
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Going dark for a couple of days

I truly do not know when I'll show up again. I have little faith in "wireless", and it won't be up to me to fire it up, either, so I'll just unpack boxes and take naps.

John and Mike moved the loom last night. Thank goodness they both understood reconstructing things the same way they deconstructed. Every door encountered had to be removed. More and more of the loom had to be removed. 

I tried very hard to keep the warp beam intact, but when all four cross members of the legs were gone, it tumbled to the floor. Oops! That finally did the trick, and the brake assembly was far easier to reassemble than I could believe. I vaguely remember my sister and I encountering that brake for the first time and wondering what  LeClerc had been thinking all these years.

It was a long evening, and the only picture I took was the floor of lint. I will have Kamaria set up the air filter before I turn the first warp.

When I was home again, I took a shower and fell into bed. My stint in the country, one block away, left me congested, and choking on post nasal drip. Eventually I got up and took a decongestant. Just one. Then I might as well have been a toddler, jumping up and down in the crib, not about to go to sleep.

I fired up the computer, brought up EBay and typed in "enamel top kitchen table". Yes, K was as disappointed as I was that the one we anticipated was no more.

I went through two pages of enamel tables, then went back to the first page and emailed K that there were two tables on the page that I would have in a heartbeat. Was she up for a day trip? I went back to bed, and still did not sleep for more than a couple of hours. That put a dent in today.

When I conferred with her this morning, K and I had the same first choice. I hung up and bought it. Too bad to the fellow who put in a low bid! It goes in 61's kitchen now.


  1. Best of luck with the unpacking and the napping. Hope it all goes well and looking forward to your triumphant return to the World Wide Web.

  2. Good luck on the Great Migration! I hope you get settled in and comfortable fast. We can wait to see you online.

  3. Good luck with the final moves - as long as you marked the boxes you’ll have a fair idea where everything is. At least you won’t have to wonder where the kettle is

  4. Take your time.....and then tell us how it went.

  5. Good luck with the move and settling in, Joanne. Take it easy!

  6. It sounds like it's going as smoothly as a move can. They are tricky and stressful. Again, I love your attitude! xoxo

  7. It is good to hear your move is progressing pretty well. Exhausting, but all moves are just that. I love your new table. The table is a great find and a nicely executed purchase at the "right" price.

  8. I would say to enjoy your time away but I know you will be antsy until you get everything settled in.

  9. Oh my goodness. I was wide awake for most of last night and have dozed off and on today. I took 1/2 of an antihistamine and thought it would put me down -- it didn't. A bowl of cold cereal did the trick, though. Love that table. Such happiness for you. Take lots of naps and be kind to yourself. Glad you have help with the move. That's critical.

  10. I hope things settle for you soon. Moving is tough.

  11. It should be a relief to know the loom has been moved. That must have been a nerve-wracking process. I love that table! But didn't you have an enamel top table? I must have missed something, but then I sometimes confuse easily! Please take care and enjoy those well earned naps. It will be good to get settled in your new home. We will all be here when you are able to come back.

  12. That picture is the table you bought? I'm glad you like it.
    A day in the country leaves me tired out too, and that's without moving house!

  13. I hope your move goes smoothly and well! That's a great table you found. See you when you're back in the blogosphere in your new place!

  14. Hari OM
    Well done to you and all helpers... rest and recovery absolutely necessary. Just don't be gone too long - we love you here!!! YAM xx

  15. Best of luck. I hope when next we hear from you that you are triumphant. Tired of course, but triumphant.

  16. Hope all goes well with your move and you and the loom settle in quickly.

  17. Today you are moving. Wishing you all the best.

  18. Moving house is always such a headache. I hope it all goes well and you enjoy your new home!

  19. That table is great. I still haven't found the chairs that will go at mine. I know they have to be painted wood.

  20. Glad you got the table. My fingers and toes are all crossed that the loom goes back together as it should. We are all looking forward to the moment when you let us know it is clattering away again.

  21. Glad you got the move all done. I'm thinking not being on line for awhile will help you get some rest. Moving is such hard work. I like your table and chairs.

  22. Good that you got the loom out okay. I like the enamel table. The chairs match the table wonderfully - did you buy those at the same time?

  23. Moving is never easy, is it? No matter how much work you do in preparation.
    I hope it doesn't take too long for you to get up and running. I will miss you. But don't push it- take care of yourself. We'll be here when you return.

  24. Gotta watch those decongestants. I never take the daytime ones, even in the daytime, if I can help it. Not that I need them often, thank goodness.

  25. the move is underway. how strange will it be to be back in your old house that isn't your house any longer.

  26. Love the table! Take it slow and don't over-do!

  27. Good luck with the move. Hope all goes smoothly and you can rest and relax soon.

  28. Soon you'll be all settled in and we'll be hearing from you again.

  29. I've bought and sold many tables and chairs like that. That is a nice one.

  30. "My stint in the country, one block away, left me congested, and choking on post nasal drip" - Joanne, have you tried wearing a face mask when out in the country... or on any walk where trees and pollen might be? I unexpectedly found that wearing a mask in the car helps me not to cough so much from the A/C. And I found that wearing one when walking just around the block helps me not to get a scratchy throat from the pollen in the air. Just a thought.

  31. Hope you feel better soon
    Congratulations on the gorgeous table and chairs
    I agree with, Rian. Wearing a mask during allergy season helped reduce my discomfort a lot.

  32. Good luck with the move, Joanne - see you on the other side, whenever that may be.

  33. Thinking of you, dear Joanne, and hoping everything goes well.

  34. Rest up, and soon the Miracle of Wifi will happen for you and we'll see you posting again!

  35. I have every faith in your settling in quickly Joanne.

  36. We had two of those in our kitchen when I was growing up.
    How is Toby doing in his new life?

  37. I do hope that all will be well and work out. It will! And I am glad when I can read your posts again, Joanne!

  38. Oh my it all sounds exhausting I hope you got caught up on your sleep. I know I'm a devil without it.

    Good luck with this, hopefully, "final move". And I am glad your loom is up and running.


  39. What a beautiful kitchen table and chairs! Best of wishes to you during this move. Naps sound like just the thing.

  40. Any updates yet, Joanne? Hope all is well.

  41. I'm going to look forward to seeing you settled in and able to sleep peacefully again.
