
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Some history

My sister and I began weaving about the same time, in the early eighties. In a short time we had more than we could give away, and began exhibiting a local shows. At the time we lived in two different houses, in two counties, a good forty five minutes apart. One day she said if we really were to do this (weave and sell), we needed to be working from the same house.

The two houses were put up for sale and we began looking. One afternoon Jan called me and said she found a contender, and we should look at it together.

We bought the house in 1988, and wove and sold at shows until 2003. Jan was tired of weaving and had already begun quilting. That wing to the left was our studio. It held ten looms, and later on Jan's long arm quilting machine and all her sewing machines.

In 2016, more or less, the house was becoming a little more than we could physically maintain. It was sold, and I moved just a block away. L was beginning high school and I still worked for the township, and needed to stay in the township.

There were two offers on the house, identical in every way except the woman also would pay for the inspection, and the man said I must. I accepted the woman's offer. The man tried to start a bidding war, I turned him down. The house belonged to the woman and her mother, rather like Jan and I began all those years ago.

K, the new owner, was easy to befriend. She and Laura hit it off at once. I once posted a picture of the two of them on the fall MetroPark hiking spree. K has been L's go to person pretty much since they met.

Back to the house up there, K lived here with her mother and her two sons. But in the last five years, K's mother has passed, her sons have graduated high school and are in college, and worst by far, before the vaccine, K contracted Covid, and now is a long hauler. There is nothing pretty about that!

K invited me to come live in the house some time ago, and I turned her down. But thinking of the winter to come, this past summer I called and asked if the offer still stood. So now I rent the two rooms on the right, on the east end.

You can see two windows of the front room, which is my studio. The little window in the middle is the bathroom, the back room is my (old) bedroom. I also have the laundry room, which is under the front porch, and my old bay in the garage (no more snow on the car!).

I hope that catches up everyone, and you will know to whom I refer when I drop new names. At least when I mention K.


  1. Thank you, this is terrific. Now I can visualize where you are and how it came about! I'm very sorry to hear about Kamaria's Covid. I hope she eventually emerges from it.
    This does sound like a better living situation for you, though.

  2. All one level with a built in ramp from the front door - looking good. Good for both of you.

    1. We built the ramp in one weekend, for our mother. She needed to go to the hospital on Monday, but could no longer walk. She did not want to leave "feet first", on a stretcher. A friend built that ramp in two days, and she left in a wheel chair. Small victories.

  3. That is a perfect situation. I didn't really understand the specifics of your new place and am happy to learn this. I'm very sorry that K is a long hauler. I know several myself. :(

  4. Hari OM
    ...and I had the fond privilege of seeing your new place at the trailer park, but the better one of staying in this grand old home! K has been the right keeper for it, and all is fitting... YAM xx

  5. Sounds like everybody comes out on top with this deal.

  6. Sounds like you've found just the right place. Thank you for the update.

  7. Thank you! I understand things much better now that I know about Kamaria. It's great that you can be back in your previous home with a good friend.

  8. nice to have the back story PLUS the update !! Sounds like you have settled into a good place!!

  9. Oh goodness, happiness all around. I heard about our possible future place today and am excited beyond measure. I can't picture 10 looms in one room, notwithstanding the additional sewing machines and the long arm. Gads... you must have worked 24/7!! K has been a treasure, just like your Laura. Sorry she caught COVID. I hope it didn't hurt her lungs too badly. What a hard occupation for someone. I saw a semi being hooked up for towing this afternoon and said a silent prayer for the driver. Repairs are more than costly for semi's. Blessings to K, your Laura and you.

  10. It's a lovely house with plenty of room. Is the studio wing still a studio, or is it converted for bedrooms and such? it looks like a happy house.

    1. I believe in time K will convert the room to a living area. It's not heated, except by the wood stove, which is not heat unless you build and maintain a fire.

  11. Thank you.
    I hope that Kamaria is not feeling the worst of long-haul Covid and that she gets better every day.

  12. This does help to understand your current living situation, Joanne. How interesting that you came back to that same house! -Jenn

  13. Thank you for explaining. I couldn't picture where you were.


  14. Thanks for this. Horse about cart but at least now I can put the story together of who K is and how she fitted into your life.

  15. Back home.
    Well done Kamaria, and hope health comes good for both of you x

  16. For me the picture was very clear. I started reading your blog in 2013 and have always loved it. I also read it backwards.

  17. Good luck to all of you. I hope it all works well for everyone.

  18. I just love the wooden houses you have over there - we so rarely see them here.

  19. This was very interesting and informative history. K looks like a very nice person and I can see why she and Laura hit it off and why you and she now live together. Welcome back home :-)

  20. Back where you started, sort of. I have been wondering what the deal was. I had thought that you were with a sister, but recently, I realized that isn't the case.

  21. Soyou did the right thing when selling, and ade a good friend.

  22. This is such an interesting story, filled with family and friends who seem like family.

  23. Interesting! Kamaria sounds like a great friend.

  24. It is terrific how it has all worked out so well for all of you.

  25. Nice to know the evolution. I do hope Kamatia overcomes covid.

  26. Lovely, thanks for this, I love hearing about others' spaces and rooms. Sounds like you have a great arrangement and a familiarity with the property. Now I understand.

    Kamaria sounds wonderful.


  27. So you were able to go home again - that's really nice.

  28. I really do appreciate that explanation and history. I was confused but now it all makes sense.

  29. That looks a super studio - windows two sides.

  30. Thanks for the back story. I've been trying to piece it together, now all is revealed. Good news on the car battery. The hair cut looks good and very practical, I'm thinking of going back to that length.

  31. Goodness. Imagine the stories that house could tell. I can see you weaving now. :)

  32. A wonderful arrangement. It pays to stay in touch.

  33. Jabs done here how are you?
    I'm off to bed

  34. You've gone full circle. It must feel good to be back home. K sounds like a lovely person and I hope she feels better. Covid is terrible especially when it carries long-term effects.

  35. Your kindness to Kamaria has come back to you! What a good-hearted woman!

  36. What a lovely house - and how lucky you are to be able to return to it. It's always sad when you are forced to sell your home, for whatever reason, and you miss the place. Enjoy living there again!

  37. Kamaria sounds like a wonderful person and I am glad you are able to go home again. Mrs. Shife is a long hauler with the COVID as well and it hasn't been easy. The biggest one has been her sense of smell not returning to normal. Take care.

  38. So glad you clarified that, Joanne. Now I know who Kamaria is and it seems like a good situation for both of you. Love the house!

  39. You have come full circle, in a way. May both you and K heal and vibrancy be restored.

  40. Ahhhh... I'm so glad you explained all this, Joanne. How wonderful that it worked out so well for all of you. It's such a pretty house and it's good you've got each other too.

  41. Are you all right, dear woman? I miss your voice.

  42. The universe knows what you need in your life before you do, and if you allow life to just evolve, things will work out in your favor. Buying the house with your sister was a good thing...selling it to K was also a good thing, but moving in with her is just gold. Life does spin in a circle. Having you back here online is wonderful!
