
Sunday, October 10, 2021

Good days, bad days, another week of waiting days

Yesterday I was so mizerble I was hard pressed to be civil. Today I stayed ahead of the pain and had a decent day. I wove off several bobbins, took a nap, visited with L, watched her make some pies.

And three little tarts. The pie is Jack Skellington, for those who know Jack. What do you think?

Tomorrow could be fun. A follow up appointment with my new primary care on the status of my hip. Between that visit to her and now, I visited my endocrine doctor.  He read my PC's notes and said he would like to be a fly on the wall at my next visit to her.

For years he has encouraged me to take bone density treatments. Once he got as far as scheduling me for an infusion and I backed out at the last minute. He says the PC's visit notes say she will encourage me to take treatments at the next visit. And considering my attitude all these years, he'd just like to see her convince me.

But I've changed my mind, and decided to do it.

The best news of all is, a week from tomorrow I have an appointment to have a cortisone injection in my hip. Hooray. It's been a long six weeks.


  1. Pies and tarts! Thank you, Laura! So wonderful to have a day with grand daughter AND she makes pies!
    As for bone density treatments, I'm going to have to look that up. (Last time I had a bone density - years ago - they told me I had osteopenia... think it's pretty normal with aging) I imagine your condition is much more involved...

  2. I'm with you on rejecting the bone density meds, which I also do at this point, but considering your age and all the fractures you've had it's probably a good idea. and so thankful for Laura. you had the most influence on her being the youngest when you took over and despite the rebelliousness of her age when she moved back in with her mother, however short lived that was, she cares and looks after you. she finds the time. and I love her pie!

  3. I always like to see Laura's smiling face, she's such a happy girl. The pie and tarts look yummy.I don't know Jack Skellington so I shall go googling later.
    I see you have the same jam jars I buy, with the checkered red and white lids, really nice jam.
    I'm glad you will soon have that injection but am wondering why would you refuse bone density treatments? Anything that would help your bones NOT break has to be a good idea.

  4. When you are in painbeing civil is the last rhing on your very glad that you had a better day - and one improved by Laura and her pies! What a lovely girl she has turned out to be.

  5. The pie looks very good, I know the J.S.'s pies can be a variety...think I've had an apple, cherry and pumpkin one. The steroid injection is a good idea, works very well for 3 months on those issues. Take care, think of you often.

  6. A very appropriate pie! I'm of the opinion that we embrace whatever works and that we try anything within reason. SO glad about your appointment! Staying ahead of the pain is one of the most important things in pain management.

  7. Hari OM
    Yummoo. Well done Laura!

    Here's to that injection helping all that is hoped and that other medical items prove equally beneficial. We can't have you being cranky! YAM xx

  8. Sadly, I don't know Jack. LOL. The pies look very good. Finally, all the medical care is dovetailing and maybe you will get some good care and relief.

  9. That is a very nice Jack Skellington :-)

  10. Good luck next week. My bone density had gone down when I had the test a couple of months ago. I have it every 5 years. The doctor told me he does not believe in medication, walking and any weight bearing exercises are what I should do.

  11. How wonderful to see Laura and her pie making skills! I didn't know Jack but I looked him up and it looks just like him. Considering all the problems you've had, I can see why you would change your mind about the treatments. You've paid more than your share of dues with broken and fractured bones. Good luck with your PC appointment. I'm counting down the days with you for that injection!

  12. Hope in sight?! Good for you. Hope it goes well.
    And now I need to go look up Jack Skellington.

  13. How I wish you get some ease for the pain.

  14. Finally doctors aware of each other! I hope the cortisone helps and maybe you're right about treatment for the bone density, given your track record.

    Meanwhile pies are cheerful!

  15. I see a resemblance to Jack. A little more than a week to endure. This situation should never have gone on even this long, but you already know that.


  16. Hooray. I do hope that this time next week your pain is all but gone. And very shortly afterwards gone completely.
    Like River I love Laura's smiling face.

  17. Glad you are going for some bone density relief, she is a lovely girl Laura,

  18. I wasn't aware of Jack either! LOL But I googled him and her pie does indeed resemble him!! LOL She is such a character, and such a God-send for you. Everyone should have a Laura in their life! Take care and hang tough -- just a few more days to go, and I second the comment about staying ahead of the pain. It's the only way you can get relief before the injection. Healing hugs and positive thoughts to you!

  19. I hope the cortisone will help, Joanne! Pain is horrible - one cannot concentrate on other things, and is so reduced to the fire inside. I hope - and believe! - better days are coming again.

  20. May you be rid of pain. It makes everyone bad-tempered. I made a quince pie this weekend.

  21. Good baking Laura..and a lovely smile!!
    I second Tom's comment.

  22. I have been told that I don't know jack.

  23. Thank goodness for Laura. Her pies look wonderful.i hope your pain can be banished somewhere that it can never find its way back.

  24. Laura's a doll. Her pies are gorgeous.
    I sure hope that you get some relief and soon.

  25. That cortisone treatment is getting closer and closer, yay! Laura's Jack Skellington pie ROCKS!

  26. My son-in-law had the bone density infusion treatment done with no ill effects. So maybe. Pies and tarts - yum! Hope the cortisone helps with the pain - hurting all the time is no fun.

  27. Laura is the best and I am hoping all these tests and shots result in you resembling your "normal". I have just come out of the darkness of constant pain and zero energy with the resulting outlook being miserable and applying the old brave face if it killed me. So I understand.

    Big hug.


  28. Hello - first time commenting on a blog. I’m shy! Ann from Michigan! I enjoy your blog. Saw this watercolor done in 1911 by Carl Larsson and immediately thought of you. I hope I can insert here! Oops - can’t! I’ll try to provide address: Nope! It’s on Facebook under “Carl Larsson’s paintings” - a young woman weaving with stacks of her wares! Hope you can see it!

    1. He was a prolific painter, like Norman Rockwell. Send me the picture in an email and I'll put it up.

  29. At last things are moving along. Hurrah. Any news of Toby?

  30. jack is one of our favorites and his girlfriend Sally Stitch.Laura has done his pie face perfectly. You know - if Sally Fields and Jane Fonda can do bone treatment meds- well you are in good company. Sorry about PAIN- that makes me so cranky.

  31. Laura's pies look fantastic. She is an amazing cook and baker. Bone loss is so serious. I'm glad to hear you will take steps to address bone loss. Hopefully, the cortisone shot will get your pain under control. Ideally the docs will work to eliminate the root cause of the pain.

    1. Yes, that will be the draining of the burse sack.

  32. I will be happy for you when your get the cortisone. You will probably be even happier.

  33. I hope you get some pain relief. Chronic pain has to be an awful drag on your spirits.

  34. Chronic pain sucks. Sadly, while I don't know Jack about pies and indeed a lot of other things, pain is one thing I do know. I hope you get some relief.

  35. I've gotten the Reclast Infusion two times now. I hope it's doing some good. It sounds like you've got some caring people watching over you.
