
Tuesday, February 22, 2022

How many mud puddles in an all day rain?

It's just as well I went out today; a transitional day between yesterday and the brutal forecast for the end of the week. I'm still meeting doctor appointments rescheduled from my stint in rehab and then rescheduled from the weather.

Yesterday was the late spring day we relish every year. Almost sixty degrees. A joy to go out in or just be able to have your face out the door and your nose breathing it in. I had two doctor appointments, and enjoyed the day.

Today is the leading edge of winter storm Oaklee. I had one medical appointment today and a string of errands. One road is built between two sloughs. I've driven this road going on forty years. Back then, in a spate of heavy rains, the road would flood because of one or both of the sloughs. 

In that case the wooden sawhorses closed the ends of the road, with Road Closed and Road Flooded signs. Then came permanent signs: Road may flood in heavy rain. Those signs stayed up a long time. Then last year they were replaced: Road floods in heavy rain. The very event was near today. There have been more than a few Turn Around: Don't Drown signs at many roads over and abutting the valley's many creeks.

My errands today included a loaf of bread. For that little I used the walker's tray, not a cart. There was enough room left, I thought I go round by bakery and see if any paczki were left. This valley was settled by so many canal building Poles, the bakeries have paczki during Lent. However, they are so popular, I should qualify that to the first day of Lent.

There were no paczki, alas. I could have stopped at a "real" Polish bakery on the way home, but already I was very wet from rain and still had the post office on the way home. The kolaczki caught my eye. Walnut and apricot; mixed boxes packed in little containers. Then I saw a box of just walnut, which I do not particularly care for, and looked for a box of apricot, and added them to the cart.

When I finally got home I thought I'd earned a couple of apricot kolaczki and a cup of coffee. I opened the little container, and all I saw were walnut kolaczki. Another look at the label, and I'd purchased walnut and apricot! So I had one of each.

I have one more appointment tomorrow, and one on Friday. Tomorrow will be mid thirties, long way down from the last two day's fifties, but only cloudy. Thursday is frozen mix and Friday is snow. I may cancel that appointment again!


  1. I'll try to leave this comment again -- last time Blogger ate it. It's always nice to have a treat with a cup of coffee! I made cranberry orange muffins today. They're cooling on the rack right now!

  2. I have never heard of them here but in the photograph they look like biscuits - but they do look good - especially walnut and apricot.

  3. I think you deserved the apricot snack considering what you went through to get it.

  4. Only one each, you are well disciplined! I would have eaten them all with a cup and a half of tea.
    Doctor's appointments- fun!

  5. Those treats look yummy! I am the opposite of you; I love everything walnut and dislike apricots. Glad that you're getting stuff done before the bad weather hits. It's cold here but otherwise uneventful, weather-wise. It can stay that way!

  6. Snap! I was just thinking yesterday of the kolaczki I used to get in Minnesota! The apricot were my favorite flavor.

  7. About now we are all ready for warmth and sunshine. 50-60 degree days are real teasers. Your Polish deserts look very good and even better with coffee. I hope the docs are finding good resolutions for you.

  8. Hari Om
    A treat's a treat and walnut's are good for the brain so might count as medicine too! Yeah, February's fickle weather is playing tricks here too. Stay safe when out and about dear lady! YAM xx

  9. These extremes in temperatures are common here this winter too. This is the norm now by the look of it. I hope you get those appointments in this week.

  10. The Kolackzi look delicious. Stay in out of the rain as much as you can.

  11. Be careful out in all that rain. We are still getting snows here. Those pastries sure look good. You deserve the treat - enjoy!

  12. Lol we are getting the opposite down here in Melbourne - cooler (almost chilly) days tacked into a week of lovely warm (hottish) weather. Just a reminder that the earth is turning and the seasonal changes are happening.
    I need to find where our nearest Polish community is so I can investigate their bakeries.

  13. Winter is getting a few last licks in, I think! The pastries look wonderful. Sorry they were mixed and not just apricot! Stay safe and yes, turn around, don't drown!

