
Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Such a nice day

Today is my oldest daughter's birthday, though she has not yet made her arrival. During that pregnancy my mother-in-law said she dreamed I was having the baby, woke up and looked at the clock and it was 8:30, so the baby would arrive at 8:30, though she did not know morning or evening. It was spot on 8:30 pm, and you can bet I did nothing to influence it; I just got on with having her. So, it's a good day from the outset.

The eBay venture is going well; I went to the post office today with sales as well as a towel order. My post office clerk likes to squeeze the packages and chat about "you weave towels!", so the new packages are a new source of conversation. So far I've only asked my neighbor for help with a package once.

Not too long ago I sent my daughter an email with a picture:

I explained these cannisters and oil and vinegar bottles and condiment jars belonged to Caroline Lenore Smith Cox, the mother of my grandmother, Ethel Lenore Cox Rolf, who was the mother of my mother, Lenore Caroline Rolf Lytle, for whom my granddaughter was named. I also added that the first Caroline Lenore died in the 1918/1919 flu epidemic. 

I asked if my granddaughter might be interested. This was truly a stab in the dark; I've never known Caroline to have much interest in "family heirlooms", though she is an avid student of history. I didn't much fancy packing these up to ship anywhere, pending an eBay sale. I have seen sets younger than the one in the box on eBay with an opening bid of $300, so apparently they are of interest to someone. 

And today I had an email from Beth: she loves them and will be thrilled. I'm not kidding, tears sprang to my eyes.

In the same closet I came up with my spare sewing machine, and lugged it to the front room to photograph up for eBay. First I had to dust it off, and that was tiresome enough that I plunked into my chair for a rest. And then I texted Laura, Do you have a sewing machine of your own? The answer came back, No. Would you be interested in my spare sewing machine? The answer was Yes, Thank you for thinking of me!

Think I can't get much luckier? Kamaria texted me she is working hard to have my new "loom room" cleared by mid August. When I asked her a while ago, hoping to coincide with the shipment of thread, she didn't know, pointing out that's exactly when all the "children" go back to college. Her two boys and Laura. I'm not going to hang my hat on that, but it's nice to know it could happen.


  1. So good that the beautiful cannister set will stay in the family.

  2. When I was born my grandparents were in Florida. My grandfather felt tense and uneasy all day. Finally a few minutes past nine it all lifted and he told my grandmother that my mom had the baby. I was born a few minutes past nine that night.

  3. This sounds like a good day all around. Nice to read.

  4. I'm thrilled that your family has taken an interest in the heirlooms. It is good that Laura will make good use of your extra sewing machine. Your new home is coming together nicely.

  5. Looks like the stars were all in alignment. A good day all around.

  6. It's nice to get rid of larger things without all the packaging and shipping hassles.

  7. How wonderful that the family cannister set will remain in the family. I have many family heirlooms and no one is interested in them. All my kids and grandkids are into minimalism now and don't want anything. I feel like I'm letting my past family members down but I know I should not look at it like that.

    I have a feeling Laura will make good use of your sewing machine. She seems like the creative type. I'm so happy to hear that things are starting to all fall in place for you. Moving is a challenge but you seen to have a very good handle on it!

  8. Glad that everything is going well for you, and that the things you have treasured over the years now goes to family.

  9. I like to hear of people having good days. May you have many more.

  10. It's good that so many of your possessions are staying in the family and will be useful.

  11. Hari OM
    I am thrilled the girls each said yes, Joanne - for all sorts of reasons! I second Tom's comment... YAM xx

  12. Surely good days come in threes - at least! Soon you will be ensconced in your new digs, Joanne, and all the turmoil will be behind you.

  13. It seems as though things are progressing.

  14. Glad things are going well for you Joanne - let's hope all goes to plan.

  15. I am so glad your work is going so well. Your family taking some of the family heirlooms is great news.

  16. So your daughter and I share a birthday? Nice.
    You are getting things DONE!

  17. It is nice to find a new home for your family treasures!

  18. It's great when things come together.

  19. It's great that Beth wants the heirlooms and Laura wants your spare sewing machine! Keep it all in the family!

  20. I treasure days such as these when everything runs like a well oiled machine. Effortlessly.


  21. Think of the postage your granddaughters saved you. The condiment set is lovely.

  22. I have a few things of my mother's, but what I use the most is an old aluminum strainer that I use almost daily. For such a fundamental inexpensive item, it means a lot to me. Glad you found homes for some of your things (especially the ones with history).

    1. BTW, my reading list has disappeared, so I have to pull up posts from comments on old posts...???

  23. Excellent news about being able to give important items to relatives. That's always a win!

  24. So glad that your daughter wanted the canisters.

  25. The canister is beautiful. I can see why your daughter wants the set. How nice for Laura to get a sewing machine. It seems as if things are going well.


  26. always ask the kiddos first. they may surprise you like Caroline did. I have a few things that have been in the family for generations and I'm glad my daughter has said she will take them though I may skip her if one of the grandgirls wants them.

  27. That's better than nice to know. My youngest wanted all the old things, and I did giver her a good bunch. Each got a set of stirling too. Not getting rid of my backup sewing machine tho.

  28. Lovely to find a family home for your possessions.

  29. That is so cool that you don't have to pack up the canister set. That would be a bear to mail.

  30. Isn't it wonderful when things just fall into a neat row? I like the idea of eBay, but the packing, packaging and mailing would put me off. Fingers crossed (can't hurt) that you get your loom room!

  31. What good thinking to check with them about the sewing machine and the canisters! Saved you a LOT of trouble!

  32. Still without my reading list (sigh) I followed you home via your comment - and loved this upbeat post filled with happy news. Thank you.
