
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

The big obstacle

 As was reported to me once or twice, there was no way to get my car started. Instead of running it on some errand weekly, K chose to try to start it two or three times over the many weeks it sat in the garage. She even bought a special battery to try to turn it over, to no avail. She thought probably I'd lost the alternator, too, and suggested I look into a new car.

I'd had the car into the garage back when I was not driving much due to those horrible back spasms. I had full diagnostics run on the car, for a pretty penny, and it was declared completely healthy, save a battery at 50%. I was pretty sure I still had a good alternator. So I went with my plan this morning.

First the basement steps. K went down in front ("You can't bust through me!") and L went behind, holding the back of my sweatshirt. Then she went back up for the walker, and I sat in my car and called AAA. They were one cold hour showing up, but I got what I wanted: a new battery. My car started right up and I drove to the front door and went back in the house. The only bad news, the check engine logo is on. I doubt it's serious; probably involves the new battery. I cannot get it checked until next week.

Back indoors, I set L on washing the blue toweling off the loom. My job this morning was rescheduling all the doctor appointments I cancelled from the hospital bed. Dear Lord, they all wanted to smoosh six weeks of appointments into the first half of January!

The I cut up the toweling, hemmed a couple and put them on my website, sort of. I got the dusty blue towels posted, but cannot get the program to record the quantity available. A problem for Blake!

I ask after Toby from time to time. L spent the day at Bekka's yesterday and came home with a couple of pictures. He looks a few treats over the limit, that's for sure.

On the other hand, he sure knows who he loves.


  1. You never cease to amaze me. Soon, you'll have the car sorted. I have no doubt. (Just be very careful as you problem solve.) Toby looks very content. His photo shows he does love his treats.

  2. Toby looks good! Good work with the car working again and the towels finished! You are a force of nature.

  3. Cool car diagnosing! Have your friends put a gait belt on you and walk beside you if you're messing with stairs. Your sweatshirt isn't going to hold a fall. You should've received a gait belt while in the hospital, or from any PT. Your home PT team should leave one for you also. They are at medical supply places too. Good Luck; don't move too fast with your at-home recovery. Linda in Kansas

    1. I'm surprised about the gait belt, too. When the PT was here yesterday, I sat in a too low sofa and she got me up by my britches.

    2. To DrumMajor: Good call on the gait belt. I couldn't remember what they were called, but knew that's what was needed.

  4. I can't believe how much you accomplished already. Is it any use begging you to go slow??

  5. Hari Om
    Ya jus' can't keep a good wummin down!!! My old car used to have the 'SERVICE!' light flashing pretty much all the time - even the garagistes gave up on it in the end...

    Awwwww Tobes - you look purrfeckly contented! YAM xx

  6. OMG!! LOL here... that cat is FAT!! Or else they used a conditioner on his fur the last time he was bathed. LOL I bet you do miss him. You are making such progress... so happy for you. I would guess the light on the dashboard of your car is just a warning that your car needs servicing (oil change, etc.). Kudos for getting it going again. We've had AAA for years. Had to increase our coverage because we're too far from a repair place or gas station when we travel to Bakersfield (40 miles). Absolutely worth the $$.

  7. You epitomise determination. In capitals. Please, please take it slowly.

  8. I am glad to see Toby looking good. I was wondering about him.

  9. Happily, both car and cat have endured, and I think the cat even thrived. You also seem to be doing impressively well.

  10. Toby looks like he enjoyed Christmas a little too much. Glad you got the car sorted. I have one week in January with three appointments, but the rest of the month is clear.

  11. I sure hope that new battery solves your car problem. And yes, Toby's looking a wee bit chubby now, isn't he! My blog post today has a photo featuring one of your towels, Joanne, so I've sent you the photo via email for your "where the towels live" page.

  12. You've accomplished more today than I have! Take it easy, you're making me feel guilty. I love dusty blue and wish my kitchen had some of that color in it.

  13. I am seriously impressed. Is Toby coming back yo you?

  14. Well both Toby and yourself are entering the New Year with gusto. Thank goodness for that ;)

  15. You are all looking well..and are going to start the new year running...but only metaphorically please!!

  16. Toby looks quite happy and content. I'm glad you are back to selling towels.

  17. Yay for the battery fix. I hope that’s it for the car.

  18. Love your determination to get to the bottom of the car issue! If I had half of your chutzpah, oh, the things I could get done! So glad you're back home and at the helm of your life. It has to feel good! You inspire me!

  19. Good news on the car front. Sometimes those warning lights come on due to a malfunction in the circuitry and don't indicate much at all. I have my fingers crossed this is the case for you.

  20. That’s one busy day. How wonderful to be up and getting things accomplished.

  21. Try and slow down even a little. You make me nervous doing that stair thing.


  22. You are amazing and persistent and an inspiration.
    I'm almost certain that the engine light is just a consequence of replacing the battery. If you take it to your dealer they can turn it off for you.

  23. I was going to tell you to slow down also but I think you will do what you want and really, that is how it should be. Keep up the good work!

  24. Getting your life back to normal one step at a time....

  25. Our 'maintenance required' light is on. Sometimes it's months before Marc takes it in. Yay for new towels and good to see Toby. The garage is at the basement level? You have to navigate those stairs to go to and from the car? Glad to hear you are up and attending to life.

  26. Toby looks great! He certainly is a handsome cat. As for you, I think you should look into that gait belt.

  27. Just caught up again! You are truly amazing! Makes me feel silly complaining because I can't stop sweating. Like you, I insist on being a part of my own medical plan and I have no qualms telling the doctor which drugs I refuse to take. I was in the hospital once (actually in the "overflow patient area, aka, the endoscopy recovery room). The nurse assigned to me was quite cavalier about my drug regimen. I told him three times that I needed to take my Effexor. This is my "mood elavator" and you cannot stop cold turkey. The withdrawal has to be carefully regulated or the atient will suffer many unpleasant symptoms. He kind of brushed me off. When the shift change happened and they still had not provided me wih any of my maintenance drugs, I pitched a very loud fit in thei area with only cutains and no doors (or shower). "This is the real me with no Effexor," I shouted "You do not want to spend the night here with me in this state, so I highly suggest one you to get your ass in high gear and do whatever magic it takes to get my meds, because tomorrow will be even worse!" It was amazing just how fast they were able to take care of the problem. I am so happy you are home and wishing you the best New Year!!

  28. Gait belts are so useful! We even used one on our lab. When I had vertigo they put one on me and it kept me from many a serious fall, although once I pulled the poor lightweight young man at PT down with me. Good call on the car battery. In winter, that's when those suckers decide to give up the ghost.

  29. It sure is good to see you posting again recently. Sorry I haven't been around much lately but I hope to get back more soon. Joanne, you never fail to amaze me! Congratulations on getting the car going. You knew what was wrong all along. You take care and thank you for being you!

  30. I have been running with an engine warning light since I first bought the car. Someone suggested I should take out the bulb, but one day there could be a case of cry wolf.

  31. I got anxious reading about your going down the steps, but it worked out fine. You are one busy lady!

  32. You are an amazing woman, Joanne!

    After a very bad panic attack, I gave up driving last August. Other than my daughter driving it last week and a short drive around the block every week by my husband, my car sits in the garage gathering dust.

  33. Toby looks so cute. I'm glad he's doing well. Stopping by to wish you a very Happy New Year.

  34. Toby certainly looks well loved. All of my cats were fat, my fault. Sounds like things are better for you. Here's to a much improved 2022.