    1. Glad you are finding things to enjoy eating. As for the weather we live in a permanent deluge, so drowning might be on the menu ;)

  14. We don't have those TURN AROUND, DON'T DROWN signs in this country as far as I know - they are sometimes needed by people who try and drive through.
    Glad you got out to appointments at last and something tasty to eat

  15. It seems only a week or so that you were neck-deep in snow! The turn-around seems very swift.

  16. February is the shortest month that seems like the longest month.

  17. It cheers me considerably to know that you are able to get up and out! I'm so glad you got yourself a treat. Enjoy!

  18. Never heard of kolackzi. And what is up with Polish and their strings of unpronounceable letters? Our last cold front perhaps is coming through today, back down in the 40s.

  19. Those pastries look divine, we take our little delights where we can.


  20. Those treats look good!
    Glad you got out between storms.
    We are hunkered down again here, not too much of the white stuff staying just wet again and very windy

  21. It amazes me how much you get out, Joanne... even in bad weather. We're at 24F this morning and probably won't be out of the 20's today. Tomorrow freezing rain. We will stay home by the fire. If it's bad for you tomorrow, I hope you stay home and safe too. Those Kolaches look delicious! Enjoy!

  22. Those look very good - a sort of cookie, yes? I might try to make some.

  23. So much time spent at doctor's appointments, Joanne. I hope very, very much that they will helpful.
    Mixture of walnut and apricot sounds well to me - and "paczki" I never had. But might make research to make them myself, if the recipe sounds good.

    1. Pronounced Pa-sack-ie. You can make them. Lots of eggs.

  24. Great treats, Joanne. Glad you are able to get out and about! Stay safe!

  25. I wish you could do telehealth or meet by phone. Both save time and spare you trips in the snow. You earned those treats.

  26. I'm a big fan of weird road signs. Like the one that says "Welcome to Accident" (that's Accident, Maryland). Good luck with your various appointments (and rescheduled appointments).

  27. Glad you finally got some warmer weather to make a dent in all of that snow. I am going to have to investigate kolaczki and see if that is something the kids and I can make. Take care, Joanne.

    1. Yes, you can, in a heartbeat. Any jelly you like is fine for filling.

  28. Popping in to see how you are doing, dear Joanne. As usual, I am seeing that nothing gets in your way when you have something to do or someplace to go. I went out today but will be hunkering down tomorrow due to ice, sleet and snow and then rain coming my way.

  29. The weather here has been so nice, I am enjoying being outside. I found my mixer today and was so happy to be able to bake something, but the beaters must be hiding in another box! Stay warm and dry!!

  30. Hope the appointments went well.

    Blogger's reading list has just loaded up with blogposts of yours from 8 and 9 years ago... wouldn't mind so much but I can't read them either.. Blogger having a funny turn again!!😕😎

    1. Having same strange problem as gz. Anyone else?

  31. I'vw been thinking about you. Still making thooe doctor's appointments heree.

  32. Hari OM
    Like GZ, I have had my reading list inundated with ancient post links which go nowhere; I have seen this happen to a couple of other blogs and have no idea why it does. Nuisance value.

    I too hope the appts went ahead and weather didn't interfere! YAM XX

  33. Glad you are seeing some spring. We consider our dr. appts as a cheap date.

  34. Like gz above, Blogger has loaded all your posts from nine years ago to my reading list, blocking everything else. The only way I can get rid of them is by unfollowing (is that even a word?) your blog. Rest assured I will follow again as soon as the issue resolves itself. In the meantime I will check each day for new posts.

  35. We look at dr. appts. as cheap dates. i was going to type about the blogspot repetitions. But gz beat me to it!

  36. I see that gz beat me to it, about the reading list containing years of your posts. I have no idea if it was something on your end, or Blogger's error. Regardless, I hope you have a good weekend, Joanne and that you finally get caught up on your appointments. -Jenn

  37. Hello Joanne. I am going to temporarily stop following you because I am having problems with Google sending me hundreds of you posts from 10 years ago, and that is blocking everyone else's. I will be back though, you can be sure of tht. X
