
Saturday, August 7, 2021

News and to bed

I've been packing. I suspect I'm way over half done. Last Wednesday I was overly ambitious and changed the bed. On remaking it, I caught my toe under the desk chair mat and went, not ass over teacup, but down pretty hard. After I scooted against the filing cabinet, I pulled the phone from my pocket and called Valley Fire to pick me up from the floor.

The ribs that landed across the desk chair wheels are still very sore, but every day a tad better. Actually, I've done precious little since last Wednesday except get the towels into the car for todays Flea. I went to bed at 9:30 last night, to get up at seven this morning to be set up on time. I found someone to unload me and load me up this afternoon. That's all good.

This was the fourth of six Peninsula Fleas I signed on for.  Before this one, I warned the show promoter that I was in inventory trouble. My loom is empty, thread is not being delivered until next week, and if my sales volume continues, I will have to drop out of the last show and possibly the show in two weeks. 

My sales have averaged thirty towels each show, and today was the same. Carol, the promoter, came by mid afternoon, and we chuckled at my bare table. A few sales after that and I texted her that I must forego the next two shows. No harm, no foul; she has a waiting list and can fill the spot. Furthermore, she is rolling my "refund" over to next year. As I did not expect a refund, that was twice as nice.

And, as I drove to the show this morning, I looked down and saw my check engine light is on. Damn. I've made an appointment for Tuesday to have it looked at.

A hot day in the sun, and I am done. Tomorrow I must pack up all the eBay orders that closed yesterday afternoon, and straighten out my website inventory. I must learn how to suspend web sales when I do go to a show. In the meantime, I'll look at a few blogs and then go to bed. 

Here is a picture from the farm today. This is how to spend too much money. The coffee was five dollars, the cookie three. Both were excellent and lasted me all day.

And here is a picture of some farm flowers. I believe that is a not hibiscus.


  1. Oh owwwwwwwwww. I am so sorry about the fall, hitting the ribs is so painful. That's pretty cool how many towels you are selling.

  2. OH NO! Stop falling over! HURTS! Glad about selling the weavings, people are smart.

  3. I am glad no ribs or bones were broken in your fall. At flea markets and crafts fairs, I always felt that the food vendors had the right idea. I would spend too much of my earnings at their booths!

  4. Oh- ribs!!! Been there but didn’t quite do that. Take care of yourself! Congratulations on your success in selling out of your towels. They are, of course, fabulous towels. -Jenn

  5. I am glad that you did no major damage in your fall. And unsurprised that your towels are selling well.
    Look after yourself please - you are hugely important to many of us.

  6. I have to say I'm happy to know that you will soon not be alone any more. You'll have someone to yell for if you get into another predicament.

  7. Glad the fall wasn't worse, but it sounds nasty anyway.
    You've had a very successful season with the towels, congratulations.

  8. Your sales sound great as does your promoter's generosity... but falling was the pits!

  9. How very satisfying to be 'sold out'. Your only problem must be that the towels last so long. Ours have been constantly in use, and show no sign of ware whatsoever.

  10. Oh no, I'm so sorry you had a fall! There has to be an easier way to see those handsome firemen! Seriously though, I hope you didn't break anything. I don't know how you can rest in the middle of a move but I hope you can. Congratulations on selling out of your towels, everyone loves them! You're smart to not do the next two shows as you do kind of have a lot going on right now. Take care Joanne!

  11. Hari Om
    ...pretty sure that IS a hibiscus (there are well over a hundred varieties)... could be Hibiscus Moscheutos (Swamp Rosemallow) from what I can make out on this shot.

    Anyway, like others said. This move couldn't come soon enough so you have a watch person! Great about the sales - and that you withdrew from more fleamarkets for this year at least. The move itself will take some stuffing out of you, Joanne, no matter how positive itis. Take care. YAM xx

  12. Like others, I'm glad you weren't injured more severely, though bruised ribs ARE a pain and slow to heal!! Happy that you're sold out on your towels, though I'm wondering if you missed my request for two of your towels some time ago. They can wait... no worries. Wait until after your move and you get settled in again. We're still watching and waiting for our new home to appear! Gentle, healing hugs to you.

  13. BTW, I think that IS a Hibiscus--as YAM said. At least from all the ones I've ever seen it's a match.

  14. It certainly looks like a hibiscus to me and is that Tansy in front of it? I'm very glad that you were only bruised and not broken.

  15. Everyone who buys your towels gets something wonderful.

  16. That sounds like a nasty fall. Glad you didn't break anything. Now if the car doesn't have any major injuries either, all will be well.

  17. Please don't fall over! In one way, it's good to be sold out I suppose. I am glad you are doing well with the towels.

