
Sunday, July 4, 2021

Three down, three to go

 I remember reading a few blogs before bedtime last night. I was cross eyed tired from my day outdoors, at the fair. I hope I refrained from commenting! I did go to bed at nine in the evening and woke a bit before eight this morning, ready to take on a new day.

Grocery shopping has been injured this month. Normally I would shop the last week of June for this month, but Laura was in New Orleans, then had an orientation day at Akron U, then I was at the Peninsula Flea yesterday. Everything was shifted to today. Last night I texted to confirm, and received a pathetic reply: she was sickly and in bed.

I resigned myself to going it alone. I literally was reduced to the last half bag of noodles and quarter bag of frozen corn for dinner last night. For tonight I faced the last can of butter beans. Nothing ventured, however, and I texted Laura this morning. Yes, she was on her feet and would come, wearing mask.

Amidst all the usual palaver, Laura asked my rehoming plans for the cat. She thought Bekka, her oldest sister, would be interested. Later in the day I texted Bekka all the details, and yes with a capital "Y", she would love to have El Gato. I asked her to work out with Laura some convenient time to drive the whole outfit to downtown Cleveland.

There are one and a half show stories to share. At the second show a woman stopped to stroke the towels and was on the verge of buying one when she abruptly changed her mind. "My kids destroy everything!" she exclaimed, and returned her selection to the pile. I picked it up and told her to take it; short of an open flame or a butcher knife, the towels are pretty indestructible. I still use a thirty year old towel. She protested, I insisted, and so off she went with the towel challenge.

This Saturday commenced slowly as usual; we are at the end of the show. But a woman did literally rush up and demanded if I remembered her. Of course I did, and inquired into the state of her towel. She declared it more than satisfactory, and went on to purchase eight towels for her kitchen.

CW commented on the probable model train display hoisted overhead, and I said I would ask about it. No one I could ask came into view over the weekend, so I have a picture instead. I will ask at the next show, and in the meantime, perhaps you can deduce from the picture.

Before the show began, Beth showed me a fabulous purse she had purchased in the Shenandoah's, on their vacation earlier in June. The purse is exactly my style, and I embarrassed myself assuming it was for me. That past, I could only exclaim on its loveliness and utility. All the little circles are rolled leather strips.

And that's it for another show. Done now until the first Saturday of August. Off to weave more towels.


  1. I understand the woman coming back to buy more towels. They are marvelous.

  2. That's good feedback from a customer.

  3. Hooray for very satisfied (justly satisfied) return customers. And for a home for El Gato.

  4. I think you are smart as well as generous to have given that woman a towel. She will be back. As for El Gato, will he re-home OK? Could he not go with you?

  5. Sorry to hear that Toby can't come with you to your new home, but also happy to hear that an enthusiastic new cat person is stepping up to take him in! And that was a great towel story!

  6. Much better photo, and yes, I can vouch that it is definitely a G-scale train track set up. Many restaurants (and businesses) install these elevated train layouts as an attraction for their customers. The Shed (Originally The Apple Shed) is a restaurant here in Tehachapi and they have a similar set up of track running around the ceiling of the dining room. It's seen a couple of renovations/change of ownership, and currently it's a Hawaiian restaurant that's only available for take-out. I haven't tried it, but the current owner also owns the Red House BBQ and it has a reputation for excellent BBQ. The owner's kids started up a soup kitchen to feed the homeless and anyone who wanted a free meal--ultimately, they were awarded "Citizen of the Year" awards for their generous spirit and the value they brought to the town's citizens.

    1. Miss-statement -- The restaurant has seen renovations--and the trains have been worked on a time or two as well. LOL Here's a link for the Red House BBQ. Truly outstanding fare at a reasonable price!

  7. You are busier than ever! The shows seem to be going really well with lots of demand for your lovely towels. The purse is great. It looks hand crafted to me. Can you order one for yourself?

  8. I must have missed a post -- what's the story with the cat that needs to be rehomed??

  9. It definitely looks like a model train track to me. I'm sorry Laura is not feeling so well, she is Covid vaccinated? "my kids destroy everything", I know a few adults like that. I know of one who sometimes needs just a bit of cloth to clean something, but doesn't want to make a whole towel dirty, so he used to cut a bit off the corner of whatever towel was handily nearby. His mind works in funny ways. He now buys a "bag'o'rags" from the local hardware store instead.

  10. PS, you're giving up Toby??I hope he re-settles without too much fuss.

  11. I'm afraid I still don't understand where you're going. Your kitty can't go along? When I photograph my towels, I guess I should email the photos to you but I'll try to warn you first to look for them. Giving a towel to the woman was kind and it worked out well.


  12. So glad you found a good home for El Gato.

  13. I like these posts. So much trivia but all extremely interesting.

  14. That's a very satisfied customer--eight towels, wow! It sounds like plans are progressing for your move. I didn't realize about the cat.

  15. Your kindness in giving the towel to the woman turned into a very wise marketing move! I'm sure she in turn will tell all her friends about your wonderful towels!

  16. Isn't it possible for you to take the cat with you? I didn't realize that.

  17. Glad you've worked out rehoming plans for Mr Cat. But what a shame you can't take him with you.

  18. And again I'm sorry I'm so far from your fair.

  19. Good will be interesting to see how the towel challenge comes back too!
    Hope Laura stays well..she is a great help obviously..give her an extra hug from here!!
    Glad that El Gato will have a new home too...not too far from yours?

  20. You have reminded me of the model train that ran continuously in a general store in a little village not too far from us. Not the store has closed its doors after something like 170 years.

  21. Your towels certainly garner accolades, Joanne. They might outlast all of us. It's not too far to southern Ontario. Time to do a craft show here!

  22. I cannot imagine children destroying tea towels. Yours will stand up to the test anyway!

  23. Looks like a train track to me!
    Great sales skills in giving that woman the towel!

  24. No wonder the woman was delighted with the sample towel...they are superb!

  25. So Toby isn't allowed to come with you when you move?

    and yeah, an excellent PR move on the gifted towell.

  26. I'm sorry you cannot take El Gato with you.
    Why can't you call an order in and have them deliver it to your doorstep?

  27. You were smat to give the woman that towel. She'll be back for more.

  28. How kind of you to give that towel away!
