
Friday, October 22, 2021

Ready for tomorrow

It's Friday, and what a week. I believe every day included a nap, thank goodness! I finished the emerald towels and they are cut and stacked to sew tomorrow.

I went for a much overdue haircut, and decided to go back to my no muss, no fuss, minimal hair. What a relief; the wind can whistle past my ears.

A woman was seated next to me. She left her little dog tethered to a chair leg, out of sight beyond the counter. The old fellow let out the smallest, saddest little yip, and with permission the owner went back and gathered him up.

It's a ten year old rescue who does not trust his person to return. How sad.

In other news, I've scheduled a booster Covid shot. At the beginning of the year, when vaccinations were somewhat of a mystery, I was all over scheduling shots and helped my sister arrange her shot and her husband's. This booster is a mystery to me, but when she announced she and Tom were done, I went to her site and scheduled mine for next Wednesday.

The other big news is discovering ready made meals, for pick up or delivery. There are so many options I believe I'll go a week at a time, checking them out. I've ordered six meals from a national company, CleanEatz, located in Cuyahoga Falls. The week's menus are posted every Thursday, for pickup Sunday. They will bring the package to my car.

The car turned out not to need a new battery.  I knew I'd replaced the battery recently; the clerk came out from the garage and showed me it was this past January. My battery merely needed an hour charge, to return it to normal. I do like the towing company that came to jump the car two days in a row, but I'd never buy a battery from them. It's just not their business.

While I waited for the mechanic last time, I took a look around at the old place. K has been so sidelined by her bout with Covid, maintenance has been furthest from her mind.

Blake offered to come help me with any jobs I wanted and I told him save his courage for spring. That garden desperately needs his and Hamilton's ministrations. 


  1. What a week indeed. But a productive week. Again. I hope that Blake and Hamilton can tackle the garden in Spring. And would like them here.

  2. Sounds like quite a week indeed. The third dose knocked me for a loop 24 hours after the shot, but it only lasted about 12 hours. Hope those meals work out! You'll have to rate them for us.

  3. Glad you got the booster scheduled. I did too after a few misses. First week in November. I hope the meals work out for you. That will be a great improvement. I didn't know anyone around you had covid, and I just hope she recovers fast.

  4. I am really happy to learn that you have been able to locate sources of decent meals.

  5. I would like to go back to my no-fuss pre-covid hair ( lucky you) but everyone likes the new longer hairstyle... so I am stuck!!

  6. I hope the meals work out well, Joanne. And glad you finally got your cortisone shot. By the time you get your booster vaccine you'll pass for a pincushion :)

  7. Nice haircut. Covid boosters seem to be scheduling well. Good to hear you are scheduled next week. Sorry to hear that K was ill with Covid and I hope she is fully recovered. Home maintenance is lots of ongoing effort. It is nice that B and H will lend a hand.

  8. I hope you find at least one (or more!) tasty home delivery food services!

  9. I'm so happy to hear you now have several selections for meals. Let us know if they are good. Isn't it nice to get a fresh haircut especially when it's an easy to keep style. Good for you for planning your covid booster. We got our booster shots today. Take care Joanne!

  10. Hari OM
    Yay for CleanEatz - hope that goes well. Good to hear Blake is willing to lend a hand (and Hamilton)... and booster shot definitely necessary as so many with double shots from earlier are still ending up very unwell (to dying) over here. Keep letting those naps happen - you are looking good on them! YAM xx

  11. I am glad you might have finally found some food you'll enjoy and that you got some relief and plan to get a booster. I was supposed to get an appointment today and had an anxiety episode and now I'm going to bed. Naps are good.

  12. I'm not yet ready for no muss no fuss hair, I like my ponytail. Is that the house where you are living now? it's lovely. I'll be in line for a booster shot when we have them available. Not taking any chances with Covid.

  13. There’s talk of boosters down here- hopefully our gov will get their finger out this time and make sure they arrive. This is definitely a race!
    Your style reminds me of one I had back in the 1960s - child rearing time didn’t leave much time for hair dos so short & simple was the way to go.
    Wash, run fingers through, let dry, run fingers through, shake and go!

  14. We are still not doing Covid boosters, except for those in long tern care facilities. I rather wish we were, though.

  15. My ex-brother-in-law died of Covid yesterday. He was not vaccinated as he followed the nonsense about hydroxychloroquine and the horse medicine. He was around 76 years old.
    Glad you have your booster scheduled!

  16. the Moderna has finally been approved for a booster so I guess Marc and I will get one. Good to hear about the meal options. And that last picture is your old house? I don't think you've ever shown it to us before. at least I don't remember. very cool old house.

  17. All of this is good news! I'm really glad you're figuring out that meal thing. You know how important food is in my life!
    You are getting things DONE!

  18. We got our booster shots a couple of weeks ago. No reaction other than tenderness and itching on my arm. I have very sensitive skin and injections always itch. Re: your haircut--I love it! I can't stand my hair too long and get it cut back fairly regularly.

  19. Glad you are happy with your haircut. I am too with mine. And glad that you didn't need a new battery and are finding some ready made meals. Now, 2 questions that I probably should know, but don't. Who is Kamaria? And is that a picture of your house?

  20. Staying busy keeps us young! And that is a very cool house.

  21. It's time to get my minimalist haircut done too. Yours looks great. Yes, that yard needs attention. Yes, we got our boosters with an online appointment but before they were approved. So glad it's done.

  22. You are obviously feeling better. I'm glad.

  23. Having a COVID booster is a bit like recharging your car battery. After the boost your immunity is topped up and you become far less likely to succumb to infection.

  24. I love your new haircut. I'm keeping my hair short too. And I've just scheduled boosters for us too. We decided to try mixing our boosters. We got Pfizers for the first two and we'll try Moderna now. Fingers crossed it's the right decision.

  25. You are looking good. We have not scheduled our booster shots yet but will try it get them done soon.

  26. Good on you for sourcing a good meal supply vendor. Is this where you live? Are you living on the left side, the one story? Inquiring minds need to know (*smile). I love to see where blog friends live.


  27. I hope all your meals are delicious!


  28. That is some trim!!
    Owner and dog looking similar?

    What a beautiful old building. That will need some care

  29. You are doing a reverse Samson...cut the hair and your strength returns...

  30. I'll be interested to know how the ready meals turn out. From what I hear, they can be a bit variable.

    Yes, I bet your new hairstyle is much easier to manage.

  31. I like the new haircut. I have too many cowlicks for short hair, unless I would get a crew cut! Sometimes I think about it. That poor doggy who fears abandonment -- his face says it all, in his owner's arms. "I am safe."
