
Thursday, February 17, 2022

There's been a change in the weather

Our snow covering is diminishing. I was weaving this afternoon, and looking out the window. It appeared rain/snow was driving south to north, across the window. I refused to go outside. I did that yesterday, when it was fifty odd degrees. Warm air over frigid snow is not inviting, but it sure smells good. This did not look inviting at all.

I finished the bobbin and quit for the day before I went to look. It was blowing fog. Not snow; still too warm for that. But it will stay rain, then ice, then snow. My doctor appointment tomorrow probably will be cancelled, by me.

There has been precious little blogging by me these last many days. Here's a rundown of my state of affairs and state of mind. I cannot give up the walker; my hip hurts too much of the day. Next week I have a follow up appointment with the orthotist. I certainly have learned a lot of big words in this adventure.

They are the people I saw on a bad snow day a couple of weeks ago. The technician I saw agreed with my therapist that the leg length difference chiefly is the cause of my terrible gait, which is the cause of the hip pain. I believe I agree with her. Walking the halls of the office wearing a sample brace seemed to take the pain away.

I have an appointment (on a fifty degree day next week) to go for a final consult and fitting. And if this does not work, I'll have to pursue replacing my other hip. That was ruled out last August. I guess they could have been wrong.


  1. Yes, I can see how a difference in leg lengths would promote real hip pain. I hope you get a brace to equalize them!

  2. well dang! i sure hope that the brace works out for you! Another surgery does not sound like a fun thing to do. Good luck with that one! Sorry you are in pain- just knowing that makes me cranky!

  3. Hari OM
    Ugh... as one with bodgy hips, you have my understanding and sympathy. I've been pretty much hibernating too... At least the weaving us bit weather dependent! YAM xx

  4. I'm sorry to hear you are in pain. I hope you will be able to get a brace in future to do away with it. It was good you decided to stay indoors in such inclement weather. Take care.

  5. Wouldn't it be great if a brace did the trick!

  6. I hope they can come up with something to equalize your gait. It's an awful strain on the body as it is. I hate to hear you're still in pain.

  7. That would be terrible for the hip. I hope the brace helps! My paternal grandmother had that issue and wore a shoe with a bigger sole, plus used crutches.

  8. How wonderful that they have a brace that can hopefully help you! Here's hoping that will do the trick.

  9. Could you perhaps wear a built-up shoe to equalise the leg length? I hope you get something sorted to stop the pain without more surgery.

    1. I already do that. It is not "real" walking--heel/toe, heel/toe. It's part of the problem.

  10. Can something as simple as building up one shoe not correct for the imbalance in leg length?

  11. Joanne, my very dear friend has a similar problem. She broke her femur some years back and once pinned and fixed, her leg is now shorter. It has caused her a lot of continuing back pain. She does wear a brace and an elevated shoe... which helps, but it is still a problem. I hope you get some relief soon.

  12. Hopefully the brace helps. It's all so much, isn't it?

  13. We last quite a bit of snow in the recent rain, but that has been replenished overnight.

  14. So frustrating. I just hate this for you. But I guess there is no choice but to keep going and try to find ways to improve the situation because being in such terrible pain is not conducive to any sort of life.

  15. Here's hoping the brace works but what a pain to have to put it on and take it off every day. Not sure which would be worse, brace or hip replacement. But if the pain is caused by uneven lengths of leg would a hop replacement change that? Also, my father had polio when he was a child and one leg was shorter than the other. Also one foot smaller and he had to buy two pairs of shoes to a single pair he could wear. Anyway, I don't remember him having any hip pain cause by the shortness of one leg.

  16. The brace will do the trick! I refuse to believe anything else!

  17. I hope the pain goes away soon.

  18. River had the same thought as I did. Orthopedic shoes can compensate for the difference.

  19. I'd like to believe the ortho experts could resolve the pain you experience. Joanne, you must take them through the paces and force a resolution. If anybody can extract a solution, it is you! If you can bring along a friend or relative to observe the extraction that is all the better. A witness never hurts.

  20. Hope the brace can adjust the problem. Hip replacements scare me.

  21. Oh, I am sure that having one leg shorter would make walking a lot more difficult. And painful. And I really do think it would cause some major back issues as your body tries to adjust itself to your changed gait. Hope you get some answers soon. Your patience is admirable.

  22. Oh that must be so painful for you Joanne. have you tried an osteopath? They can work wonders. Knowing you, you probably have.

    We are being pummeled by winds. Most unusual for here at this time of the year. Loads of rain. Climate change is here to stay.


  23. I hope the brace works. Or maybe a shoe lift? Whatever it takes I hope you feel better soonest.

  24. Looks good to me. here, home at last.
