
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Going to be a long, cold winter

The local schools are closing because it's too cold for children to walk to school. The good news--no more 5:45 calls from the person who made that determination.

We have a fun outcome to look around to find. There was a contest to name the Ohio Turnpike snowplows. Well, eight of them, one for each salt barn, where the plow is stationed. Snow More Mr. Ice Guy is stationed in the Boston Maintenance Building. The others have been named O-H Snow U Didn't; Ah, Push It---Push It Real Good; Snow Force One; Sir Plows-A-Lot (my personal favorite, but stationed far, far away); Snowbi-Wan Kenobi; Plowy McPlowface; and Darth Blader.

I don't know if the idea originated in Ohio. I have read of the contest being held in other states and municipalities. I haven't learned of any new names.

Today I emptied the loom of a warp I began last fall, September 6th exactly. Then a long hiatus, until shortly after Christmas! Now there are four towels on the wheel. I will confess, before someone trips me up, the cream towel is on the wheel for the very first time. In the past it has only been alluded to, via the little rose.

I finished a couple of the towels today, to update the web page ( Tomorrow I'll finish clearing out around the loom and begin turning on a new warp. 

Or maybe I'll mop the winter from the floors tomorrow, and see if my loom fayerie shows up on Saturday. It does take her only two hours for a full warp and it takes me a week and a lot of whining.


  1. Hari Om
    As long as the loom fairy is safe on the roads! Over here, our gritting trucks all have names like these and have done for maybe a decade. Nice idea. YAM xx

  2. Love those names. Ploughy McPlowface tickles my fancy most I think.
    And as always I am blown away by your persistence and determination.

  3. Oh goodness! I've never seen your towel stock at such a low point! Those snow plow names are a hoot! The powers that be tend to spread red rock on our roads rather than use a snowplow, though I have seen them use the plow on the highway. Surface streets get rock and we have to contend with it until it all gets picked up (ages later) by the street sweeper. We only see a street sweeper a couple of times a year because we're in the County and are considered 'rural'. Stay warm!!!

  4. Your plows have clever names. Naming the plows is new to me. Our plows are getting ready for a Northeaster predicted to hit Friday-Saturday. High winds with up to 24 inches of snow on the coast and less inland where I am. As for the cold, layers are the way to go.

  5. Did you say the red color was called "brick"? To me it is a glorious ruby - I love the richness and depth of it.

    1. I use the name the manufacturer gave the colors. If I made up my own name, there could be big trouble reordering!

  6. I love the truck names!! They're delightful, all of them.
    I vote for mopping the winter off the floor and waiting for the loom fayerie.

  7. Those snowplow names are clever and funny! I guess having a sense of humor about inclement weather is important. It must be VERY cold. I haven't been checking the weather there since Younger Daughter moved.

  8. Scotland named their plows. The one I remember is 'Yer a Blizzard, Harry!'

  9. I groaned at each and every one of those snow plow names! People are so darn creative!

  10. I am thinking that most seem to bus to school here or the school is quite close.

  11. I really admire your quietly continuing to weave no matter what's going on. Priorities.

  12. Those were all great names! I’ve never heard of snow plows being named. - Jenn

  13. Here in the UK we have had a good winter so far - still February to go but that will soon pass.

  14. Brilliant snow plow names. What is it about the simple white towel? It’s just plain white, but it’s appealing.

  15. This winter has really nailed various parts of the country so far. I guess the north east gets it tomorrow. As cold as we have felt being here, it's nothing like the midwest. Here's hoping the loom fairy can come over.

  16. The fire helicopters/helicranes/water bombers that are used here during the bushfire season have been given names. One of the originals called Elvis has been coming for many years now - returning to the Northern Hemisphere to help in any way it can during the season up there.

  17. I saw that contest on The Weather Channel! I loved the names and some of my favorite got picked. Of course, we have no plows here in sunny Las Cruces, but I really enjoyed the contest. I hope the Loom Fae will show and do her magic!

  18. Such masses of snow - wow! And name contests for snow ploughs are a funny idea. Here comes one up the hills in the early morning and throws salt on the icy roads (I thought that was forbidden - when I first ever came here I wondered how people in winter would manage to get up - now I know).
    I admire that you are weaving on and on, Joanne - and know that it is this discipline that keeps us living. I hope your health is getting better. Britta

  19. I live south of Spokane, WA, and they run contests to name new snow plows. I think there are three named at this point, Plowie McPlow Plow and The Big Lewplowski, and the newest one is Sir Plows-A-Lot. It is a bright spot when one is needed. Spokane also has maps online of where in the city the plows are working, and identify by name which plow is where.

  20. I love the snow plow names! Around here many of the snowplows have their blades painted in various, often comical, styles. And of course the local schools and sports teams are represented on them as well. Your loom fairy is well worth waiting for I would think!

  21. We have snow on the moors but very little down in the valley. Think I would have chosen Darth Vader, painting my machine black of course.

  22. I love that here in Scotland you can go on the traffic website and see who is where!!
    Must be bad if the schools are closed. Stay safe and warm...happy weaving!!

  23. Sir Plows-a-lot would be my favourite too. It's pretty cold here too, but the kids are still walking to school. If they closed the school due to cold temperatures not too far north of here there would be no school! Actually it didn't even take cold weather, a microscopic virus did that for us!

  24. The plow names are a great idea. They aren’t named here but maybe they should be. Stay warm!

  25. All the names are super clever. I would be hard put to pick a favorite.

  26. Those really are great names. There should be a children's book. Levon would love it.

  27. I rather like Darth Blader. And I do hope your loom fairy shows up.

  28. I loved that your area named the plows, and then added the names to the blades. We haven't had enough snow to call out the plows....and I hope it stays that way for the rest of the winter.

  29. Clever names for the snowplows! Hope your loom fairy pays a visit to help you out!

  30. Funny names for something necessary. Hope they each paint the name on their blade so people know who's coming to the rescue.

  31. I've seen these plow names in other towns. They make me smile.


  32. People are so very clever, aren't they? I love that little contest.

    School is still in, here, but it is very cold, to be sure.

  33. I really like the naming of snow plows. We need a little fun in terrible winter driving conditions.

  34. I love all of your towels, and the plow names. 45 here, warmed up from earlier this morning. Stay warm.
