
Sunday, October 3, 2021

Moving on

 I feel a small sense of accomplishment today! The lavender towels are fulled and cut, and half a dozen are hemmed. They are listed on the web page. How pathetic my towel wheel looks!

Only six lavender towels are hemmed so far, and that weaving session yielded seventeen towels. I tied on the warp, wound the bobbins and threw a few shots. The next set of towels will be cerise.

There is not a red towel left on my stock shelf. As far as that goes, there are not many towels left on my stock shelf.

Tomorrow I have my semi-annual appointment with my cardiac doctor. Then first star on the right and straight ahead. I'll finish the red this week. I have that little township show the first week of December, and a lot more inventory will look better!

Beth came down this past weekend, and brought Ruth! I have not seen her since early last summer. We went grocery shopping. I told Ruth she would like Kreigers, where I shop, as much as she likes Heinens. She was doubtful.

Kreigers had on their best face. We've shopped at Giant Eagle the last several weekends, and I've used a mobility cart. Enough of that, I decided, and slathered up in CBD sauce, I asked Beth to bring me a cart. I wandered the aisles myself, occasionally crossing paths with Ruth, checking out a myriad of items. As we left, she said it was far more than she expected.

And there I am, looking like a regular person, not one who could not move without some serious prop holding me up. How I paid for that half an hour behind a shopping cart! When this bursitis is resolved, I must go back to physical therapy. My right leg needs more than my cane to keep it moving.


  1. Grocery shopping and weaving seems like a lot for you to take on. At least the CBD helps somewhat. Getting some PT sounds like a priority. Your towels look fantastic and your weaving is the best I've ever seen. Take care Joanne.

  2. So . . . no fracture after all? But still pain. Bloody hell.

  3. You still have your sense of humor with it all. (Slathered yourself with sauce!) 😂. And, yes, you do look like a normal person. I'll bet you paid! I hope you have a good week.

  4. Awww... Joanne, I'm sorry you're having to endure that pain. I'm really impressed you get so much weaving done despite them.

  5. Nice to feel 'normal',but sorry you had to pay for it in pain.

  6. Glad you had fun shopping but sorry you had to pay the pain bill for it later.

  7. It's all one step at a time. Hoping for good news from your cardiologist.

  8. I agree that sometimes we see a person looking just like a regular shopper and we have no idea what it's costing her in pain and planning. You're a star.

    One day maybe you'll tell us who the people are? Friends? Relatives? I see names galore and don't know who! Just a thought.

  9. Hi Joanne, you sure have been having challenges with that hip and subsequent pain. I would say ride when you can. I like how you are pacing yourself. Do hope you get back to weaving soon.

  10. Joanne you are such an amazing woman to get so much accomplished despite all the pain. This is a long shot, but maybe your cardiologist could pull some strings to help you get that injection for the pain sooner. All your pain cannot be good for your heart and blood pressure! It's a thought anyway. Please take care!

  11. You do look just like a regular ambulatory person :) I can imagine the moment you got home and sat down with the drawn out 'aaahh' of relief. I agree with Bonnie that maybe your cardiologist can pull some strings.
    I love the open-air part of that market, it brings back memories of when I shopped at such a place.

  12. I would be feeling a HUGE sense of accomplishment. And yes, I hear you on the effort that 'looking normal' can take.
    I really, really hope that you find some relief. Soon.

  13. Your color wheel does not look pathetic at all. Even if there was only one color, your towels are wonderful.

  14. You set an example for us all, hard working and keeping going.
    Great to see that your towels are selling well.
    Hope the medics will get things sorted soon . Knowing exactly what one's body is up to is half the battle at least

  15. Joanne, I really admire your toughness, doing all these things despite your immense pain! I hope that you find a treatment that helps to reduce that pain, and I really think of you!

  16. You are tough, Joanne. Not only do you put up with it, you write about it with humour. If I lived close by I would come over and make you a fine dinner.

  17. I know. I drag my stupid foot around the grocery store when I could order pickup.

  18. Hari OM
    Kriegers is a great store and I loved visiting it with you - so glad you got this outing, even if there was a debt. And that your towel stock is so low cheers me - it means they are popular and moving and that is a thing to celebrate! (I too wondered if the Cardiac man might not be able to pull some weight on furthering other medical matters...) YAM xx

  19. Good morning from Lloyd, Joanne! I hope you got some good and restorative sleep last night and have not woken up paying for your outing. If you need extra rest today, take it!
    I do love that cerise. It is bold. Not unlike you.

  20. Well, the important word in your title is "Moving" and it is good that you are able to get out and about again!

  21. I think the sparse color wheel looks like success. good to see you standing behind that cart. isn't there some sort of exercise routine you can do at home every day to help strengthen your leg?

  22. What a pretty grocery store! You look very nice in that fall-themed parking lot photo op, no one would guess how much effort it took! Hope all goes well at the cardiologist.

  23. Ditto to the wishes for a successful cardiac doctor's visit, and for more pain free days ahead once you get your cortizone injections. They do make a world of difference.

  24. You are one determined woman. Looking good!

  25. You look like a normal person! However, as the saying goes "pride goeth before a fall." What a wonderful looking store! I love the decorations of fall.

  26. ...and broken too.
    Just flat out lovely stuff. I do think the quilting on that big piece I am doing it good, but I haven't gotten to like the overall look of it yet. I did have to look up cerise. LOL

  27. Your Kreigers looks like a nice place to shop.

  28. Wow. Iron them? They must love you, too.

  29. It takes a lot of guts to keep on going when you're dealing with chronic pain. My hat is off to you, lady!

  30. I think I could possibly walk round the supermarket with a trolley as my support but it is what to do when I leave - so I have my groceries delivered. But it would be lovely to just go round now and again. Well done you.

  31. I had a day of freedom from assistance this week and couldn't believe it. Still can't. So glad you tried it too. Onward my friend. And I love the towels. And your persistence.


  32. I admire your determination to resist "props" and act like a regular person.

  33. Wow. I agree about the physical therapy, How helpful is the CBD? I hope the pain subsides.

    1. I'm using a gel application. It works well enough, for a few hours, then I apply it again. I use it twice a day. It's no solution, but it's good to be able to move, with the walker, sort of pain free.

  34. Great shot of you and the pumpkins in front of the store. Your towels look smart as ever as well. xx

  35. That's a really nice shot of you, and how I could do with some blue skies and sun! Well done for battling through the pain, I hope it eases soon.

  36. Well, good things/good things. Small towel wheel means lots of sales (yay!). Also means lots more weaving going on (another yay! useable art). Wish we had a market like that one here.

  37. Glad you got to get out and show them how it is done, Joanne. I have a friend who is going through chemotherapy that swears by the CBD oil. Good to know it is helping you out. Take care.

  38. Nothing like going to the store yourself and picking out your own stuff! Early in the pandemic, we started having our groceries delivered, but there was always a mistake, sometimes a serious one. It also looked like they palmed off the worst of the produce on customers like us. We are now back to doing our own shopping.
