
Monday, January 24, 2022

Best laid plans

Sunday night I called my doctor's after hours answering service and cancelled today's ten o'clock appointment. He'd already backed my appointment up half an hour to give him time to dash somewhere; now he'd have a whole hour to get there, in some mighty bad weather.

From the time it began snowing, about six in the evening last Saturday, we had 17" before it ended Sunday night, about six.  I woke this morning to snow, and it has not yet quit, at six. I am not impressed! The last time I dealt with this much snow was in the seventies. I had three snow shovelers in the house. The snow was stacked six feet high along the drive way. By the end we had only one lane shoveled from the two car garage.

There were two snow shovelers over the weekend, but now one is back in school. The other asked if I needed to go anywhere tomorrow. By good fortune, I have nowhere to be until a week from today. Such a relieved face! At least the job can be postponed until the snow ends. "Right now it's like emptying a swimming pool with a pail."

I'm so near the end of this warp, but I keep winding bobbins to finish. I did ask my sister about the stack of drawers with the long screwdriver in the top drawer. "Whoever has the drawers has the screwdriver," she said, and she does not remember who got the drawers.

So, I retreated to Amazon and called up screwdrivers. They barely come singly these days. I bought one that should work. Otherwise, I'll just go back and spend ten dollars on a longer one.



  1. No snow here, just the remnants iced over and the icy wind as we are loading the flatbed trailer. The closing is rumored to be at 1:30 tomorrow, but I won't believe it until my rump is in the seat. These people are now nit picking because they saw my ad on marketplace to sell my washer and dryer. They got their panties in a wad and called to ask what we thought we were doing! My personal property is not part of the business deal and none of their business. They already have their website up inviting everyone to contact them, they failed to provide contact info! Hey, I take my pleasure where ever I can!

  2. Yes, there's nothing worse than shoveling while it's still snowing. Seems so pointless. But sometimes it's necessary!

  3. Not much point in shoveling when it's still coming down. I'm glad you didn't have to go out.


  4. Sometimes you have to shovel before it's finishes, to keep it doable at all. We had a 25" snowfall with wind, a few years ago and the ptb held off the plowing in the development till it finished, This marooned us in our wind facing building behind a 16 foot drift, for three days! Eerie, all the windows snow covered, greenish light coming through.

  5. Anyway, when I've finished banging on about myself, I am very glad you don't have to get out urgently for a few days.

  6. I'm glad you get to stay home for the next week, just can't picture you plowing through six feet deep snow to get to your car which can't go anywhere because of the snow. Pretty soon I might soon see pictures on the news here of cars completely covered in snow and that makes me wonder how on earth your economy keeps ticking over when people can't get to work or school or grocery shopping. The last can be delivered, but those trucks still have to get through deep snow and icy roads.

  7. Wise to stay put with that much snow. The last time I had 5 feet of snow, the plow guy had to bring a backhoe to clear my 320 foot driveway. I shoveled a path to the front door and was spent.

  8. Hari OM
    sounds like hunkering in is the best course of action. Hope that 'driver works fer ya! YAM xx

  9. Snow has been hard this winter. Keep inside, call people to check on them, watch lots of mysteries (my choice).

  10. I have never shoveled snow but it seems like hard work. One time I used my garden rake to get some off my driveway so I could get my Subaru out of the garage. I've never owned a snow shovel to be honest. The rake worked quite well.

  11. Ugh. I really feel for you, having so much snow to contend with.
    Stay safe and warm (or at least, warm enough). Good call on canceling that Doc appt too.

  12. Glad that you didn't need to get out in all that!

  13. Shoveling snow - it is crazy! Sorry you got dumped on , so much of it! Stay home, and I will too.

  14. That is a HEAP of snow.
    Fingers crossed that your new screwdriver is the right one. And hooray for cancelling that appointment and being able to hunker down.

  15. That's a tremendous amount of snow.

  16. When it snows that much I'd rather stay home! Please be careful if you do have to go outside.

  17. Take care!
    Looks like you have our winter on top of yours. Here it is 6⁰C and forecast 7⁰ overnight...weird

  18. I think I have a box in the garage with all the screwdrivers collected over a lifetime. There must be more than one for every situation - but that doesn't help you, Joanne! In our house there is just one snow shoveller - moi. I need to get out there and hone my skills.

  19. So much snow! The good news is that the longest and coldest winter month is almost over.

  20. Wow. You’ve been walloped with snow this year. You were smart to cancel the appointment as you did.

  21. I doubt I've ever shoveled snow in my life. Isn't that odd?
    Yes. Stay home and stay safe.
    Is it so very, very quiet now with the snow blanketing everything?

    1. But you've shoveled something you wanted to be rid of! Garden debris, pine needles, whatnot. It's like snow, only sweat.

  22. I did some shoveling yesterday but we had light snow and it wasn't very deep. I am glad you can stay home and stay safe!

  23. I would be miserable in that much snow. A cold overcast wet day is about as much misery as I want to deal with. In fact, I didn't deal with it as Pam and I decided neither of us wanted to go out in it for yoga class last night and so we didn't.

  24. 17 inches of snow. That sounds bad. Don't believe I'd go out in 6" much less 17.

  25. Amazon is often reaching me when I need something - here we have not one shop. The nexts are 3 kilometres away - and I have a car now - but when it snows I wouldn't drive. Can Amazon work their way through the snow?

    1. Yes--the truck stops out in the road and the driver runs to the porch with the packages.

  26. My area of the country just freaked out and we didn't get a foot of snow

  27. We haven’t had another dumping since the big one a week ago, Monday. We have had a few light falls but that is about it —thankfully

  28. Wind and rain has been the story here with very little snow, normally we get tons. Climate change is effecting everything. Glad you are back at the loom keeping mind and hands busy.


  29. We had 12 inches or so, and Lord knows, that's mess enough. You shovel while it is snowing because it is easier to shovel 4 inches of snow 3 times than it is to shovel 12 inches of snow once.

  30. Wow, you still have some extraordinary snowfalls in the States. Here in Northern Ireland we've had nothing this winter but a couple of feeble snow flurries that had melted again a few hours later. But at least you're keeping all your snow shovellers in a job!

  31. Snow, snow go away. I hope you get a break soon, Joanne, and the screwdriver you ordered gets the job done.
