
Thursday, December 23, 2021

So good to be home

My sister brought me home Tuesday afternoon. I cleared ten weeks of mail and took a nap. Laura sorted through the frozen foods accumulated and picked a small pizza. One errand accomplished last October was picking up a week's worth of suppers. K put them in the freezer for safe keeping, though she was concerned about my eating such "old" food. I'm not. The pizza was decent. On the whole, food is food. I survived therapy food!

Kai owns my chair now. Her bone is stashed partly down the edge of the chair. She said hello, but little more.

Wednesday I spent putting away the two large sacks of belongings I brought home. L did a load of laundry, that I put away today. I took a nap and woke up late for dinner. L showed me how to use the toaster over, and I was set to handle the other half of the pizza. Except for plugging in the device at the start, it went well.

I had my first visit from home therapy today, and we set my goal as return to the cane and mastering the basement steps. The therapist thinks that will take about three weeks. We'll see. So, twice a week, beginning next week.

Laura and K went off to find a tree at Heritage Farms. It was felled and put in the truck and now is in the Big Room. I will go take a look, then retire to my studio and weave some towels!


  1. Welcome home!! You're sounding very good and back to weaving already. I bet you've been longing for that. I hope all goes smoothly from now. I can't tell you how happy I am that you've got out!

  2. So good to see you here and know that you are home, safe and sound. So thankful for Laura... blessings to you and your family.

  3. Happy to see you safe and sound at home, and even weaving! Have a good Christmas with your family.

  4. Hari OM
    Oh I have had you in my mind so often this past couple of days... seems there was movement at the station!!! Hoorah for being home and resettling and planning the next wee bit... and for the help and welcome of family and friend. Merry Christmas Joanne!!! YAM xx

  5. Great to hear your escape plan worked and you are now home safe and sound. Merry Christmas to you and all who love you and best wishes for a Happy Healthy Here's looking to walking a mile New Year!
    Take care

  6. So wonderful to hear that you're home and settling in. It sounds like things are going much, much better!!

  7. I swear that I was just thinking of you as I turned the computer on, and here you are. You seem to be doing very well if you can do all of that sorting and think about weaving and basement stairs. 👍

  8. Welcome hone, Joanne! Glad you made it for Christmas. You are most resilient! Cheers.

  9. So good to hear good news from you. Enjoy Christmas at home.

  10. This is such happy news for Christmas, Joanne! Glad you are home and it sounds like you are doing really well. Keep up the good work and take care of yourself! Merry Christmas!

  11. Glad to hear that you're home! You're just like that Energizer bunny that keeps going and going.

  12. Great news! You have come a long way in ten weeks. I wish you continued healing as you settle into a routine at home. yay!

  13. Glorious day!!
    Happy homecoming, Joanne. Just please, please, PLEASE do not overdo. I think you know that.
    Big love from Lloyd!

  14. Soooo glad you're home! Be sure and follow the PT's instructions. Many folks try to progress too quickly and end up falling again. You may need to buy and install some hand grips in certain areas to prevent falls. They are best from a medical supply store, and need etching on the handles to be able to really hold on to them if wet and soapy in the shower, or sweaty to go down stairs. Those stores usually know a guy who'll come install them for you. Yep, Medicare stops at the bathroom door!?! Why?
    Are you SURE you should be in the weaving position with your hip? Please ask the PT so you don't injure the doc's handiwork. Congrats! Have a wonderful peaceful Christmas. Linda in Kansas

  15. I'm so happy to hear you are home. Enjoy the holidays.

  16. Oh, you are doing well. So glad you've made it home for Christmas. Take it easy though.

  17. Joanne, it's so good to hear you are home.

  18. I'll bet it feels good to be back home. I hope your total recovery is rapid.

  19. Well, yay! Best news. Now, see that you don't break any more bones.

  20. You're home just in time for Christmas. Such good news. Go easy until you heal completely. Please, please pace your self. I'm glad to hear Laura and K are helping you get settled and continue to provide some help as you need it.

  21. Welcome home!! Everyone has already given you good advice, so I'll just say Merry Christmas - at your own home! -Jenn

  22. So glad you made it home for Christmas, Joanne. That’s a great Christmas gift ! Do be careful, but enjoy being back in your own space.

  23. Merry Christmas! So glad you are home.

  24. I was wondering the same as DrumMajor - is it a good idea to be weaving right away?

    Regardless, there is no place like home and I am so glad to hear you are there once again. Take care and have a good holiday!

  25. Isn't it so good to be home and have decent food! I know you are itching to be back to normal, but don't rush things okay? Merry Christmas.

  26. How wonderful that you're home in time for Christmas! Everything's better by being at home. Enjoy your pizza, your weaving, and your Christmas tree! Laura is such a good helper to you. Merry Christmas to you all!

  27. congratulations, happy homecoming and Merry Christmas to you!

  28. I am thrilled that you are home. And totally unsurprised that you are weaving again.

  29. Wonderful news to know that you are safe at home again.
    Enjoy that weaving and take things steady. Happy Christmas

  30. I was so glad to see that you're home, Joanne! Home and with your people is a better place to fully recover. We need our people (and good food!)! Have a Merry Christmas!

  31. Welcome home, Joanne. Now get busy on regaining fighting form. There are towels to be made after all.

  32. So happy your recovery is going nicely and you're home in time for the holiday. I think EVERYone recovers better at home with familiar surroundings and friends and family. Take care, Joanne. Merry Christmas!

  33. Welcome home Joanne, so glad you made it and all is well.


  34. Good news to hear you are home. Best of luck with the ongoing physical therapy.

  35. Like everyone else, I am so glad to see you home. The fall was bad enough, but the 'cure' sounded like a gruesome experience. It made me laugh to hear that you are once again seated at the loom. You are indomitable. Merry Christmas, Joanne.

  36. There's no place like Home for the Holidays!! Glad you're there!

  37. I'm so glad to read that you are home, Joanne! May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas! xx from afar, Bea

  38. Welcome home my friend. How wonderful for you to be home for Christmas! May you and your loved ones have a peaceful and happy Christmas!

  39. Oh glorious to see you at home again. So glad you have a handle on the food and machine. Happy holiday to you, and happy weaving to you. Oh Joy!

  40. Welcome home. I've found if I follow exactly the instructions of the PT, I get better faster.

  41. Merry Christmas, Joanne! I'm glad you're home again and have loved ones helping you. Therapy is a wonderful thing. But you're back to weaving again? Shouldn't you be resting?

  42. Perfect timing! Have a wonderful holiday season, Joanne, and a healthy, happy and safe 2022.
