
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Home sooner than later, it appears

Last Tuesday, the doctor upgraded me to 50%  weight bearing on that leg for one week, and 100% thereafter. This truly is the most simple math you ever will do. When you stand, 100% of your weight is on the ground, 50% carried by each leg.

To put less than 50% of your weight on the leg in question is more difficult, but not imposible. It's like walking with the walker for a cane. A matter of getting the hang of it.

Long story short, my therapy has gone very well. I have been very well behaved and have tried so hard not to reinjur my leg; I can go home on Tuesday. 

I do not know how well things have gone on the home front. I wonder of L andd K have put together my new chair? K had been thinking of installing an upstairs washer/dryer, but in the event that has not occurred, I will engage the local laundry to do mine.

And then there's my poor car. AAA jumpd it twice for me and I drove it to Goodyear have a new battery installed. They told me the battery was new in January, 2021. They charged it to 100% and sent me on my way. When I arrived home that night, I broke my leg. Enough said on that. I asked that the car be started weekly, but of course that did not happen.

When they did start the car recently, nada, zip, zilch. I told K I have AAA, but she had purchased a "jumper" battery and it was at work. We'll see. never a dull moment!


  1. Stella and I had lunch at her house yesterday and you were the subject of our concern, we wished you well and admired you from afar with heartfelt hero worship! We both wanted to drive over and rescue you from bad food! Looking forward to Tuesday and you being at home, finally!

  2. That salad looks gooood! And it appears to have Ranch dressing, so that's another plus! So glad that you'll be home soon. Prayers have been answered... Be careful between now and then. You've been missed severely!

  3. So happy to hear you will be home for Christmas!

  4. Yay! Home for Christmas! I hope things continue to go well, Joanne.

  5. I'm so happy to hear you're headed home! Hooray! This is great news.

  6. What a relief that you'll soon be home!
    I have one of those jumper things for my car, works fine. That ought to be ok.
    I hope the daily needs at home work out quickly. And yay you!

    1. I carried one for years, on the road with the van.

  7. Great news! Being home for Christmas is wonderful. Hopefully, the car, chair and laundry can be sorted by Tuesday. The goal is set, K and Laura.

  8. Thank heaven you're on your way home. I worried about you, there in a land that sounded like something out of Cuckoo's Nest.

  9. Hooray for going home! Please be extra careful and very gentle with yourself. I do hope the car battery hasn't suffered too much with being neglected. That salad looks very nice.

    1. I liked all the eyeballs staring out.

    2. Yes, I saw all those eyeballs too. The salad appears to have little beings hiding.

  10. I am thrilled you are leaving this nightmare behind. Merry Christmas!

  11. Great news that you get to go home.

  12. Happy to hear you'll soon be at home! Take things easy! Hopefully someone can take your car to a better mechanic who can find out what is draining your battery. Something is not connected properly.

  13. Always good news when you get to go home. Now stop breaking bones.

  14. Walkers and canes and physical therapy are all very good things!

  15. I am beyond thrilled to read this - and hope that the Lyrica debacle has been sorted.

  16. Congratulations for graduating from the hospital and rehab! You've been amazingly patient with the lack of typical basic care. DO keep your home health and home PT/OT team in line and don't jump too far ahead of their plan of care for you. Walking "just a little bit" on one leg IS tricky. How do you put just a little weight on it, and move the better leg and foot? Keep us posted! Linda in Kansas

  17. Wonderful news! You've been through tough times but you are definitely tougher. I admire you and your attitude very much!

  18. Excellent news, just be careful on the gammy leg.

  19. I'm so relieved to see a post from you, especially with the welcome news you are on your way home. And I don't know how things are in the U.S. but here it is next to impossible to get someone to fix anything - plumbing, electrical, or anything else - in this season of the pandemic and climate change (wind and rain). They are all behind and the lineups to get anything done are long. The contractor for my insurance company who was just here to fix the roof (a single hour's work) said they aren't taking any other work than insurance jobs, they just don't have time. Your idea of sending the laundry out is a good backup plan. I can imagine your relief when you are finally home again!

  20. Good luck when you get back home, Joanne. You have been through a lot.

  21. That is good news! Have a wonderful Christmas, Joanne.

  22. Nice to know you'll be home soon. What a time you've had.

  23. Sounds like you will be home for Christmas, Joanne! Hurray! But do be careful, you may be fierce, but apparently you are fragile. Take care and be safe!

  24. Congrats on your progress, but to nitpick, I think when you walk, your leg would bear 100% of your weight. Sorry, a nit like me can't resist picking in passing, but I really don't care. It's all in fun. 😀

    1. With something to lean on, like a walker, cane crutch, you can put a lot of the weight on that shouldr and arm. With a crutch and your leg elevated, 100% of the weight. Your daughter can explain better.

  25. I was trying to do the maths when I read what Anvilcloud said above. I think he has a point. I was always lousy at maths.

  26. I am so glad to hear that you will be home for Christmas, hopefully. It is going to be hard not to overdo, won't it? You are strong and smart though and you will figure out how to get the help you need. I am SO glad you've made so much progress.

  27. Good news to hear you will be home soon. Take care not to overdo--knowing it is so hard not to once one is released from confinement.

  28. Like everyone else I am glad to hear that you are returning and hope that you are exceptionally careful with those bones.

  29. Tuesday is a good day coming up. So happy for you. Sounds like your leg is behaving along with the rest of you.

    Please be super careful and use the cane at all times. And rest up with some help (I hope).


  30. Good luck with the 50% weight distribution, I've never had to do that. It was always non-weight bearing, or put weight on it if you can tolerate the pain that will cause. I hope this goes well for you and it's the last time something breaks.

  31. What good news this is, Joanne. For you, I am sure this will be the best Christmas present ever. I've been a little worried about the gap in posting. Now I understand it completely and am awfully happy for you.

  32. Relieved to hear your good news xx

  33. So glad to hear you might be home by Christmas. You have family to rally round and help you - so sit still, take it easy and let them! Keep doing your exercises and PT so you will recover! Best wishes!

  34. This is very exciting. Hurrah...home before Christmas. Just what I was hoping.

  35. I am so glad to read that you will be home soon, Joanne!!! And well done, behaving good and thus progress quicker in physiotherapy! I wish you a merry Christmas.

  36. So glad to see your post! And with the good news of going home. Take care, be well, and maybe we all have a better new year.

  37. I'm wondering if you're using crutches if you can't put your full weight on your leg. Please be careful, Joanne.
