
Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Needs must

Been away a long time, it feels. Back now, and working up to a hundred percent. Had that long needled shot Monday afternoon; slept a lot since. Too much Novocain and dye. But I've been weaving, too, between naps. I'm about four bobbins from done.

I like to pick out the next color and put it to the end of the row of spools. Soon, I hope to use the color I picked!

I'd picked kiwi to be next, you may remember, and then the last of the "real" greens left the shelf, so I picked emerald instead. That soft melon color toward the center presented itself as a good color to go next, until the last of the blue towels left. So, it will be a blue next, probably the next to the last on the left.

Physical therapy is ahead, too. There was very minimal walking these last six weeks, and I will not be back to my cane without serious exercise. That begins a week from Friday.

Today I did put the walker in the car and headed to the post office with an order. It was not as cumbersome as I expected, and the clerks were happy to see me again, though they assured me my deputies had done well.

The car has not been started since the end of August! The door did not unlock by a push of the button. In the driver's seat, the engine had no intention of turning over. So, I sat in the warm sunshine and waited for AAA to come start it. The fellow told me I had about 45% of my three year old battery left.

There is a problem I still must solve. Food! Meals on Wheels will not cut it, at least not the food prepared for Summit County, Ohio. Portage County seems to produce better meals, but Summit is an abysmal disappointment.

Last night I had Salisbury mush steak with a layer of salt gravy, mixed veggies and cubed potatoes coated in salt and paprika. Even limiting myself to the potatoes and veggies, I had a raging headache.

Tonight I had ziti and two tray portions of veggies. Even scraping most of the meat sauce off the ziti, the salt content was overwhelming. My esophagus and stomach burn.

Last night I spent a lot of time investigating the delivery capability of local restaurants, and finally coming to the conclusion I could not afford that. I thought about it on and off today, and a phrase jumped into my mind: Ready made meals near me. Bonanza.

I found a dozen sites on the internet, and the meals look healthy. Something to investigate tomorrow, between weaving, having a car repair made and visiting with my sister.


  1. It seems to me that most supermarkets have a section where you can assemble the meal of your choice. This assumes you can get there, of course.

  2. Hari OM
    Sadly, the majority of meals prepared commercially tend to the salty - unless specified to be otherwise. Hope your local finds prove worthy. Hoorah for the shot having finally been executed - may it bring relief! YAM xx

  3. Good luck with this and sorry Meals on Wheels isn't working for you. Can your family help?

    1. My dear sister has been freezing a bit of all their dinners and delivering them. But I can't expect her to do that forever.

  4. Amazing that MoW uses so much salt. I'd have expected them to go in the opposite direction. You're evidently in a baaaad chapter. I hope you get this solved. Good food is vital. Most commercial food, including restaurant take out, is too salty.

  5. Have you tried a supermarket delivery service? This is what I do once a fortnight to avoid having to carry heavy bags of shopping. You still have to cook, but at least you know what has gone into your meals.

    1. I still have to stand and cook, and I'm not up to that yet.

  6. I hope you can find some decent meals until you can get up on your feet. I'm glad that you're being taken care of and helped. And that you got the shot and will have PT! Yay for progress forward!!

  7. That's too bad about the Meals on Wheels. I, too, wonder why they are feeding older folks that much salt. We're the demographic that does not need that in our diets. I just googled on "ready made meals near me" and there are places in Spokane that will bring me cooked food! Yay!!!! Thanks for the idea. Glad things are slightly improved for you.

  8. I bought Del Taco last night for the first time in years. The stuffed taco had way too much salt in it and I wound up eating the lettuce, tomato and cheese and tossing the rest. No thank you... once you get used to having less salt on things, when you get too much in a dish, it's a turn off.

  9. I buy from a place here that makes ready made dishes that last three or four days. Works fine for me since I am not a cook.

  10. Good luck with the ready made meals...we can order an astounding variety here.

  11. I'm watching this closely. When you find the answer then I won't have to do all the shopping.

  12. Glad you got the shot! I hope it did the trick for pain. Now to solve the painful food issue! Good luck with Bonanza!

