
Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Not gone yet

I have a moving date; August 25th. That's about three weeks left to finish packing, which I do very slowly. I've given my 30 day notice. Theresa wanted to know when I was leaving. "Theresa, it's mine until August 30th!" I must remember to cancel the electric. It will be so nice to go back to gas heat. I will have to remember how to make a grilled cheese sandwich on a gas stove.

I watered the plants this morning (of course) and see the mystery plant has sprung a bloom. In one pot I planted an entire packet of dollar store "wildflower" seeds. They have bloomed mostly spindly cornflower type blooms. Meantime, the entire pot sprung up in wild haired stalks, and remained a spot of green to the eye until yesterday, I saw a tight blossom, not opened. Today it's another kind of daisy!

Well, I'm off to the VFW, the closest donation center and the post office on the way home. The last of the books goes off this morning. I sold about a third of them, for the asking price of a dollar each. The rest went or are going to VFW. 

I'm using trash bags for donations. The last time I bought bags, I bought scented. When did this abomination happen? The smell has really irritated my sinuses, my ears, my eyes.

Not too different from usual, but I do believe the rug will get a good vacuum today and I'll see if I can fold it. It's coming, slowly.


  1. You have my sincere best wishes for a smooth and trouble free move. As much of a pain in the butt ours is, at least we're not moving a loom. That's a nice looking rug, by the way.

  2. Your pink flower is a Cosmos. I love this flower--it's a very dependable bloomer and looks so nice in a garden. I envy your 'vacate' date. I keep packing and getting rid of stuff. It's still too warm for a garage sale and part of me is starting to think of just packing everything up and taking it to the Have-a-Heart thrift store as it benefits dogs and cats. It would certainly be easier than holding a garage sale in the summer heat!

  3. well done you- you will be living like a student again when the electricity is off- I hope water will continue, and whose brilliant idea was that- to scent garbage bags??? How utterly silly.

  4. yes, the pink flower is a cosmos. slowly winnowing it down. at least it will make it easier to move having less stuff. will it be weird, being back in the house that is no longer yours?

  5. August 25 will be a wonderful new beginning for you. I love cooking on gas and am sure you will come back up-to-speed quickly. Your flowers are lovely and the pink cosmos came back as a surprise volunteer. I hope you take all your plants to your new home.

    1. The pots are going. I pointed them out specifically to the moving company. No plants, but all the dirt.

  6. Hari OM
    Others beat me to it... yes to the Cosmos - one of my late mother's absolute faves.

    I realise that I may have missed something along the way as to where it is you are moving; not the retirement place we spoke of last year? I am sure it will all become clear once you are resettled. You are doing brilliantly my dear old chum!!! YAM xx

    1. Yam, I'm back to 61. The bedroom you used, Laura's last, will be the studio. (Though after Laura, the room belonged to Kamaria's mother, and now her son.)

    2. Hari OM
      Oh my.... I am thrilled.... that just feels so right. Yxx

  7. You are packing up the best way - slowly but surely! Good to take the time to clean out so you are not moving stuff you don't use or need. Keep up the good work!

  8. I honestly hate moving, well who likes it?! But you have lots of time and a bit a day will go quickly. A fresh and hopefully last start as you settle into the new place.

    Yay for cosmos, I love them.


  9. One step at a time. Keep plugging away and well done getting rid of things! Don't you know everything must smell more "perfumey" than it naturally does? Cars, homes, laundry, cat litter, garbage... -Jenn

  10. Glad you've got a firm moving date set! I despise scented garbage bags too. It's not even a pleasant scent -- WTF?

  11. So many things are artificially scented. Why do they have to make post-it notes smell of pineapple?

  12. Looks like it is all coming together, Joanne. Hope it continues to go smoothly. We discovered the scented garbage bags and hate them so much. It is really hard to find unscented ones. Take care and have a good rest of your week.

  13. You are making good progress, Joanne.

    Scented garbage bags are an abomination.

  14. You are doing great in taking care of things in a slow and steady manner. Before you know it you will be getting all settled in there. I wish you smooth and easy sailing for the move!

  15. My daughter hates the scented but I like the lemony ones. It must feel great to get things done. I need to get rid of so much stuff--perhaps moving would force me into it?

  16. I ended up with a box of those scented trash bags, and agree with you they're awful. I've been using them every time I have to give something away.

  17. Such a huge project and difficult both physically and emotionally. I think you are amazing, checking things off your list, getting it all done, still taking the moments to enjoy your flowers.
    I think that making a grilled cheese sandwich on gas will come back to you like riding a bicycle. Only easier.

  18. You are making EXCELLENT progress. Which surprises me not one iota.

  19. Yes, those scented bags are awful! They had them at work. Ugh. Your cosmos is very pretty! They like the hot weather. I hope you will not overdo it with the moving.

  20. I bought coloured rubbish bags as a change form the plain white and discovered only when I opened one to line the bin they are rose scented for the pink ones and lavender scented for the purple ones. I'll go back to plain white once I have used them up.
    I miss cooking with gas so much that I rarely bake anymore. Can you roll the rug instead of folding which might leave creases?

  21. I'm sure you'll also find plants to love in your old-new home.

  22. Good to have a steady pack and time to do it.

  23. The process of moving is seldom pleasant, but you will get there! At least you have the time to do it at a fairly leisurely pace.

  24. Boy, when you make up your mind to do something, you just do it, don't you. Scented trashbags... and they don't even smell good to my nose.

  25. You're tackling this moving heroically! I don't quite understand where you're moving to, but I gather it's not a retirement community? Anyway, good luck and good move vibes. Gas is so much better for cooking, too. You'll be literally cooking with gas! Well, you always are, in the other sense.

  26. Only thing worse than scented trash bags is scented cat litter. Shudder. Makes a bad thing even worse.
    I always rather liked moving…new scenery, new experiences. But the last move four years ago…at 73, and from Colorado to Louisiana… just about did me in.

  27. Scented rubbish bags! And i thought scented loo rolls were the last word in abominations...

  28. Yes, I discovered the scent too. It's awful.
    Yes too, you are doing awfully well with your move. I'm out here cheering you on.

  29. Glad you have a moving date. I wouldn't want to be you. My son and his wife are moving into a new house this week. The packing and moving part isn't fun. We've been in this house for 36 years and I can't even imagine trying to clean out closets or box things up. But once you are in your new place, it will be great, right?

  30. Seems you have all under control, both packing and winnowing. I bought scented trash bags once in error. Ugh! Nasty smell. I swear I tossed the bag before it was half full. Others went out to the garage to be used for outside stuff.

  31. I haven't encountered scented bags before. What a stupid idea. As you say, some people could react badly to them.

  32. Good luck with your move. Are you going far? Moving house is not my favourite activity; I keep it to a minimum.

  33. Dear Joanne, moving is such tedious undertaking! But also a chance to let go of a lot of things one does not really need (one keeps the nice books - the others have to go).
    For me it was a bit easier: I just took many things I really need to the apartment in Bavaria - but left a complete apartment in Berlin, and some things had to be doubled, bought - and I think with shudders of the day when I decide to have only one place of residence...
    In Bavaria (almost) everything I have there is simple, loved and needed - a wonderful calm feeling.
    Enjoy your stay and the mystery flower (is that the name you gave to the garden cosmos?) till 30th August.

  34. I'm just catching up on my favourite blogs. I didn't realise you are moving. What a lot of selling and downsizing that has involved! I think I would have moved more often if it was easier.

  35. Gosh! You're moving again? It's always such a stressful time.
