
Thursday, October 7, 2021

Interesting blunders

I've lived here six weeks, incapacitated the last four, and for a couple of weeks into the future. I've located appropriate doctors completely on my own, though I do not fault my primary for that. She is practically a chick from the egg, a new doctor into the system. She knew what department to send me to, but not what doctor. 

Or perhaps it was a geriatric test. Anyway...

I persevered, and the last month has been amusing, though extremely painful. All my doctors in various departments, with whom I had appointments anyway would not recommend an orthopedic doctor to look at my hip. I had three separated diagnoses from doctors who should know: need a new hip, have a burse, have a broken bone.

The only one I believe, for sound reason, is the burse, and in two weeks I will have it aspirated and loaded with cortisone. Here on the home front, the people who have helped me are falling away, for good reason.

Beth, my oldest daughter, and her family are flying to Parents' Day, with Francis at the U of Colorado. I never know what L will be up to until the last minute, and it takes a little more that that minute to make a plan. K reminds me I have six grandchildren, surely one of them can help me.

Let's see. France is in school in Colorado. That leaves Blake, who has one day a week off, Monday. I wonder when else he can shop and do laundry. Hamilton manages a restaurant and goes to school. He has no days a week off. Caroline lives a hour away, and seems gone every weekend. Rebekah lives an hour away. That leaves L, who seems to turn up every weekend and says "Gramma, let me help you!"

Thank goodness for my friend Cathy; I haven't burned her out yet. She even volunteered to do my laundry tomorrow.

My sister has made a few meals for me, and they are good. But meals on wheels has been suggested and today I rolled over and started their service. First delivery, a week from Monday, when I also get that shot. We'll see how that will work out.

K told me today she has researched local MoW, and my assessment seems correct; they rank way low on the healthy meal ladder. They come once a week and deliver five or six frozen meals. I'm sure I can cancel as quickly as I began them, about ten minutes max.

Today K told me her son will be here this weekend, in and out. On one of his trips he will bring L from the U, and the two of them will bring over the kitchen table from the barn, where it has been given the anti-mold spore treatment for the last month. And the chairs. It will be so good to have a place to eat.

Between naps I have been sewing and weaving. The cerise is close to half done. Look at this lovely lop sided shelf of inventory!

I've decided the next color will be kiwi; I need a green. I'll do a grass green, or some good green after that.

My friend kiwi is down on the right end. I liked grass green, too. It's tucked between the light orange and the grey. So many colors! Get busy, Joanne.


  1. Hari OM
    Colour certainly keeps things cheerful! Crikey though, all that struggle to get medical attention... I sure hope the shot does what is required.

    When we finally got dad to agree to have 'ready meals' provided (God forbid we should mention 'MoW'!) we obtained from a company that brought them frozen and then he could just heat and eat as he wished (until I finally moved back in). I have done a quick search and I think you might like to take a look around at Magic Kitchen, Joanne - looks very similar sort arrangement to our Wiltshire Meals thing and dad (and we) found them to be good to excellent, once in a blue moon average but never poor to bad. That's about all the help I can manage from here!!! YAM xx

  2. The entire medical system seems stressed and overwhelmed. That said, you should have a clear diagnosis and a treatment plan. I hope the shot relieves your pain and one of the docs can provide a definitive diagnosis and a treatment plan. Magic Kitchen (above) sounds like a good option (Plan B) for consideration.

  3. I've just taken your last 2 green towels!! LOL I see some lighter green in the photo above, but didn't see them in the group of photos of your current stock. Ah well. The darker green works! Hugs and love -- wish you could get some definitive agreement on your hip. Must be very frustrating, never mind painful as all get out! I have to wonder if you couldn't find an aide to come in once a week to help with household chores. I have one through Valley Caregiver Resource Center They help Seniors and caregivers.

  4. I'm impressed that you're still weaving and planning despite all the pain and lack of help. It's true though that having a lot of family doesn't guarantee anyone's free to help you. And I wish you had some coordination with the doctors.

  5. You are amazing! Might want to consider asking one of those docs, the ortho or the primary to write an order for home health, and Physical Therapy. Home health agencies have gals who can help with baths and some easy chores. Linda in Kansas

  6. Sounds like things are slowly -- perhaps frustratingly slowly -- coming together. I'm glad that Laura and Cathy are dependable helpers.

  7. Joanne, I probably missed something somewhere... (I tend to do that), but you aren't living alone are you? It seems like you should be able to get some home help... maybe as someone suggested, have one of the doctors write a Rx for home health care?

  8. I'm with Rian above. I know you aren't living alone now (correct? I confess I don't understand the new living arrangement), but you need some help from someone who can shop for you and fix you a meal and help you get to appointments. Meals On Wheels doesn't sound as if it will be much help. I wish I were there to take care of you myself. Laura is a dear.


    1. My landlord, also a friend, is barely more healthy than I am. She suggested MoW. We'll see.

  9. Your spirit is extraordinary, Joanne. And, yes - accept whatever help is in the community. No man (or woman) is an island, and relatives aren't the only answer. I'm glad Laura is such a willing helper, though.

  10. It's a shame you couldn't get an orthopedic doctor to examine the hip. Why is that? Would they not recommend one? Or does your insurance not cover it?
    MoW deliver five or six frozen meals? You can get those yourself from the supermarkets (with help of course) and probably choose nicer versions. I remember when my Dad had MoW, apparently the food was acceptable, but he was very disappointed the woman didn't sit with him while he ate and clean up afterwards. Back then it was daily hot lunch and dad said all she did was put the foil tray on the table and leave him to it. I told him off.
    I am very glad you still have Laura and Cathy.

