
Thursday, October 28, 2021

Back at it

I had the booster Covid vaccine yesterday, and exactly as anticipated, it laid me low. This shot was easier than the first two; I got there and back and ate lunch before it swept me off my feet. I woke up long enough to consider supper, then fell back asleep until today.

Speaking of supper, I've located a number of sources of ready made meals. I'm currently using one just down the road, in Cuyahoga Falls. The modus operandi of all of them is to have local cooks, and the food is either delivered or picked up. I'm using CleanEatz currently, about five miles down the road. They are pick up only of preordered meals. Here is one of their meals I've enjoyed.

Pot roast. I added a slice of bread, for extra volume, and put the slice back in the bread bag. I stuffed myself on this meal, and when I had the second pot roast meal I'd ordered, I could not finish the last couple of potato chunks.

Another company I'm considering, for their large selection of meals, is CookUnity. I have no good sense of how they operate, and have not tried them yet. They are based out of New York. I believe they use local cooks, then ship. The link is to their service area map. It's quite big.

Anyway, I've solved the meal problem.

I have not resolved the back pain problem, but it is marginally under control, and I'm closing in on small hints at the problem. After all these years, I believe my office chair is letting me down. My leg can be pain free when I sit, and when I attempt to rise, wham, pain stabs.

I've ordered a new chair that supposedly is squishy soft, which is tolerable. 

In the event it's not soft enough, I added a three inch cushion.

Good news, I guess. When I got up from this afternoon's nap, I went straight to weaving, and arrived at the last bobbin before half done. Maybe I'll have this set done by the weekend, and that would be a good thing, as I'm down to three colors again.


  1. Chairs can sure be problematic. I'm presently using a lawn chair that is very comfortable. Maybe not very stylish, but who cares.

  2. So sorry about your baack. super glad you got the shot tho, and glad you can weave. G splurged on two Herman Miller chairs for our computers. very expensive but takes away the pain.

  3. Regarding the chair: JL, my partner, used an office chair ON ROLLERS after he broke his leg. It enabled him to sit at the table and move around a bit also. I still use it myself instead of a dining chair, to reach things from the kitchen worktop instead of having to get up. The rollers are really useful.

    1. I picked no wheels because the space between the desk and wall is about thirty inches. No room to roll, just swivel.

  4. At work, I thought my chair was why I had such pain upon standing. But, it turned out to be a nasty nerve being pinched when I would sit down, by some slumping vertebrae. I hope the chair fixes your pain! That meal looks really good. Healthy, too.

  5. Glad you got your booster. I'm waiting impatiently for mine. That pot roast looks so good. I love a good pot roast.

  6. That looks like actual food. I'm glad you got the food situation sorted.
    I certainly wish the pain situation resolves, too. Chairs can certainly be a big problem. Let's hope the new one is the answer.

  7. I forgot to say I'm very happy you got the booster shot. About as safe as you can be now.

  8. Hari OM
    Okay, so on the whole, positive steps forward - fab news!!! YAM xx

  9. The meal looks outstanding and it sounds like a very tasty homemade meal. A great solution for meal prep. A comfortable chair is key. Have you looked at the Stressless Recliner? They are designed to support to your back and shoulders as well as provide a separate stool to elevate your legs. My husband bought one many years ago and it is still outstanding.

  10. I had an allergic reaction to the third shot. It was not pleasant.

  11. I really need a new office chair but want to wait until after we move before I look for one. Glad you got a new chair--that will hopefully eliminate your back pain. (or at least reduce it!) That pot roast looks really good. I'm not fond of beef, but sometimes I get the urge for it. I fixed sirloin strips (like for Fajitas) in my crock pot with a packet of pot roast seasoning. It was tender and very, very good.

  12. The meal looks delicious :)
    I hope the new chair helps.

  13. Thanks for the warning for the Covid booster. We will be getting ours either tomorrow or Monday. Chairs can be a problem. Hope the new one is better on your back. And that pot roast meal looks pretty good.

  14. Do you have another craft show to go to or are you concentrating on ‘online orders’
    I’m in agreement with others on the need for a comfortable chair- sitting on hard surfaces doesn’t do you any good. If your new cushion doesn’t work try a memory foam one, they are firm but softish and remember the shape of your buttocks.

  15. Since my knee surgery I cannot use office type chairs with wheels unless I can push it up against the wall. Otherwise, they try to roll out from under me before I am down into the chair.

    Your meal delivery looks very good. Sure better than store tv dinners. I have a problem finding pre-cooked meals that are not too peppery hot for me. Many items don't seem like they are something that should be having red pepper in them, but as I eat , my tongue burns more and more, even if I drink milk with it to help the burn. I must have some sort of sensitivity of the tongue all of a sudden.
    I am glad that you are starting to recover from your vaccination.

    We will be six months out from our Covid shots in early December, and the first vaccination no side effects, second vaccination I was sickly for three days after with something new each day, fever, aching, sore throat and burning eyes. On the fourth day I woke up feeling just fine.

  16. I"m sorry your back is acting up. I hope the new chair and cushion will be the solution. I love the look of your delivered meal. It looks like good home cooking.

