
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Not the blog I thought I'd write!

When the Loom Faerie came in from school last night, I asked how much homework she had to do. A lot! She did say she could go for groceries and gas with me. They deliver my groceries to the curb, but freeing up someone at the station to pump my gas has never happened.

Beggars can't, etc., and I settled for what I could get. And first there was snow. I woke to fat flakes putting down a couple of inches all over and around my get away car! Beggars can't be choosers, I groused, and set about turning on warp.

When I was this far on, three bouts, the Loom Faerie looked around the door frame and said she was on her way out to clear the car for the grocery run. What a kid! By the time she came back to say time to go, I had my all time record of four consecutive bouts done. I was too tired to argue.

We came back, I ate lunch, and felt decent enough to pick up warping where I'd left off. I made it through three more bouts of 125 turns each and then I crapped out.

I crawled to my room and flopped into my desk chair. I was well into a doze when I had a text: Still need help? I'll have time before I go back to school. And she showed up and cranked on the last four bouts. And put away the tools and stools and left over tubes of warp!

Monday morning she can start school with all her homework in order and I can start tying on eleven bouts of warp. That will take more than a day!


  1. Dang snow! It sounds like you had a very productive day though. More so than I did!

  2. That loom fairy was busy! As were you. Stay warm.

  3. Laura is an Angel in disguise. Happy weaving :)

  4. She's a welcome helper. And you're very productive, too. I'm always glad to hear when someone helps you.

  5. I'd say the Faerie is more like an angel.

  6. What a sweetheart! Dear lord it looks complicated in that picture! - Jenn

  7. The Loom Faerie is a good person. Goddess bless her!

  8. Your Loom Faerie is one special girl!

  9. I didn't know looms were prepared with so many "strings" flying across the room! Linda in Kansas

  10. Hari Om
    The return of help and care is to be much appreciated!!! YAM xx

  11. What a lovely girl your loom fairy is, hope the rest of the preparation goes well

  12. You accomplished a lot and your Loom Fairy helped a lot. I hope you get some good rest.

  13. I know you did explain it all in a post a while ago but what on earth are all those ‘strings’ attached to. And are they stretched across the room when you are working at the loom?
    Laura came good over the weekend - she deserves a big hug and a kiss for that.

  14. Your loom fairie has a lovely way about her.

  15. Better build a little grotto to the Loom Faerie and light candles daily. You will have much better results than honouring the invisible.

  16. I also think the Loom Faerie is an angel.

  17. What a great wee woman you have there, Joanne, a treasure and you know it. :)

  18. I assume we are talking about Laura here, right? She is precious. I think every one of us would be so happy to give her a hug and buy her a coffee.

  19. Er...where can I get one of those faeries for myself, please?

  20. Your loom faerie is a gem for sure!

  21. Always nice to have a close-by helper!

  22. Your rescue and investment in Laura paid off. Not only because she cheerfully helps you so much but also because she became the kind of person who cheerfully helps.

  23. Laura is so kind and generous helping whenever she can. She makes the world a better place. I'm glad you have Laura.

  24. Well done the Loom Faerie!!

    Just realized that I have commented on an 8 year old post of yours!!...Blogger seems to throw a wobbly every now and then and puts out half a dozen posts from one blog. Pretty random as to whose blog it does this to!

  25. A very positive day, thanks to the Loom Faerie!

  26. Dear Joanne, it's been more than six weeks, I think, since I last read blogs and so I've missed so much of what has been happening in your life--especially the getting back home. I went back and scanned about 10 of your postings and saw that you've had not only knee-deep snow with which to deal but restless leg syndrome and difficulties with meds and the realization that has hit me over and over and over as I've aged that I am aging and that I no longer have the energy or the resilience or the attention span I used to have. Even time seems to have changed and brought with it moments--maybe minutes--of sort of being out of awareness.

    You, however, seem to be able to just "keep on keeping on" no matter whether its a devastating fall in Washington (I think that's where you were a few years ago) or this most recent health concern that kept you away from home and in the hospital and nursing home for weeks.

    I so hope that things are leveling out and that you are able to dwell at times in the deep-down center of yourself where the peace of the spheres as well as the music awaits all of us. Peace.

  27. The Loom Faerie sounds amazing and awesome. Please let her know that we think so. Take care, Joanne.

  28. A little bit off topic, but I love the shade of green of your walls in these photos. I'm thinking a lot about colours at the moment.
