
Monday, February 28, 2022

Worked all day!

I got up at eight on the dot-ish and didn't quit until time for supper. I did lie in bed an extra six or seven minutes, trying to persuade myself I could go back to sleep, but I didn't. I've stayed up too late several nights, finishing a book. Last night it was The Dutch House, by Ann Patchett, a Pulitzer Prize finalist, and a difficult to set aside book!

The sun is setting pink and blue and lavender tonight. That is fairly unusual, and may be a warning that although tomorrow is the first day of spring for some, it's not for we who count spring on the equinox. Tomorrow merely is the first day of March, and the first day of spring for people who like their statistics in four even segments. There is another storm coming for sure, kicking up those lovely colors.

 I took this picture yesterday, of sun on the ice covered trees. The trees have been ice covered since late last week, and all the sunshine has done little except make the ice sparkle. It will be cold and raining by mid week.

Over the weekend I did two things. The first, housekeeping on my blog. The second, reading a couple of books while housekeeping. I sent the bulk of my blog back to draft status, and read books while it executed. My blog is still out there for information that I may occasionally access. In the change over, I learned the hard way what happens to the blog rolls of followers. I see at least ten have left, to unclutter their reading list. 

It is my understanding the inundation is over. The conversion reset the post date of each blog to the day I designated  draft, which caused them all to come crashing onto your blog list as current posts, then be inaccessible because they are drafts. I am so sorry and can assure you it will never happen again.

The Dutch House is the story of a house built by a Dutch gentleman in the mid 19th century, and purchased by a builder just after WWII. He bought the house as the family homestead, and the novel follows the influence of the house on its owners, caretakers, children, casual occupants and probably even the raccoons in the ballroom. It was a hard read to lay aside.

The only additional thing I have to report is a full circle of towels again. The emerald is done, the black is begun. Towels are available again!


  1. These sound like great books. Ann Patchett is an excellent author. that time period always grabs me.

  2. I too enjoy Ann Patchett's writing. "State of Wonder" was my favorite by her. Many weren't impressed by "Dutch House," finding it slow, but I liked it. Yay for towels!!

  3. Sunshine and ice on trees really does sparkle. The cold continues on in MA too and I have a backyard full of snow. Spring is nowhere in sight. Your blog issues did not impact me. "The Dutch House" sounds like an excellent read. I'll look for it at my library.

  4. I will look for Ann Patchett’s work. Thank you.

  5. Hari OM
    I remain baffled about the reposts; geeky interest, y'unnerstand! Shall need to do some research myself. I knew it would end - no reason to depart. Takes more than 'junk mail' to get rid of me!!! I am all for spring happening when nature decides and not the calendar... YAM xx

  6. The branches look amazing and magical. I read the review of
    The Dutch House after you had mentioned it. It does indeed sound like a worthy read. I was unaware of blog doing a weird thing.

  7. Now I know what happened to my blog this weekend!

  8. I didn't notice anything wrong here. I'm wondering why you sent the blogs back to draft status?

  9. I wondered why there were so many 'new' posts from you but I could clearly see they were old posts so I didn't read them. The book you are reading is one I enjoyed. I'm glad you're enjoying it too!

  10. I actually bought the e-book of The Dutch House a couple of years ago and forgot to read it! It's so easy to forget what stuff resides on your iPhone. Thanks for reminding me: I now have a lovely afternoon's read to look forward to. My car is broken down and awaiting spare parts which have to come from Melbourne and will take TWO WEEKS. I am stuck at home in the meantime.

  11. You really did have a busy day! I bet it feels good to see those growing stacks of towels. I don't think I've read anything by Ann Patchett but I appreciate you telling us about this book. It does sound good. Take care Joanne!

  12. Dear Joanne, I read the synopsis of the Dutch House - sounds interesting, but at the moment the world is dark enough, so I need something brighter. And "extra six or seven minutes" are not enough to find my way back to sleep.

  13. I stay up way too late most evenings. Last night I got to bed at 11:30 p.m. and woke at 5:30 a.m.; got up and worked on a quilt. At 8:30 a.m. my drugs had kicked in and I was down and out like a light on the couch. I set the timer on the oven for 30 min. and when it went off, I realized I'd fell into a deep sleep. Nice! But I needed to get my day on. Glad to know about the towels... will have to go check them out! Hugs and take care...

  14. Yes. Meteorological Spring.
    March has come in like a lamb here, so when the storm you are about to receive leaves you it will help our March roar out like a lion!!

  15. Although I have had to stop following you unless I want to do the same sort of tidying up as you did recently, I am still going to be a regular visitor, but I can't cope with 1200 of your 10 year-old posts at the top of my reading list! Nice photo.

  16. Nothing stops you, Joanne! You are a fierce and wonderful force of nature! I think a nap may be called for today.

  17. You have certainly got your energy back. Good for you!

  18. I know Ann Patchett is a good author -- I read her book "The Magician's Assistant" and enjoyed it! Raccoons in the ballroom? Yikes!

  19. Astronomical spring doesn't work all that well here either as it just ain't spring-like then.

  20. I don't understand the rebooting of your blog. I do understand the weaving.

  21. I've read The Dutch House and several of her other novels. They're great reads. I also enjoyed her non-fiction work "This Is The Story of a Happy Marriage".

    Luckily I dodged the unforeseen consequences of your blog maintenance!

  22. I too enjoyed the Dutch House. I'm glad you didn't delete your blog entries, it's your history, your autobiography. And boo to the person and reason for the housecleaning.

  23. I'm back. I unfollowed briefly to clean my blog list. It seems to have worked.
    I like Ann Patchett quite a bit, though I thought Dutch House was one of her weaker works. The audio version performed by Tom Hanks really lifted it above the print version.

    I'm impressed that you worked solidly all day. That's some stamina there. Unstoppable is right.

  24. I've not noticed any new pop ups of old posts since the weekend, so we appear to be in the clear.

  25. Just finished The Dutch House. Really enjoyed it! I can understand your connection with an old house, now. I've spent my life moving from place to place, so never had that feeling.

  26. Glad the blog housekeeping went well. I avoid it as long as possible because it never goes as planned. The Dutch House sounds like a fantastic read and I might have to investigate.

  27. My. newish sous chef loves your towels. Especially the turquoise ones

  28. I've made the same sort of errors when I'm moving my posts around and it ends up being published. Ouch! I know they appeared on people's blog rolls but there wouldn't be a post if they clicked on it.

  29. The photo makes me think of Jackson Pollock's paintings.

  30. The Dutch House sounds like it's based on an interesting idea. We have a bookstore round the corner which I am going to visit shortly and I'll look out for it.