  17. I'm so happy you have solved the meal problem! That pot roast dinner looks delicious. I hope you are feeling better from the covid booster. I got mine a couple of weeks ago and it did a number on me that same night. A new office chair is a smart thing to do in order to help your back. I hope it makes a difference for you.

  18. I really, really hope changing the chair helps. And hooray for having the booster, and a selection of meals to try.

  19. Your meals look healthy, nutritious and delicious. Now if only you can get the chair issue resolved you will be whacking away at that loom like a twenty-year old!

  20. The booster jab roll-out seems to be going well in the States. Not so here in Northern Ireland. I'm still waiting to be called for a third jab, even though it's 7 months since my second jab. Unfortunate that you keep having such a bad reaction.

  21. Glad to hear that the meal situation is working out. That pot roast meal looks delicious!

  22. Ordering meals has become popular, but we're not ready. Office chairs are a problem. Mine tilts back too much, so I have a cushion behind my back right now.

  23. Hurray for good ready-made meals! I admire your tenacity in hunting them down.
    I hope your new chair works for you. Those towels are going to be gorgeous.

  24. I will get my booster this week - glad you got yours. Hope the chair will help your back. That meal looks good - like "real food" as my great-uncle used to say! :)

  25. I haven't got my booster yet. glad you solved the meal problem as that does look good. and I hope the chair does the trick.

  26. The third shot hit me hard for 12 hours whereas the first two were a breeze. But I took that as a positive! (immune system response=effective) That meal looks delicious, comfort food! Sorry about your back.:( Sitting and chairs can often be the culprit(s).

  27. I am glad you found a good place to supply some meals, Joanne. It sounds like the portion size works for you.

  28. Dinner looks really good. When we lived in West Seattle we had a massive painting project of the entire house. There was a company then,, that we would call to bring us food. Unfortunately, they were too early in the game and went out of business. Glad you have options and I hope they are all good.

  29. Well done on managing your reactions to the booster..and on finding what looks like real food!
    Getting the right chair for you is really important.

  30. soft cushions are a big help for me. That meal looks tasty.

  31. Glad you got your booster! I get mine in 2 weeks (and expect a reaction something like yours) my husband in 3 weeks and my son-in-law in 4 (he is an elementary school student-teacher). Hang in there.

    I SO want to know what pattern you are using for your towels. Would you be willing to share that information? Or did I just miss it?

    Thank you for sharing your life with us.

  32. A comfortable chair with the right amount of support but not too hard is tricky to find. I hope this one helps your pain.

    Nice looking meal! And after reading about your reaction and those of your commenters, I'm a little worried about my mom who will be eligible for the booster soon. She had no problems with the first two shots (although I did) and I hope this one goes well.

  33. Gack those chairs are hard to find. I was so uncomfortable (and pained!) in my last one I wheeled it out to one of the community rooms and stole one from there. I told the manager I was borrowing it. That was a year ago. Best chair ever! I have not returned it. I think it's the width that's excellent and the height is perfect.

    Good luck with yours. The padding seems to vanish from our rumps as we age.


  34. That meal looks to sort the pain. Could it be a trapped nerve?

  35. Well after a pandemic Brea follow a loss of my spouse am ready to begin seriously blogin as Troutbirder nature and book review author. Oh and I still treasure the gift you sent me long ago.... My health is much improve now though I take to many pills for a series of minor but annoying ailememts an exmple would be nerve speialty Gagrapentine us ocasionaly for minor lower backe pain. the best medicine has a girlfriend Jeanne Maried a retired Enlish professor of English literate living in a suburb of Minneapolis. Love and lots of laughter. Good medicine indeed.....take care, Ray

  36. Those meals look tasty!

    I've found most modern chairs are made for taller people than I am. The ones that are most comfortable are either old ones passed down through the family or vintage ones I've found at thrift shops or at a nearby ReStore.

  37. Glad you've had your booster jab, I'm due to have mine the day we fly out to the States, now I'm wondering if that's such a good idea!

  38. Chairs might well be a source for backpain - and sitting long on them even more. I hope very much that the new chair will help to reduce your pains, Joanne. XXX

  39. That pot roast looks good. Glad you found some meal sources you like.

  40. It definitely looks like you solved the meal problem. The pot roast looks yummy. Hope your back can start feeling better soon. Take care and glad the booster shot wasn't too problematic.

  41. Dear Joanne, I am a bit troubled to see no new posts of you. I hope you are well and wish you all the best! (This one is not for posting as comment - I am just a bit worried, dear friend. )

  42. I'm so glad you got your booster and you didn't have too much of a side effect. Your pot roast looks really yummy.
    It's so hard to find the perfect chair. However, like you, I find a nice cushion does help.

  43. Hi, Joanne. Just checking in. Hope the gap between posts doesn't mean things have gotten worse.

  44. Sorry the 3rd shot laid you low, but at least you've been boosted, and that's good!

  45. Hello Joanne
    Hope all is well with you
    Take care

  46. You haven't written in a very long time, and I worry. Hope you are ok. Hugs.