  13. That’s the problem isn’t it - you can gather everything together and do all the prep work sitting down but you still have to stand to stir the pots.
    Hopefully you will have found a company that will feed you at a reasonable price and let you recover in painfree style

  14. Glad to hear you are done with the shot (cortisone?) and I truly hope it has worked well for you! I’m curious to find out what you end up doing for your meals. -Jenn

  15. I would think Meals on Wheels would be standardised nationally, I think it is here. I should probably check on that although I have no intention of ever using them.
    When looking into Ready Meals near you, you should ask about the salt content of the various dishes available.
    I am glad to hear you are up and about again :) :)

  16. Goodness you are busy. Since giving up adding salt to our food we REALLY notice added salt.
    I do hope you find affordable meals you can tolerate.

  17. Hope you find some decent meals, enjoying what you eat is an important part of life. I love the colours of your cottons. Wool and cotton yarns have such a fabulous range at the moment, the peach is very pretty.

  18. I wonder if asking the ready meals provider for a low salt option would work?
    Good for you for getting the shot and feeling better xx

  19. It really is too bad you can't make a connection with someone like us. We routinely cook more than we can eat, and while the leftovers go in the fridge and get eaten the next night or the night after that, you would be more than welcome to them. It would be good, home-cooked delicious food too. Last night for example, we did boneless, skinless chicken breasts in a great sauce with olive oil, butter, lemon, juice and capers, boiled little potatoes, drizzled with the sauce too, broccoli, and a green salad with celery seed dressing. We could have brought some over for you, or offered you a seat at the table! There is still enough for one in the fridge!

  20. Do you have Meals on Wheels there? I would think that you would qualify.

  21. First off, I am so glad that you got the treatment! Now. May you get stronger every day.
    Secondly- this meal thing worries me. You have to have good food to get stronger. That's just all there is to it. How horrible that the Meals on Wheels food is so unfit for consumption. I really hope that the ready made meals works out until you are on your feet again.
    Now- as everyone has been telling me- REST! Your poor body has been through so much!

  22. Glad you are feeling better and getting around more. Bummer about the meals. I hope your investigation proves fruitful and you find a better option, Joanne. Take care.

  23. I investigated our Meals on Wheels and they sounded, well, disgusting. I use a few local cheaper restaurants when needs overwhelm me. 3 meals of Singapore Noodles (huge portion) for $15. I figure $5 is not bad for a dinner.

    Your day sounds very busy.


  24. Great news: One step forward with the cortisone shot! I've heard meals on wheels is horrible. There has to be a better meal alternative and your research will find it.

  25. You've probably already checked this one out, but on the off chance that you haven't, it looks like they try to go lower sodium. Especially if you tell them excessive salt gives you a headache.

  26. I hope you can find a good solution for good food that will come to you.

  27. Before you give up on Meals On Wheels, can you call and request no salt? Here we discovered that our friend Duck couldn't figure out how to open those dinner trays. He just through them away.

  28. Hope you are succesful in your searcg Joanne.

  29. I'm so happy to hear you have finally gotten the injection! Good luck with the "ready made meals" search. I'm crossing my fingers for you to find something tasty, healthy and affordable! Let us know what you find.

  30. I've lived off ready meals my whole life, and they can be pretty good and healthy nowadays. Good look with your search.

  31. The HEB here has ready made meals that they prepare, all you have to do is stick them in the oven or microwave. I've eaten one or two when Marc was off in Colorado with my brother. They're decent but only a choice of five or 4 - 6 different meals at my local small town store. The bigger stores in the cities have lots of variety. You might check to see if your local grocery store offers the same. Though I imagine if they did you'd already know it.

  32. So good that you got the needle! I'm sure it hurt, but I hope the longstanding pain is relieved. I did a newspaper article once about MOW. The woman in charge of it gave me 2 of the meals. I put them in the car but had to stop before long to throw them out because they smelled horrible. I wish I could cook for you. Sweet Cheeks loves my meals so I always make extra to send home with him.


  33. My mother was on the Meals on Wheels delivery schedule for a while. She hated everything they delivered. Cheap food poorly prepared does not help anyone.

  34. I'm so glad you're starting to feel better, Joanne. What a shame about your Meals on Wheels. My husband is a volunteer Meals on Wheels deliverer. We tried one of the meals a long time ago and it was fine. Not amazing, but fine. I hope you get that all sorted out soon. He says clients can opt for salt free, diabetic, no pork, puree, no rice, etc. They can also say what they prefer for drinks.
