
Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Back in touch

Woo-hoo. A facility administrator just came in and got me going. For some time I have tried to give this little tablet away. It was costing me ten dollars a month, and no obviouse use. It was free with my phone plus ten dollars a month for internet. Last month I could end internet without penalty, and did.  

Last Friday I broke my leg. It was set at AGMC on Saturday, transferred here to Regina on Monday. Much to tell, but at least I am back in touch. I lamented to Beth about ending the contract, and she was amused at my gulleability.

Ma, it,s a device to take into a coffee shop, get their password and write your novel all day.

I asked Blair to shut down my web site, which sports two towels on the shelf.  Time for a nap.   


  1. Oh heck, Joanne! Your leg is the important thing. Hope you are O.K. and it mends quickly.

  2. You broke your leg??? Oh my, Joanne. I'm sure you will blog with the details when you are ready. In the meantime, take care, good healing, all the best. -Jenn

  3. Oh dear. Thinking of you now Joanne xxx

  4. Oh no! I sorry to hear about your leg. A broken leg is the last thing you need! Sending you loads of healing thoughts!

  5. MY GOD!!!! Joanne, we need to wrap you in bubble wrap!

  6. Alive and kicking….in more senses than one.
    Take care

  7. Welcome back. Now I can stop worrying about you. :)

  8. My goodness, Joanne - how did you break your leg? I'm glad you had the tablet just waiting to be put to use, though. Please keep us updated, and I wish you a speedy and complete mending of that leg!

  9. Oh dear! Both to your accident and the website. Just when I was thinking of maybe purchasing a couple of those towels for Christmas presents. But maybe dish towels wouldn't be appropriate. We like ours, though.

  10. Hari OM
    ggaaacccccckkkkk... JOANNE!!! What the... okay, tell us when you can and not before. Rest and recuperate and recover... yeah, any device can hook up to any network. That, at least, was a postive note here today! Huggies and healing vibes from here to there. YAM xx

  11. You BROKE YOUR LEG? Oh, Joanne. You deserve better, you really do. Oh well. Get well soon.

  12. So sorry about the broken leg Joanne. What were you doing to manage that>?

  13. You BROKE YOUR LEG????
    Oh Joanne.
    I am sending oceans of caring your way. Again. Still.

  14. I've been thinking, "Where is Joanne?" I hope this is not a complicated break. Sending love and warm wishes for a full recovery.

  15. I was wondering where you were but didn't imagine a broken leg. Oh, no! I was hoping that you were just pleasantly busy. Heal soon!! xoxo

  16. Thinking of you and hoping for an easy and fast recovery.

  17. So sorry to hear about your broken leg. I know it will be a setback, but hopefully not a life changing one. Thinking of you and wishing you well.

  18. Sigh. Your leg and breaking it happens too often. Be gentle with yourself.

  19. I am so sorry to hear about the leg. I hope the healing is very smooth.

  20. Well, how the hell did you do that? Girl, stop doing that. Debby's got the right idea. Hope it was a simple break, as if break is simple, but glad to hear from you.

  21. Oh Joanne, wishing you a speedy recovery. There’s always something…

  22. I'm so relieved to hear your voice, find you here again. I have missed you! But damn, damn, damn on the broken leg! Do what they say and heal. We all want you to be better.

  23. I'm sorry to hear that your leg broke. I wish you a rapid recovery.

  24. Thanks for posting, I've been worried about you. I am so sorry you broke your leg, that sucks so much.

  25. I knew that you had been injured...Glad it is just your leg and not your whole self. DANG!!! I really hate that you borke your leg! A nap, indeed! heal well, we need you.

  26. NO! I hated reading this Joanne, you have gone through so much. Damn it all to hell.

    Get well and heal up. Everywhere!!


  27. Another broken leg? Oh Joanne, are there any bones at all that haven't been broken? how on earth do you keep going?

  28. I hope that they are taking good care of you and that you are out of there soon and able to use the leg again. We all miss you.

  29. Again????? I do believe you're more accident prone than I am. Here's hoping you heal quickly.

  30. Well, this is not good news. You say it almost casually, among news of WiFi and phone bills! I do hope it's better soon. You just got your hip going, too. I'm really upset about another broken leg. You just have to get well, okay?

  31. Oh, my! I hope you mend quickly.


  32. What a wretched thing to happen Joanne, I can just imagine how it is going to be for you. Look after yourself and let everyone else look after you. Keep strong and take care. xxx

  33. Oh my goodness, what a thing to happen. Take very good care of yourself and hope the break heals quickly.

  34. What bad luck! And all the best: take care please!

  35. I find you to be a remarkable woman in so many ways and know you will weather this …although I’m sure you’d rather not have to deal with another broken bone!! !! I’m so glad you are living in a house with others available and I send you all my good wishes from from Mary in Colorado…

  36. Yowza. Sending good thoughts your way. You've certainly been through the wringer lately.

  37. Phew! It was a relief to see your posting, in spite of the bad news.
    Hope your leg weaves itself back together quickly.

  38. Sorry to hear of your internet problems and especially your broken leg. Glad to see you back.

  39. I'm sorry to hear you broke your leg. Sheesh.

  40. Oh no! I am so sorry that you broke your leg! Wishing you a strong recovery with lots of rest and relaxation. Feel better soon!

  41. I was worried when you did not write for a long time. I wish you a good recovery soon.

  42. I was concerned when I saw you were not posting, but thought maybe you were just busy after the move. A broken leg, gosh. Yes, rest, recover, gain back your strength. You are in my prayers.

  43. Broken bones are never good. I hope you feel better soon. Positive thoughts your way.

  44. Knew you broke your leg from your note to Dee about the advent calendar and figured there was a story coming. And I agree with Debby, you need to be wrapped in bubble wrap! Take care. Sending hugs and healing thoughts your way!

  45. What a rottent hing to happen....but they cant get you down, can they! Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  46. Hugs and quick healing wishes. You are not gullible just uninformed. More hugs.

  47. I am so sorry. I hope you heal well. Sending hugs.

  48. Aaack! You broke your leg??? Yikes!

  49. Aaack! Oh no, Joanne! That's terrible. Wishing you healing thoughts.

  50. Goodness gracious!I came by the blog to see what was new with the intention also buying some more towels. I am so sorry to hear about your broken leg and the crummy rehab - please feel better soon and get back home as soon as possible. Keep posting, keep reading , keep on keeping on! Sending you best wishes from Texas
