
Friday, October 15, 2021

Idle hands, etc.

These last six weeks have been long! I am a type A personality, I guess. It may be something you come with, but I also know I was raised to not be idle. I learned to pass my radio, and later TV, time with handwork. I didn't teach myself, my mother put something into my hands.

And now, this stultifying pain doesn't give a damn what I am. I defeat it in large blocks of time by sleeping. That generally follows a night of not sleeping, and then, no matter what my plan, I fall on the bed and sleep away two, three, four hours. 

I did that this morning. It put a serious crimp in my plans for the day, which were to pack an order, finish hemming the cerise towels and do the laundry, including changing the bed. In spite of three or four extra hours this morning, I got all of that done except bring the laundry back upstairs.

Dozing over my news feed this afternoon, who came in but L. After hugs and news, guess who lugged up the dry clothes and even made my bed. L, of course.

I did accomplish much of the rest, including this sort of victory lap picture:

This photo taken October 3rd, after the run of lavender was finished.

And this photo taken this afternoon, when I finished hemming the cerise and threw a few shots before leaving the studio. Two weeks. There is hope of accumulating some towels for the township's little show in early December.

I think this new color is emerald. I've had it for two or three years and can't match it well to the color chart. 


  1. That color is great. I think you're indomitable, Joanne, though I expect it doesn't always feel that way to you.

  2. Hari OM
    Yeah, pain is brilliant at disrupting timetables. Golly, we are all hanging out for you and the next two weeks as well!!! Red and green - pretty whatever the shade! YAM xx

  3. They’ll (meaning the tea towels) will go well at a fair near to Christmas time.
    Here’s wishing relief in a couple of weeks - sooner would be better, unfortunately we can’t always have/don’t always get the things we want.
    Take care

  4. The docs should make you their priority and "get this pain under control." If I lived nearby and you allowed me, I would demand action. No action/delay is totally unacceptable. God bless Laura she is to be commended for all the help and support she provides to you.

  5. Whatever that color is, I like it, and Laura is a gem.

  6. How I do love Laura. Sleeping is a good way to escape the pain for a time, and you need it after you haven't slept. Please let your appointment happen as planned.


  7. People who experience non-stop, debilitating pain should be given a medal of valor. It takes such a lot of energy just to remain alive and in touch with the world around you. do know that I feel for you... hugs, Tehachap

  8. It is good that you can sleep away your troubles for a time. I do hope that you get the help that you need.

  9. When I take a nap during the day I set my alarm so I don't mess up my nighttime cycle.

  10. I am sorry that nothing is being done to alleviate this debilitating pain....thank goodness for Laura, though!

  11. Here are some wise words I will pass along: If you are hungry, eat. If you are thirsty, drink. If you are tired, rest. If you are bored, find something to do. I think you do it all EXCEPT REST ENOUGH! Just my two cents! You do a LOT in a day! I am sorry you have so much pain. That Laura is a gem of a girl.

  12. I hope you find treatment very soon, that sounds hard to cope with the pain. The green in your towels is pretty, and weaving sounds like a nice distraction for you.

  13. If sleep is an escape from pain, then sleep, baby, sleep!

  14. I think you're right, Joanne. Your drive to get things done was probably fed by both genetics and environment. And here you are, in pain but still pushing yourself. I think if it makes you happy, do it. But if it doesn't, maybe consider that you're not too old to change :) I'm glad Laura came to give you some help, and I like those colours in your towels. Take care of yourself.

  15. I'm so happy Laura came by! That girl is a blessing. Sleeping is a good thing for you right now because pain burns up your energy and strength. It also helps that sleeping passes the time until you get that injection! Take care my friend!

  16. It looks emerald and gorgeous. I love most of the green shades, except the lime and olive.
    I'm glad Laura came "out of the blue", she must have felt you needed a bit of help.
    I remember my mother trying to keep my hands busy. She failed. I'd rather read a book. I did learn to sew enough to make baby and toddler clothes and maternity dresses.

  17. Hooray for Laura.
    Your energy and your determination put me to shame. Often.

  18. You are amazing, with all the pain still producing such wonderful things.

  19. Oh Joanne… You are so darn amazing. I’m sorry for the pain you are suffering through though. Your Laura is absolutely an angel. You are truly blessed to have such a fabulous loved one.

  20. I'm glad that Laura comes round. Aren't you booked into a pain clinic soon?

  21. Hooray for Laura. In a time when pampered billionaires can ferry pampered "stars" to the limits of outer space, you'd think we could find ways to relieve people of chronic pain wouldn't you - and to make sure they get what they need. I guess it's never going to happen in a system where two families have the combined wealth of the lower forty percent of the population.

  22. So glad that Laura made your bed. Now be sure you get all the rest you need. Sorry you are in chronic pain.

  23. me too. it's rare that I can sit idle. so nice to see Laura returning the care you gave her.

  24. Hope you can get relief soon! How sweet of Laura to pop in - she knows when you need her somehow!

  25. George and I think the color turquoise.
    Do I owe you any money, she says from towel heaven.

    1. No, no, no, no, no.
      Those were a gift from another friend.

    2. I thank both of you profusely.
      It's Monday afternoon, and I sure hope they have your pain removed.

  26. This has been a very long two weeks until your appointment. It's seeming endless.

  27. Bless Laura. It seems she shows up when you need her.

  28. I think that emerald is spectacular!
    So is Laura, by the way.
    I am counting down the minutes until your pain appointment. I mean, not literally, but I wish they would go by faster for you. This is ridiculous.

  29. Seems we always need to be adjusting to life. Some adjustments are annoying, others tragic. All the best.

  30. Sleeping is what you need to do! But it's not how you want to spend your time. I love that emerald. Laura is a treasure.

  31. Seriously green!!
    Sending gentle hugs and thanks be for Laura X ((0))

  32. I am reminded yet again how very hard we are on ourselves Joanne even when we are unwell. I remember saying eff it to myself when I was so ill as I crawled back into bed at 10 a.m. after being up 2 hours. We sleep when we can, we have only so many spoons in a day and they can get used up just making ourselves a breakfast. Your towels are beautiful I love mine and was pleased to see Niece using hers in her kitchen on Thanksgiving last weekend.


  33. Sleeping is a way for your body to work on healing. Frustrating though when night comes and sleep evades. I like that green.
