
Sunday, September 19, 2021

Much to do and doing little!

 I wore myself out yesterday. Beth and I picked out some new TV dinners. Are they even called that any more? She did my laundry and changed the bed. Clean sheets, what a treat.

I managed to weave one bobbin yesterday. Today was much better; I did at least two and perhaps three. That was after an auxiliary nap, from nine to noon. I woke up at three and spent the better part of the next four hours replanting the flower gardens. They do need it, but I put in a tiresome amount of effort last night.

Kai supervises much of what I do. I really don't believe she's found a gold mine of food bits on the floor, but several times a day she checks. Today she investigated the legs of all my furniture. That was a mystery. 

Laura made a surprise visit today. She was working a food truck at the Community Days of a local township, and came by to relax a bit. She said there were two food trucks and only one served fries--the one she was staffing. "I'm so tired," she announced after awhile, rubbing her eyes. "If I rub enough I probably can see straight."

"If you go wash the French fry residue from your glasses, you can see perfectly!" I told her. She did, and was well enough to go shopping with K.

They went to the Indian market in Akron. Here she is making up supper for the two of them. I have no idea what it is. Once she ran into the bathroom for tissues for her eyes, streaming from onions.


  1. If someone is making supper for you, don't ask questions. Just sit down enjoy. And hope for leftovers!

  2. Beautiful kitchen! I love that deep green with the oak wood. Nice! As for onions, I always use white onions (less eye pain and not as strong smelling) but this last shopping trip I bought a nice large red onion. OH MY WORD! I put very thin slices on our sandwiches for lunch the other day and neither one of us could handle the strength. Whew! Don't have a clue what I'll do with the remainder of the onion. Won't be using it any time soon.

    1. p.s. I also keep my onions in the refrigerator in the bottom drawer. I'd read somewhere a long time ago that they wouldn't make you cry as a yellow onion would. Also, I try not to cut the root end off until the last. That also causes the onion to not 'cry' as much.

  3. I hope you rest more and take it easy, Joanne. You know what they say: "Slow and steady wins the race." No need to be a jackrabbit, LOL!

  4. Nice kitchen! Lot's of elbow room. Before I gave my instant pot away, I had always thought I could learn to make Indian food. However, we never did and I didn't want to pack it, so it went to a better home. The new owner made barbacoa that very night, she was very happy with the pot. Hope the hip is improving.

  5. K's home cooked meal should be enjoyable. Hopefully she cooked double and you'll have leftovers tomorrow. I was surprised to hear you were working in the garden. That seems like a big job especially when you are not 100%. Take care.

    1. That was my dream from 3 a.m. to 7. Then I had to nap from nine to noon just to get up and face the day!

  6. Oh I love your kitchen Joanne, and the light is magnificent. So is the wonderful dog. I had one like that years ago by the name of Chelsea.


  7. Who knows what a dog smells with their keen sense of smell.

  8. kai and Laura all in one day, The day of cuteness. You are a lucky woman!

  9. We just call them frozen meals…..yes home cooked is best but I do admit to buying one not very often - now and again…..just for the sauce. Chicken Satay which I then ‘beef up’ with loads more cooked chicken and steamed veg.

  10. Maybe Kai is sniffing out Toby on your furniture legs. Animals have such an amazing sense of smell. How nice that you got to see Laura! I hope your appointment for the injection comes up soon so you can put the pain behind you!

  11. I have trouble with onions too, even when they are half cooked, I can stir them and start weeping and stinging. But I love to eat onions, so I put up with it.
    I am glad you are able to weave again but worry about your pain. Naps help a lot don't they?

  12. Pace yourself as best you can.
    And a big hooray for Laura and home cooked meals. MUCH better than the frozen variety.

  13. Hari OM
    it is a delight to see that kitchen (and Laura) again!!! Replanting the garden??? Oh Joanne, steady on!!! This all sounds as if things really are 'in the right place' though. YAM xx

  14. You're doing enough, and seeming to be fed well too.

  15. You sound so much better now. Stouffers frozen things are the most edible I've found. Hugs.

  16. That is a beautiful kitchen. Naps are good and home cooking too. Hope you found some decent TV dinners/microwave meals. :)

  17. I'm all for naps! The garden I might put on hold for a while. And kudos to Laura for coming by to visit... and cook.

  18. I too have naps when I am sleepy - the only way to keep going all day.

  19. If you need a nap, go for it is my motto. Nice to have a surprise visit from Laura.

  20. Blogger giving me problems, but now solved. Re: TV Dinners: living alone I often buy things like Cottage Pie and Chicken Korma. However, last night I watched a documentary about Food Fraud. Large quantities of horse meat are added to beef mince. Canola oil is substituted for extra virgin olive oil. Large corporations are involved. Food for thought?

  21. Dogs' noses are so sensitive!
    By the way Kai is Food in Te Reo Maōri!!

  22. I still call them TV dinners sometimes! I think the grocery store has that aisle labeled "Frozen Entrees" here! Ha ha, sounds a bit more elegant, I guess. You are doing a LOT!

  23. Kai looks like a sweetie. After the divorce, we kids subsisted on TV dinners a la Swanson's. -not bad stuff, if I recall. Glad to read that Laura is still coming 'round.

    Hope all is well, Joanne. x

  24. Hello Kai. Nice to meet you. You are making me feel lazy with all of your activities. Glad Laura is around to help out.

  25. Animal supervisors are generally more enthusiastic and less bother than their human counterparts :) Kai is a pretty doggo. I hope you didn't hurt yourself gardening, Joanne. Four hours is a long time for such heavy activity. I hope your frozen meals taste better than the last lot.

  26. Great and smart experience. I followed your blog now. Thx

  27. Your dog is onto something...

    I'm glad you had a nice visit and hope you enjoy those dinners better than the last ones you had.

  28. Ha! TV dinners! Have you ever tried the ones called ‘Amy’s’? They are vegetarian, but you would not know it. They are delicious, and they have a lot of Mexican meal options if that’s something you like.

  29. Interesting how Kai checks the floor and furniture for possible stashes of food. Or maybe it's just lingering food smells that she has to investigate. Dogs having a much sharper sense of smell than humans, maybe she can detect smells we don't even notice.

  30. I remember the original TV dinners. We used to consider them a treat. I think Mom and I actually set up little tables and had our TV dinners in front of the TV on a night when Dad wasn't going to be home for dinner.

  31. HI Joanne, Chicken here, I hope your hip is feeling a little better. Kai is so sweet and I can’t believe how much Laura has matured. I’m glad the move Is behind you

  32. I wonder if the transition from light season to dark season affects our energy levels? I have been dragging around for a week. I'm glad to hear that you are busy and have such lovely company around you.
