
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Late to the party

 I came home to a house with L and K, but several more anticipated. K's two boys, her brother and his wife and their daughters. I did a vaccine status and found all at three shots except the nine year old girls. Nevertheless, I kept my distance, especially when friends appeared and gathered in the big room.

Christmas was a choreographed affair. Other folks' events are interesting. Gifts at nine, dinner at two. We had the tree Laura cut.

The girls solemnly distributed gifts, each wearing a Santa hat. Sweet.

You know who before I moved on to the studio.

The fluorescent lights were tough on K's migraine. We turned them off and she removed her sun glasses.

K's oldest son got two caps he put on one after the other, and looked like Sherlock Holmes.

I finished the run of blue towels, but need L home from visiting her siblings to get them through the washer and dryer for finishing. It will be so nice to start filling in the web site again.

Tomorrow I have PT at 10:30. I am looking forward to it. I am most curious to see how one manages steps with a walker. That probably will not be tomorrow.


  1. It is very good to see you back home! Wunderbar!

  2. The tree is beautiful! So glad you were home and able to celebrate Christmas. That said, please do be careful learning to use the stairs with your walker. That's worrisome to me. :/

  3. Good to see you home! And looking forward to progress with walking. I'm glad Christmas went off well, but wise to be cautious about distancing.

  4. I like that fat tree. So glad you got to be home to see it in person!

  5. Your Christmas looks wonderful. I'm also curious about managing steps with a walker. I have steps to my front porch, but also a sloping path between the lawns and people with walkers use that.

  6. Hari OM
    It is a joy to see you on your seat in the place you belong... and glad to hear some caution attended, for Omicron is certainly ramping up regardless of how many jags might have been had. That you have been at the weaving again amazes me - but also delights. YAM xx

  7. Glad you had a nice Christmas, and I hope everyone comes out of it still healthy.

  8. It is WONDERFUL to see you posting from home. Really, really wonderful.

  9. You're looking grand! Have fun with PT! Have them write it down, if not already on a page. Linda in Kansas

  10. It is so nice that you are home!

  11. Glad you had a great Christmas, Joanne.

    I don't think the cap is quite the Sherlock Holmes deerstalker, but it's close!

  12. It is good to see you back home.

  13. Great that you are back hime and experiencing normal life again.

  14. Brilliant. There must have been times when you wondered whether you would see Christmas this year.

  15. It is good to see you again, Joanne! And back home too! Yay!

  16. Good to have company, even at a distance. Glad you had a good day!

  17. Oh, to be home again! And for Christmas.
    Looks like a jolly gathering. Enjoy your weaving.

  18. Glad you are back home and getting the old loom sorted.

  19. So glad to have you back and so good to be home I'm sure.

  20. Lovely shot of you Joanne, looking rested and being cared for.


  21. You've got that twinkle in your eye! You're going to be fine.

  22. I agree with Colette, you look like you are ready for action , so glad you are out of that place with the really terrible food! What a trooper you are, Great that the towels will be stocked again.

  23. Great to see you getting back to normal! And more towels? Now I have to be tempted again. :)

  24. Glad you had such a nice day! You sound like you are determined to get better - so you will!

  25. I am very impressed that you're back at the loom. I, too, am interested to see if a walker can go up and down stairs.

  26. Good to see you here Joanne. Being home for Christmas and surrounded by family and friends sounds perfect. PT at home should go well. You are a very good student and I expect you'll progress just fine.

  27. Sounds like you had a nice Christmas at home, Joanne. And glad to hear that you are getting back to your towels. Enjoy being home and with family... and do be careful so there are no more setbacks.

  28. Glad to see that you are home at last...and weaving too!
    Now for steady improvement on the health front, we hope xx

  29. I am so happy to hear that you are get well, take good care of yourself, and carry on.

  30. You may have been late to the party, but lordy, you're going gangbusters to make up for lost time!
