
Sunday, September 26, 2021


The last doctor visit on Friday did not produce the upscheduled injection for bursitis, as I intended. That third visit produced a third diagnosis. My pain doctor said I have a fracture and took a third x-ray to prove it. He'll call me on Monday. He also doubled my pain med to alleviate the pain.

Cathy and I went to lunch. She certainly is smitten by my pain doctor.

For several years she worked in a rehab facility. If nothing else, she walks the walk and talks the talk. I spent my half hour lunch dealing with drug store texts about prescription refills and listening to her review the doctor visit and advocate his solution to my pain. She most of all liked his manner, and that he patted my shoulder on the way out. I think I'll just surprise her.

That night I thought I might as well try his new pain prescription. The films were barely gone when wham, and I knew that was a mistake. There is not enough of me to keep adding more, better, new.

I did keep weaving. I hoped to take off the lavender towels this weekend, but my daily naps got in the way. I think there are three or four bobbins to finish, but probably not tomorrow. There will be more than the usual twelve towels this time; I had a third partial bobbin of lavender and this was the time to use it.

It will be a pleasant change next week to be hemming towels and photographing and updating my web page.


  1. So very sorry, but it's better to know the truth of it than to go down the wrong road to recovery. I'm wondering how you would have fractured your hip and then I think of you (like me) picking up boxes that you should have left for someone stronger (and who has stronger bones, to boot!). I hope the fracture is a small one and can be dealt with without surgery. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. Wait now - you've got a fractured hip? And you're still carrying on as usual? What about slowing down a bit and resting? Dang, woman, you're going to make yourself worse! Sigh... Please slow down? Good luck with the Monday call. We'll be waiting to hear how it went.

  3. I know this sounds impossible but- quit doing stuff! I suggest that after you nap you take a nap. That is what I do and it is helping me tremendously. I have sewn oats, lived fast and furiously - time to take naps!

  4. Sorry to hear of your pain and fracture. I hope the doctors can fix things!

  5. you're like me, have to do stuff, though sometimes it's best not to do stuff. but when you're the only one around who else will do it? the fracture is in your hip?

  6. For you to try not to be active is near impossible, but can you at least just try? I'm worried about the fracture diagnosis

  7. A fracture! Well, I am sorry to hear it. I am glad you are getting proper care now.

  8. With a proven fracture and combined pain, I hope the docs have a plan to help you. Cathy sounds like a great friend to have in your corner.

  9. A fracture! I hope that is treated and responds quickly, Joanne. No wonder you had such pain!

  10. Hari OM then... does this date back to all the tumble and tear three...four?.. years back??? Just so fine a crack it didn't get detected till you'd used it enough to open it up??? I do hope the doc comes good on the management/treatment. I'd join the take it easy crowd, but I know you need to be doing as well. So just enjoy those naps, 'kay?! YAM xx

  11. Another fracture?? oh dear :(
    I hope the extra pain meds are helping.
    Extra naps will help.

  12. Oh Joanne, I feel so with you - helpless to do anything except sending good wishes and energy (same with my best friend Anne, who today is getting a MRT and many doctors who search for the reason of awful pain - and more painkillers didn't work).
    I hope so much that they will help you to heal and get strength and joy again, dear friend! xxx

  13. Oh my, a fracture? I'm sorry. I have to say I agree with many others here that are asking if maybe you could please rest for a while until the doctor gets things taken care of for you. Moving around a lot could make it much worse. You are a big reader so you could attack some books and maybe find some movies or something to watch on TV. Your loom and your towels will still be there. I know it's not my business and you like to stay busy but please be careful! We all care about you!

  14. It will be good when all the medics can get to the root of the problem and get things sorted!
    Meanwhile your lovely weaving can give you focus.You don't have to go at it full pelt!
    Sending a virtual hug x ((0))

  15. Another fracture? I hope not.
    I hope even more fervently you can find something which helps YOU.

  16. So many people care about you. me too.

  17. The bursitis diagnosis did sound a bit unusual to me. Fracture sounds ominous. Hang on in there! Hoping it heals without serious intervention.

  18. Glad to see you weaving again, despite what you are now going through.

  19. I love how you just keep on keeping on.

  20. Oh my goodness, at least someone is getting to grips with your problem...I hope Monday goes well.

  21. Oh gee, a fracture. As if you haven't had enough pain and discomfort these past few years. I'm happy to read you can still weave.

  22. You're like the Energizer Bunny--you just keep going and going. Well, you do take naps and that's good.

  23. Sending healing thoughts your way! Hope you get relief soon from your fracture.

  24. Oh, Joanne! No! But at least with a real diagnosis there can be a plan. I am so sorry.
    When Glen and I were down south we went to a Habitat for Humanity resale shop and in the midst of all of the "modern" stuff there was a loom and other weaving equipment (I don't even know what!) and it was all so obviously old and well-used and I felt a part of you there. It was thrilling in a way. They were asking a pretty good amount for it all but it was probably worth far more.

  25. A secret fracture? Oh my Joanne, that is so serious particularly at our age. I hope you're not in too much pain with all of that. What is the prognosis, will it heal by itself?


  26. I am so sorry the hip is fractured. It's no wonder things have been painful as of late.

  27. Good luck with sorting out your various medical problems, and reducing the pain. A fracture is the last thing you need.

  28. A fracture! Ack! Take it easy and manage the pain. I love my towels!!

  29. I too hope it is a slight fracture that will heal on it's own and not require surgery... but REST. Keep us updated... and take it easy while waiting for the result of the x-ray.

  30. Dear Joanne, first, I'm glad that the cause of the pain has been determined and that, possibly, we hope you'll not need surgery. Second, I realized in reading your posting how haphazard my visits to blogs has been this year. It seems to me that everyone whose blog I read is going through difficult times or has just come out of something hard and I've missed it all. I think about the bloggers whose postings have touched my life and sensibilities and captured my heart, but thinking is not sitting down at the computer and reading the postings and leaving comments. So, I've missed all you've been going through. I'm thinking of your pictures on your blog and your face and surrounding it and you with the thought of healing white light that will penetrate your pores and bring warmth and comfort and the peace of knowing that all is well. Peace.

  31. Thinking of you and hoping that your pain is under control. Gentle hugs, Bea

  32. Your hip is broken? Noooo! That must be quite painful. I hope you can rest.


  33. Not what you wanted to hear, but at least it willbe dealt with. I hope the pain pills help.

  34. So glad you are blogging even with a broken bone.

  35. Hope you are feeling better and the pain is going away. Take care of yourself, Joanne.

  36. Pain. Is it better to share it? Sometimes, but you can take empathy too far. I wish I lived closer to all you lovely people.

  37. Yikes.

    I have never had a good experience with pain meds. Never. Thank heavens I have a high thresh hold of pain.
