
Sunday, August 22, 2021

Closer and closer

I wonder what is more personally saddening than a house in transit. I'm posting pictures as a reminder to not do this again. This morning Blake, his dad and a friend came as arranged, at 8:30 a.m., to remove the washer and dryer to Blake's new house! Together with Hamilton and another friend, they have bought a house. No more rent, which is especially high in downtown Cleveland, where Hamilton lives.

There is most of my bedroom and some of my kitchen, plus a void for a new tenant's laundry appliances.  Remember when I fell several weeks ago and the local fire brigade came and picked me up?  They could not bear to walk past that door and they left me with a stern lecture on the need to evacuate in an emergency.

There are the minor effects of my studio, against this wall. The loom, the sewing tables, the shelving and, oh, yes, the spool rack. remain inside. For the first time the quiet has overwhelmed me. The radio is packed, so I turned on the news program on the television.

I spent much of the day outside, working on transport of flower equipment. My neighbor Larry came over to gossip and to help.  Lambie and Pig had been cleared from the steps to facilitate the trip of the washer and dryer, and I was cogitating on where to put them for the time being.

Larry admired them, and I offered him their care and upkeep. He reached down to take one in each hand, and was stopped cold by their weight. These were poured forty years ago, when concrete was concrete! Now they grace the short wall in front of Larry's house.

Tomorrow will find me out again, for an organizational trip to the shed. My plan is to put all to be moved to the front and what I will abandon to the back.


  1. I look at your preparations and find myself hoping to be in the same place sooner rather than later. Blessings to you and take care of yourself while doing this last move. Hugs...

  2. Lambie and pig are gone? awww. The rest is nicely packed and ready to go. are you abandoning stuff because it won't fit in your new place or because you just no longer need it?

    1. What I take must fit in my space, and lambie and Pig need to be outdoors. They are declining rapidly, too. Missing legs and ears. And we lost toad altogether last year!

  3. Oh, Lady! What hard work you are doing. Not just physically, of course, but emotionally. You are a constant inspiration to me. I think of you far more often than you would imagine.

  4. I look at your preparations and applaud. And shudder.
    I am glad that so many of the things you have chosen not to take with you are going to homes where they will be used and/or appreciated.

  5. Moving is stressful . I guess that's why I haven't moved for 51 years.

  6. I am so impressed at your organizing skills and getting it all together in such a short time. If we ever had to move i guess i would just leave everything for the "got Junk" trucks. Well done, Miss Joanne- you made Larry a happy guy too!

    1. Thank you. Larry has lived across the street from Pig and lambie for two years, and he was pleased to let them live on his wall.

  7. Hari OM
    Awwww... Lambie and Pig will be missed by us as much as you, but it is also good to know they found a safe home! Very good to hear the young ones getting on so well too. Deep breaths, m'dear, nearly there! YAM xx

  8. I am impressed with your attitude and industry. I'm exhausted even reading about moving and looking at the photos is overwhelming. My time will come too, I'm sure.

  9. the thought of moving all my stuff or all our stuff if we are both around is enough to make me cringe....

  10. You look very well organized for your move! (I'm not surprised). Glad that Lambie and Pig found a good new home.

  11. You seem pretty philosophical about rehoming your animals! And you don't have a lot of possessions at this point, after all your work to distribute them. A lot of work. How much space will you have? Less than here? I'm guessing so. But housing the loom is the big thing.

    1. I'm sharing a kitchen and gaining a garage space.

  12. I totally agree with the other Margaret! Nothing more to say.

  13. You are an amazing woman. You have done so much hard work in a short time to get ready for this move. It is hard physically but also hard emotionally. I'm glad that Lambie and Pig have gone to a good home and with someone you know too. Don't over do things with this move and when you do get all moved in take a break for a while!

  14. Yes Joanne moving is a sad business not to be undertaken lightly - the older one gets the harder it is. How long now before moving day?

  15. Moves are never easy and the older one gets the more difficult they become. As for Larry dropping by, I don't wish to impute ulterior motives to him, but every time I have moved it's amazing how many people just happened to show up, to see if there was anything to be scavenged. They came just have a chat of course - and get in the way!

    1. Oh, dear. I will miss Larry. He trundles my trash and recycle cans to the curb every week because they are too big for me to move safely.

  16. Getting there. I'm with you though. I don't want to do it again.

  17. A friend is moving and has no grandchildren so she has gifted us many treasures for our youngest set of grands. Some is from her childhood, 75 years ago. The stuff is old, well made and well cared for and should last through these guys. We take pictures and tell the stories of the kiddies on the 50 year old rocking horsey that my friend’s son enjoyed.
    She wants these pieces to live on with people she knows not quite like keeping it in the family, though

    1. That is a fine solution for everyone. Knowing where it goes is much nicer than sending it to the thrift store.

  18. Moving is HARD and downsizing harder. On one hand you can have a feeling of accomplishment with all those packed boxes, but the emptiness is daunting.

  19. you gave away Lambie and Pig?! well, you've done a fine job of getting ready for the move.

  20. Moving is a hard and most exhausting. You are doing it all marvelously well. Finding takers for appliances and even garden items is impressive.

  21. Great job of getting ready for your move and reducing the stuff you need so you will be set for the space you will have. I have so much stuff in my home that I don't know where to begin but I know I will have to do the same as you and get rid of a lot of this crap!

  22. Great progress as the time nears. It is sad when everything is in upheaval though. Take a breather when you can.

  23. Yes, you look almost ready for the moving van. Bravo. You are great.

  24. What will you do without Lambie and Pig? I know you will be glad to have all this over.

  25. You certainly seem ready for the move. But leaving neighbors that you have had for a long time is always hard. We haven't moved in 36 years, but neighbors have down-sized and moved away. We do miss them. And I have to ask, Joanne... what door had all those boxes piled up next to it... not an exit door, right?

  26. I am in the process of getting everything packed up and given away to make ready for a move, too. I almost think just walking away would be easier!!

  27. Larry sounds a fine custodian for the animals.

  28. Getting there. I'm with you though

  29. We are all with you on this trip. Can't wait for the photos of your new place.

  30. You're doing so well - your organization and accomplishments on the moving front are inspiring. I'm glad your concrete buddies are going to a home you know.
