about your healed femur. And good idea to get that bone strengthening medication. I am all over having nothing to do days. The freedom is such a blessing.

  14. Brave you for going for bone strengthening injections, it will protect you and that it what you need.

  15. So glad that you are mending well.
    More snow?? Is that usual for you?

  16. That's great news on the bone-mending. I sure hope your bone-strengthening measures do the trick. It's such a relief when technical problems can be so easily fixed!

  17. The increased light here is lifting spirits a bit — at least until we get freezing rain tonight. 😀

  18. Sometimes we all need a little help. I hope that the bone strengthening injections have significant benefits. It's not something I had ever heard about before.

  19. Glad to hear your bones still know how to mend. I'm still rejecting the meds. Every time I hear a commercial for them and they rattle off all the possible heinous side effects all I can think is 'nope'. It finally warmed up here but next weekend a possible dip into the 30s at night.

  20. Yay for your femur! And yay for you for being proactive and taking the injections. Ellen is right- the side effects sound horrible but they are probably rare occurrences.

  21. You inspire me. Mostly, I just rub the contacts until the batteries work again. Silly me, Eye doc appointment wasn't good. I will know more in two weeks.

  22. I find myself wanting to do absolutely nothing when the weather is dreary. My son-in-law bought a SAD light for me one winter when I was really struggling. I t helped a bit, but there is no substitute for the sun! Glad you are healing and taking preventative measures. I hope it does wonders!!

  23. I am very happy to hear that there are injections that can strengthen your bones! Wonderful news!

  24. Great that you get something that will strengthen your bones, Joanne. That will charge your batteries too, I believe. I always admire the power , strength and zest you have.

  25. I had to google Roku, it's not a service I'm familiar with. I can't keep up with all these technological advances!

    Good to know your femur has mended well.

  26. Golden rule: Never buy cheap batteries.

  27. Batteries - one of those things that stay on my shopping list and of course, it seems that no two things use the same size battery. I hate to go buy AA only to discover I need AAA.

  28. I'm happy to read that your femur has mended well and I hope that the bone-strengthening medication does good work!

  29. Dear Joanne, just read this posting of yours and the previous one. Thanks so much for sharing "the Dutch House," I'll look for it on the library website. And thank you, too, for being so straightforward about your health concerns. I believe that when one of us shares what's happening health-wise, we can unknowingly help others who may have similar symptoms.

    I'm so glad--relieved really--that you are getting the bone strengthening injection. When your femur broke late last year, you went through--figuratively!!!!--hell! Please take care of yourself and be gracious to yourself. You matter to so many of us. Peace.

  30. I’m so glad your femur healed well, Joanne. But I didn’t know you had to get the Reclast twice a year. I only get it once a year.
