
Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Living rough

Blogging is the end of my day, the full circle bit of a day done and dusted. A check on everyone and then to bed. Bed is just behind me, a good part of small living.

Amazing what an old lady with a cane and a chair on wheels can make happen! There was one unexpected occurrence. Linda told my sister to just take the table away. That was a wrench, in several ways. And so, I made the red chair my table.

I intended to begin emptying outdoor flower pots today, even in the rain. But I've been distracted by a conversation with John, who will move my loom. He cannot bear to do it in the rain, and we put it off to next week. In any event, all timetables are continually thrown to the wind.

In another misunderstanding, I thought the rooms would be available this coming weekend, and began making plans for important preliminaries to begin this weekend. However, I missed by a week! So, there will be a mad flurry commencing next week.  I have put next Wednesday off limits; that is the actual moving day.

Before that happens, I must get the rug put down in the new studio. There it is, on wheels, ready to rock and roll. I figure worst case it will be the last thing in and first off the moving truck. It must go on the floor before boxes and furniture and a loom are put on top. 

Every cupboard, closet, drawer is empty and mostly packed. Much is in motion. Blake will take the washer dryer. That's great. I intended to abandon them to the next tenants. Perhaps he'll take the little red sofa, too. 

Well, morning is up. I think I'll fold laundry and wait for the next event. I am sleepy from the rain. I'll find more to say next time.


  1. You are a power house! Good job - I hate to see you leave, you have made such a cosy nice home there, ONWARD!!

  2. I am left speechless. I can only second what Linda Sue says.

  3. Wow! Well organised 🙂 hope the move goes smoothly x

  4. Hari OM
    Yes, I recall from an earlier post that you had said the 25th... no harm in being a week ready though!!! Ready, set.... YAM xx

  5. Great progress. Slow process though. Another week!

  6. You have worked so hard! I sure hope that you're going to be cozy and happy in your new place. I think you will be.

  7. The older one gets the harder it is to move.

  8. This is exhausting to even read. You seem to have a great attitude and are getting a lot organized and done. Way to go! I bet you'll be relieved when you're all settled. xoxo

  9. Will you have about the same space as here? You're so adaptable and organized. You're taking it like another show day!

    1. Thank you, Liz. That's it, basically. Another show, going on.

    2. And PS, basically the same except I'll share a kitchen.

  10. We all have our rhythms. I blog first thing -- usually.

  11. It will be nice to have some company! You certainly have accomplished a lot and are ready to go!

  12. So close now. I hope it all goes smoothly and you can rest (a least for a bit) when it is done.

  13. You've thought things out and I hope it all goes according to plan, esp that part about the rug being put on the truck last and coming off first.

  14. Congratulations on a job well done! You are one amazing lady to get all this done by yourself in a short amount of time. You have most definitely earned a nice long break and I hope you will get one after you get moved. I know you'll be anxious to get the loom up and going but take care of you too! Here's hoping for everything else to go smoothly and without any problems! xx

  15. I am in awe of your energy and inventiveness. I hope this all goes smoothly. I've lived in chaos a few times prior to moving and I sympathies. I would be whining incessantly. You are a far better woman.


  16. You continue to amaze and inspire me, Joanne. You've gotten so much done by yourself that others would never even try to do.

    So . . . an extra week of needing meals you hadn't counted on? What will you do?!

    Good luck with the move, my friend.

  17. Ugh, I hate moving. I admire your commitment to moving on.

  18. I really don't look forward to packing up my pantry! LOL A "foodie" such as myself has a more than full larder! I'm looking forward to you settling in your new digs, as I know you must be as well. Glad to see I'm not the only one who gets her weeks mixed up! Hugs to you ...

  19. I empathize. Moving is hard. I hope the new place works well for you.

  20. Moving forward, one step at a time.

  21. Very one step at a time. The rug and the loom.

  22. I bet you are looking forward to actually moving in and setting up everything.
    Living out of boxes is no fun.

  23. Way to go on packing. We did not get all of our stuff in the truck neatly. I am fairly furious that my mountain bikes are on the bike rack on the Jeep in the pouring rain instead of in the truck. I hope things go well for you.

  24. Look at you all packed up and ready to go! Shame your table went so soon, I'd be lost without mine. I hope it all goes smoothly with no rain on the day.

  25. You will be relieved when this entire move is over and done with, Joanne.

  26. Organising your move yourself is the best know what you want and there is no 'helpful' interference.

  27. Looks like all is ready and you know how things must come and go. The last few days before the move is hardest, I think. Can't find something urgently needed. Can't cook. Can't, can't. I suspect it will be nice being in a house with others and still having your own space.

  28. Dear Joanne, not having read blogs for several weeks--maybe a couple of months--I didn't know you were moving. So this posting came as a surprise. I'm wondering if you are downsizing, or if you've found a place that is closer to somewhere where you want to be. I scrolled back several postings to get a sense of what's been happening in your life and discovered that you'd fallen and needed the help of the fire dept. to get back up. I was so relieved that you didn't bang/injure your head/brain again. That fall, way back in the spring of three or four years ago, so affected your life. You have an enormous amount of fortitude but enough is enough! You need no more head banging. Hope you are well and that the move doesn't tire you so much that you will have to spend many, many days recuperating. Peace.

  29. You seem to have things pretty much under control, apart from the odd misunderstanding about dates. Onwards and upwards!

  30. you are a force to be reckoned with! you are my role model. I hope we get to meet in person again some day.

  31. Made the Zucchinibutter Spagetti recipe you wrote about. OMG best zucchini recipe ever!! Good luck with the move.

  32. On so many levels, moving is the worst. If like me, you need order in your life, it’s very disrupting. Hope you’re not on peanut butter sandwiches for the whole week ahead.

  33. There is always something to learn from your approach to things that happen without our control over them.

  34. I must have missed a few of your older posts, because I did not know that you are moving. Where to? Just so long as you stay in the blog world.