  11. Your inventory looks wonderful.
    I so hope that your pain can be relieved - and that you can find/access regular help (other than, but not excluding) family.

  12. Good that you can have some regular help in at present.

  13. I wish that they can help you to make that pain go away!, Joanne, it must be horror!
    I looked up the word "burse" and could not find it. The pain you describe seems to mirror that of my friend Anne, on Monday she is going to a pain clinic - she too had many different diagnoses from doctors - in the MRT they thought that a "SPINALSTENOSE" might be the culprit.

  14. A doctor that is practically a chick from the egg! I do understand that. My new PCP is about the age of my son and then this week I saw another doctor that looked to be my granddaughter's age! The older we get the younger they get. I hope your two weeks waiting for the injection go by quickly and the MoW are not too bad! Your beautiful towel inventory is growing!

  15. So thankful that you are informed and determined!!
    You are fortunate that Laura and Cathy are willing and able to help. Everyone has busy lives now.

  16. It boggles the mind that you have to jump through hoops like this to get proper treatment.

  17. And yet the weaving continues! Joanne, you amaze me.

  18. Oh Joanne. I hope the next weeks go quickly so you can have treatment. Here we don’t have to find doctors on our own. We are referred to specialists by the primary. The appointment may be months away however. I had a referral for cataracts which took two months and surgery is three months away.

  19. I am appalled and angry on your behalf that it is taking so long to get a true diagnosis and relief for your hip. That is just not acceptable. I know you must be so frustrated. And when you're in pain like that your body compensates by moving in ways that put strain on the other side which are going to end up being a problem too.
    I love how understanding you are about your grandchildren's realities when it comes to time. Yes of course in theory they "should" be able to help but how? They all sound incredibly busy. Thank the heavens for Laura.
    Take good care, Joanne.

  20. Leo's generalist is another chick from the egg...which suits Leo as he does as Leo tells him. A pity you have to do all your research yourself.
    We tried frozen meals for mother...they lasted a week. What she would eat was the range of chilled ready meals from Marks and Spencer....which were superb, Italian,Indian, Chinese and British all available and not expensive. I don't know if there is an equivalent in the U.S.

  21. You are in my thoughts. I'm hoping you get some relief soon. I'm so glad you have the weaving and small business to keep you going. Happy you are trying alternative meal ideas. But how in the world do you manage to mail your orders to customers?

  22. I'm glad you found the appropriate physician and hope relief is on the way. I hope all goes well with the delivery of your table and chairs and that the food from Meals on Wheels is good. Your green sounds lovely.

  23. Boy, I sure hope things start moving faster for you. I really hope your Meals on Wheels makes it. Table and chairs...I went to a lot of trouble to get ours, and now we don't use them.

  24. A chick from an egg. I know what you mean. My new dentist looks like he's on a lunch break from his high school algebra class.

  25. My new primary care doc is probably younger than my older daughter. It's difficult to feel dependent and have to ask for help, but it's what we have to do sometimes. What beautiful colors!! I love my towels!

  26. I don't understand how you could get three different diagnoses for your hip. it seems to me that if one doctor did all the necessary tests, it should be clear. but what do I know? of course your grandchildren have lives of their own and are scattered. the primary responsibility for helping, imo, are your daughters, both of which are nearby and capable of helping. but I know how children can shirk their duty.

  27. Actually both are 45 minutes away. The older has been down the last four weeks, and the other I haven't asked because she is in her last semester of being a nurse practitioner.

  28. You have many busy grandkids! That kiwi green looks so much like kiwi. -love it.

  29. You seem very accomplished at navigating the medical system.

  30. I wish I lived closer to you. I would be happy to help fill in some of the gaps and help you out. Your towels are lovely and greens are my favorite, so I'll be looking forward to seeing them!

    I hope you get some definitive answer about your hip soon, and real pain relief. Keep your chin up.

  31. I don't know about all this, Joanne. You certainly are a fighter and a tiger, but good gravy, even tigers need help! I feel it is an honor and a blessing to help others. A humble blessing. When one is without (living) family and friends, oh how they will realize how great it is to have a loved one to help! Everyone has their own life to live, but no one will regret it if they "take time to make time" to help. As to the Meals on Wheels, when my aunt received them, she would lay in bagged salads and avocados and berries, and use that to boost the healthy factor. She'd make a nice crockpot veggie soup, too, in winter and have a cup daily as a "tonic." DO NOT get me started on doctors and how they just let patients muddle along!!!

  32. Will your insurance allow you to self refer to an orthopedist? Medicare does not require referrals. If you have Medicare Advantage (part C), they do require referrals. We're about to embark on finding a new medical fleet up here, or I might just fly to Tucson and see our old family practice.

  33. It's hard when family help is unavailable. I hope you feel better soon.

  34. Joanne, I don't know how you manage to do all that weaving. I'm sorry you are in so much pain. Your Laura is an angel. What loving person she is! Fingers crossed that you heal quickly.

  35. It's perplexing when different doctors come up with different diagnoses. I hope the burse turns out to be the correct one.

  36. having been through the diagnostic grinder myself for the past year I am completely empathetic. So exhausting and frustrating. Love your stockpile.

