
Friday, October 1, 2021

Stupid and whiney

The pain doctor's office was to call me Monday about the fracture the doctor diagnosed. Someone did call Tuesday to tell me I have a spinal deformity. Well, yes, for the last twenty years, and for which they treat me with pain meds. The doctor wanted me in for an MRI; we compromised on him sending the film to my orthopedic doctor, the one who will give me a steroid injection whenever a treatment room is available. That appointment is down to two weeks and two days now.

In the meantime, I have bad days and worse days. At the beginning of the week I tried to get on a waiting list for a cancellation to have the injection sooner. There is no waiting list and also no cancellations. No one but me is bothered that I am in pain 24/7 and nothing alleviates it a bit.

I did buy CBD ointment and applied it several times. It works quite well, until it doesn't. I did come to a reason why it failed one day this week. I got up in the middle of the night for one too many bathroom calls and on the way back said FINE, I'll put on more of this stuff and go back to bed. Not only did my back feel uncomfortable for the rest of the night, it really hurt on getting up. So I read the directions, which said "Do not put under a bandage."  And there it was, under my nightgown, then the sheet, then a blanket, then the quilt. Quite the bandage!

Last night I knew I was cold, but resolved to do nothing about it. The temperature went down to about 45F last night. But I need the stool to reach my goose down, and wasn't about to do that. 

K reached it down for me this morning, and after breakfast I crawled under it. Four hours later I got up and felt mighty good for an old lady with a hip full of bursitis! That goose and I will be inseparable for the next several months.

Here's some good news. The lavender run of towels is off and will be fulled tomorrow. So I will have something to do next week beside complain. I can cut and hem more towels. The next set of towels will be cerise; there are absolutely no red towels on the shelf.

But then, there are few of any of these colors! I cannot wait to be back to weaving.


  1. So happy that your towel business has been a success.

  2. Pain is a b— [your “b” word of choice].
    I’m sorry that you have to wait so long for treatment.
    But glad the goose brings some comfort,
    and your towel production continues.
    Carry on!

  3. Perhaps a prescription for medical marijuana would help? Or maybe a relative has some to share.


  4. PS I mean to say, carry on like Louis Howe!
    Also—Sorry, when I comment via my phone sometimes it posts 2 or more times!)

    1. When I think about people like him, and FDR for that matter, I consider myself a whiner, and stupid!

    2. Yeah, me too... But of course they're the outliers, we're not stupid whiners, we're just normal! :)

  5. Medical marijuana sounds like a good idea. I hope you get some relief soon, Joanne.

  6. So sorry about the continuing pain. It's horrible, as us the feeling that the doctors aren't as concerned as we'd like. You're awesome continuing to weave and produce anyway. I'm glad you're reunited with the warm downy.

  7. Pain outsucks Dyson. A pain management clinic I went to told the assembled participants that 'pain impacts on every aspect of your life'. Given that chronic pain lasting over 12 months was a prerequisite to attend the course they were preaching to the converted.
    I hope you get some relief and love the colour wheel.

    1. It's the last wheel I posted. Only five of those colors remain.

    2. The only thing I got out of a pain treatment clinic was acceptance that what I was going through was a forever condition and I would have to suck it up and hope for better days between the pain. I still have back pain, but nothing like it was, but that was over 30 years ago. It takes time and more...

  8. Constant pain really Drags us down.

  9. Hari OM
    Yup - it's a pain, that ache... that two weeks will feel like two months, but then it will arrive. So glad you have someone to hand now... and I was shivering last night too! Time for me to crack out the extra bed layers and keep you company!!! YAM xx

  10. You are allowed to complain as much as you want. In pain 24/7 would be more than any of us could bear and having to WAIT on top of that. Intolerable!! I'm so sorry. You have a much better attitude than I would. xoxo

  11. Oh, Joanne ... I'm sorry to hear you have such a wait. Chronic pain is hard to bear. I hope the time passes quickly, and I'm glad you have your goose down duvet now.

  12. you know why doctors call it a practice, right? because they paractiv=ce on you. I second the medical marijuana.

