
Friday, March 11, 2022

It might snow!

She said, watching the white stuff through the window. I should not/cannot complain. I've seen a lot of March snow over the years.

This will be very short. I had the Reclast infusion Wednesday. I woke yesterday morning with unmanageable pain, except you must live with it. They said I would be sent away with some Tylenol in case of pain, but nothing.

My sister was coming to help me in the afternoon, so I shuffled through my morning routine, made breakfast, threw it up and shuffled to the recliner. I woke up about one when I heard Jan. We decided she should come another time. Back to the recliner, with a Tylenol and a blanket from K.

About 7:30 K woke me and offered to heat a dinner, which I happily ate. Then I read much of my blog roll and went to bed. I woke up this morning, and found most of the pain has settled in my neck. I spent the morning asking Dr. Google about bone and muscle pain after a Reclast infusion. I learned Reclast infusion pain goes mostly to the site of old bone fractures with nerve damage. Well, you can call me that.

I am very unhappy much of the pain has decided to settle in my neck, with my cadaver bone implant. Everything I read said if the pain doesn't clear off in three days, contact your doctor. So I shall.

The bad news is, I still have no Tylenol on hand. I had a doctor appointment this afternoon, my pain doctor, who was not interested in this pain. I intended to stop at the grocery and the drug store on the way home. I made the grocery, but it was pouring rain when I left, so I came home and ordered a three dollar bottle of Tylenol and added a three dollar overnight delivery charge. Lucky Amazon.

I have nowhere to go and nothing to do until Tuesday a week, when my car goes to have its steering problem investigated. In the meantime, thank you all for listening to my whining. I didn't realize this damn bone would turn into such a production, especially in light of how pleased the doctor is with its healing.


  1. Pain is such a taskmaster. Whining is perfectly appropriate.

  2. I’ve had the reclast infusion 3 times now. They first two times were totally fine. This last time… arrrghhh… they couldn’t find my vein and then I was really tired the following day. But pain? Ouch!!! I hope you feel better very quickly!

  3. You're not whining, just stating the facts. I hate that the infusion has created more pain. As if you hadn't had enough. I do hope it settles soon.

  4. I am sorry this is hurting so much. Do you have to stay with Reclast? There are oral drugs which aren't so final in their effects.
    It appears Spokane is done with snow, which is not great. We're eleven inches short of what average snowfall should be. Hopefully we will not have the heat domes again this year.

    1. My doctor selected Reclast as the best for my degree of bone loss. I had no idea I'd be stuck with pain; it's in the second column of side effects. There will be a lot more research before a next infusion.

  5. Ok, nurse says always have tylenol on hand! The grocery store has some. You don't have to go to a drug store. No more than 3,000mg of tylenol total in a 24-hour day. Take it with some food, even half a cracker; doesn't have to be a whole meal. With the vomiting, I'd ask for a different IV med that's out for osteoporosis; forgot what it's called. (Most folks who had problems with the oral versions had problems with the oral meds, so that's why they receive the IV infusion.
    Try heat (warm wet washcloth in a baggie,) on your pain sites. If your neighbor or the community center has a hot tub, they're wonderful for pain and arthritis.
    Yes, you're stating facts: bone pain is horrid. Linda in Kansas

  6. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with such pain. Whine away, it is totally appropriate. I hope you get relief soon!!

  7. I hope your pain relief comes soon! It is not whining when the pain is real, as yours is.

  8. Oh wow...what you did NOT need was more pain. I truly feel for you. I bought some Aleve today for my own pain. What a pit! Thanks for the tip on the warm wash cloth... will think of you as I give it a go!

  9. I'm so sorry. How could they let you go home without any pain pills?? They KNOW this causes pain and after all you have been through, you certainly deserve some pain relief. Is Tylenol the equivalent of our Panadol, which is Paracetamol?

  10. Not happy that what was to be a good procedure has turned into a pain in the neck (sorry😊). Also not good discharge procedure to send you home with no pain control medication (at all)

    We use paracetamol (Panadol) but from the supermarket- their own brand has exactly the same ingredients and strength as the big branded ones do. Packets have been reduced to 20 capsules (500mg) plus because of ‘overuse/overdosage’ customers are only ‘allowed’ to purchase 2 packs at a time. Not much help for those who only shop weekly!
    Thinking of you as you work through this problem - I won’t make it worse by telling you it’s still warm here in Melbourne. Looks like summer is staying for a little while longer😎

  11. You are not whining, you are in pain! I'm sorry it is so bad for you. Maybe the more it hurts, the more it helps? Well, I'm trying. I hope the pain clears up quickly. Hugs!

  12. Its awful that you were left like that..make your feelings known!!
    Sending a (careful) virtual hug..not much we can do from a distance but lend moral support sadly

  13. Another careful hug, they should have given you pain control, given pain is the second bad side effect.

  14. Hari Om
    I can't add any value beyond what is written by others than to say any such medication comes with its issues... and that I hope for your current pain to quit within those three days! YAM xx

  15. You are certainly going through it. I didn’t know that amazon has that service, and i don't think they do here.

  16. I hate thinking of you in such pain.

  17. Oh my Joanne. If good wishes could fix it, you’d be better. I hope it eases soon!

  18. You are not whining or complaining. You are telling us what is going on which is that you are having unbearable pain. I hope with all of my heart that it's better today.

  19. My dear Joanne - you are not whining - you are sharing your pain with us in the hopes that it helps it to go away. That is what blog pals are for. xx

  20. Now I'm really never getting that bone med infusion. I can't imagine that over the counter tylenol would counter that pain. Wish I could do something to help.

  21. Amazon pharmacy works well and they now provide prescription drugs too. Tylenol works well for pain and I'm glad you've got your supply. Stay warm and cozy in your recliner until the pain resolves. K's help with meals is lovely too.

  22. You are not whining, you are just keeping us posted. I have the same problem on my blog.

  23. Bone pain is the worst and writing about it isn't whining! I hope that you can get it under control. Sending gentle hugs!

  24. I've found that heat helps with pain.

  25. I'm so sorry to read of your bone pain and troubles! I hope things are much, much better for you soon, dear Joanne.

  26. So sorry to read that you are in pain, dear Joanne. I hope there is some thing the doctor can give you to relieve it.

  27. I hope you can find a way of reducing the pain. Constant pain is horrible.