  18. I am glad you are up and about after taking such a fall.

    I agree with other commenters that the flowering plant is a Hibiscus. It is like the one my Mom had in her garden for more than 30 years, and I grew from seed at the apartment I moved to with my husband when we got married. That one only survived during the years we lived there, because while we lived there I had a few bricks around it and the mowers didn't mow over it. When we moved away it was eventually mowed over. They are an old fashioned style hibiscus and very, very hardy if they don't get mowed down. I love them for their old time flower garden look.

  19. Be careful. Please. As for your towels, I'm going on vacation with 3 girl friends next month and bought each one a gift of a Joanne Noragon towel. They will be so happy.

  20. Glad you didn't break anything! Congrats on the towel sales! Stay safe!

  21. Falling is no fun. Neither is moving for most. I mean the process not the outcome. I hope all goes well in the next. little while.

  22. Oh, Joanne! That must have been so frightening! I'm really glad you didn't break those ribs although I know you must be in a lot of pain anyway. You're doing so much right now! Don't wear yourself out completely.

  23. Be careful! No more falls! Easy to say, but all too easy to catch your toe on a chair leg or sone other silly thing and go sprawling. Been there. Done that.

  24. not a hibiscus but definitely a mallow of some sort. I'm glad the ribs are only bruised and not broken. I've noticed when I go in for my dr appts the nurses who interview you before the doc comes in have started asking if I've fallen lately. it will be good for you to be back in the house with other people.

  25. Good that your refund has been rolled over, making a good start to next year. Brilliant sales!
    Falling over is not a good idea! You will be glad when you are settled in your next home.

  26. Sorry about that fall Joanne - as we say here 'you must take more water with it.'

  27. It's easy to fall and break a rib without knowing. Like you, I was in pain a few days but then something went click and all felt ok, except I had a slight lump sticking out. All the doctor said when I showed him was "your modelling days are over".

  28. Probably a mallow which is a hardier version. Mine die down each winter and come back in the spring. Falling is never a good thing - don't do it again!

  29. Accidents happen to everyone. My late uncle said, "every step must be calculated" to avoid accidents. Beyond sore ribs, you're okay and that's great. Being nearly packed, you can relax, heal for the big move and look forward to new beginnings.

  30. Oh my. I am glad the fall was no worse than it was, Joanne. My husband and I have both had a few tumbles in the last year. We’ve been lucky so far.

  31. I too am so sorry about the fall. I have had to call 911 to be gotten up twice, and I still feel an echo of embarrassment about it. So glad the towels are selling so very well. You have aa great product.

  32. That coffee and cookie looks wonderful! Even if too expensive, a treat is sometimes warranted! And of course, falls are sometimes unavoidable, just be careful. You want to enjoy your new place and not end up in the hospital. Great news on the towel sales!

  33. Ouch! Those weird accidents that make us pay for weeks if not months. The cookie looks delicious and I intend to buy more towels when you have the loom up and running. I love the ones I got!

  34. I'm thinking that IS a hibiscus.

    I'm also thinking that I'm awfully sorry about your fall. Damaged ribs makes doing ANYTHING difficult. Moving. Breathing. Bending.

  35. Those falls can be nasty...not just the pain but the shock...and ribs are unforgiving.

  36. Ouch on the ribs, I commiserate as I had a bad fall when away with my arse swollen up to twice its size and a recovery of about 4 weeks with a technicoloured you know what. I hope not too much bruising for you. And yay on the sales.


  37. Dear Joanne, falling down - terrible! I am glad that you didn't break your bones, but it still must be an awful experience (my friend Anne told me about that - after a knee OP she falls down quite often).
    I wish you get well quick - or take rest after your move.
    Interesting to read about the Flea market - different from ours in Berlin (here, in rural Bavaria, I didn't find any - but you gave me an idea: I will look for some in Nürnberg or Fürth - thank you!) And my best wishes for your health!

  38. Oh, I feel for you with sore ribs after a tumble. I'm glad you had your phone handy to get some help. The coffee and cookie look delicious. Isn't it unreal what the prices are these days?

  39. Ups and downs, then. An unlucky accident but an unexpected refund. I hope the car engine problem is nothing serious.

  40. I am glad you are on the mend, Joanne. Also, congrats on the terrific sales of your towels. Worth every penny and we love ours. Take care and have a great rest of your week.

  41. Good grief, Joanne! That sounds so awfully painful. I'm glad it's starting to heal, but it sure was scary. Congratulations on all your sales. That is awesome!

  42. It's not a hibiscus? It sure looks like one. Maybe it's a Rose of Sharon?

  43. I have a hibiscus like that one, the same red. I tried to look it up the other day. I think it's called Lord Baltimore, and it's a sterile hybrid. But it is definitely winter hardy in zone 5.