  13. Hope the steroid injection helps. So sorry you have this pain to deal with.
    Your towel business is sure successful - glad you will continue weaving as it brings you joy (and $$)! :)

  14. I'm so sorry that you're in chronic pain. Please hang in there until you can get that blessed steroid injection relief.

  15. I am so sorry- I empathize, I do. Though i have found a way to deal with the arthritic pain and the shoulder pain with
    Charlotte's Web Recovery chewies- I eat three in the morning and seem to be fine. A bit cranky because pain does that, but I have not murdered anyone yet. Steroids after effects for me also makes me murderous. I hope it works well for you.

  16. Hugs for courage as you wait for your shots. I know what you're going through. Hang tough... prayers for your strength while you wait.

  17. I'm so sorry you're having to wait so long to have your pain dealt with. I'm glad you have a cozy comforter for the time being. Hopefully the next post you write will be telling us that you have some relief. -Jenn

  18. I have my red towel in the kitchen right now :)
    I'm really sorry to hear you have so much pain and nothing is being done. So glad you have the goosedown though, mine is duck and I always feel much better after sleeping under it when I've been aching.

  19. It's a shame they can't get you in sooner especially with the amount of pain you are having. You complain all you want - you've earned it! That goose down sounds wonderful. I hope it helps a little.

  20. I get very angry when the doctors don't give prompt attention to my husband. They do stupid things like put an 86 year old down for an appointment two months away, when he needs immediate care and the ER people just say "He needs to see a specialist, we can't help him here." Like with you, they are not bothered by his pain! It's maddening! I wish you could get that injection sooner.

  21. Hope the medical bods get themselves in a line very soon ((0))
    We take CBD oil, and use culinary hemp oil on food..any splashes get rubbed in to my fingers!

  22. Constant pain must be difficult to live with. If I have a sore back for a day it makes me miserable, but I can generally walk it off. Hope the docs get you fixed up soon, Joanne.

  23. I hope you get your appointment and remedy soon and that the oil helps in the meantime.

  24. I am so sorry to hear of your back and all the other things that go with it. Things seem worse when you can't sleep. Stay warm and keep weaving!

  25. Constant pain is a bugger. Leo has peripheral neuropathy and his hands and feet give him gyp all the time.
    Warmth helps a you have a hot water bottle?

    1. I have a 30 year old heating pad, with an illegally long cord and illegally high temps. I can sit on it for hours.

  26. Sorry about your constant pain Joanne - not being able to escape from it is so draining. Hope it soon gets sorted for you.

  27. This infuriates me! Pain is as debilitating as whatever is causing it! No one should have to wait that long for relief.
    I have to admit that I am looking forward to getting my own duck out to snuggle under. Please take comfort wherever/however you can.

  28. So, no fracture? but the same deformity? And no immediate remedies or help for the pain? And this is a pain clinic? And why is there no waiting list for cancelations? Things do happen and people do have to cancel... (guess I just don't understand the system).

  29. Joanne I am so sorry to hear of your ongoing pain. It's a brutal way to live, especially for those of us who live the creative life. I found CBD worked for only a while (I took capsules and also a honey mix) and then zero relief, back to the tylenol with the codeine ones for really bad days.


  30. Nobody should be in as much pain as you are experiencing. I was once told if you tell the MD you are feeling constant pain and your quality of life is greatly impacted, they have to do something quickly. Should you put this in writing to your MD?

  31. What happens when you say that to your doctor?

  32. It's been just over six weeks since I got my hip replaced. Time is passing too slowly. Each day is a wee bit better, but I'm still sick of the pain - even the recovery pain.

  33. Well this sucks. It's good to have illegally long cords, much better than stringing extension cords together. I do hope the injection does some good for the pain.

  34. So sorry you're in so much pain and that no one is inclined to do anything about it. Doesn't seem right!!

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  36. Your towels look gorgeous, Joanne, but your pain problems is really concerning. I'm so happy you have a nice down comforter to keep you comfortable. Here in Hawaii, it's too hot for me and we sleep with just a light sheet.
