
Monday, July 5, 2021

Toby leaves home

Toby just left, on Laura's lap, bound for Becca's apartment. Becca is my oldest grandchild, the first, born on the last day of September, almost thirty years ago. She doesn't appear often; she came well before my blogging days. When I had custody of her siblings, Becca was legally an adult

Finding Toby a new home is a lovely win-win-win. I am so allergic to cats (and to dogs) that having one for a pet is not fair to the pet. They are exactly that, pets, and entitled to, as my cat-whisperer brother used to say, being fussed. And I can't. Petting or grooming a cat means, first I cannot breathe, and last, my lips swell to half again as large.

Technically, Toby is my cat. I'm the person who picked up his little four week old self in a parking lot in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and transported him back to Ohio. He literally inhaled his first meal of wet kibble. When he went to the vet the next day he weighed just four pounds, which put him at four weeks old. I always told him his mother left him behind because his legs were so short.

He befriended our two cats and two dogs. Then there were my three grandkids added to the mix, and Toby did not suffer for hands to scratch his ears. When I moved with the girls to the trailer park, "my" cat came with us. But his last two years have been pretty bleak. He knows who among my visitors will fuss him up, and he doesn't allow them to leave without at least one good petting session.

And so we could have carried on for a good long time, except I'm moving again, this time to a house with a Coton de Tulear.  (I borrowed the picture from the internet.)

Toby and the dog have met, and it was not happy. It happened when I was in rehab for my shoulder repair, and the grown ups did not know how to introduce cats to dogs and vice versa. I could get the job done, but there is a better solution for Toby. A cat friendly home.

I told Laura I would be rehoming Toby. And my grandchildren, who have known and loved Toby since he was that four week old kitten, put their heads together. Becca wanted him, badly. I said "OK, let me know before the end of September; I'll drive him up to Cleveland."

My phone rang today; Laura, it announced. "Gramma, I'm at Becca's and we're cleaning her apartment for the cat! Can she get him tonight, when she brings me home."

They arrived at eight p.m. and made a Toby sweep of the house. Everything was loaded into Becca's cute little car.

"Wave good-bye, Toby." And so he's off, to live in the clean apartment of a nice young woman who will pet him every day.


  1. Oh my. I feel I'm going to miss Toby and his perfect moustache, but it sounds like he's moving in with a cat-loving human, so that's a good thing. -Jenn

  2. Well this does sound like a happy adventure for him. Good.

  3. This is a lovely story and a perfect ending! I didn't realize you were allergic. Ugh. So glad about Toby's new home.

  4. A happy solution for Toby, and I think you’ll enjoy the new pet in your life. Our Mamie is a Coton, and they’re delightful little dogs. Exciting, too, to be going to new (old) digs!

  5. A good solution for everybody. Now Toby can be petted.

  6. Well, sounds like Toby will like his new home and all the attention he'll be getting! But I'm sure you will remain his favourite human because you rescued him when he was small and vulnerable. That makes up for a lot of allergies!

  7. Your grandchildren sure resemble each other. Glad to hear that Toby is on his way to a great location.

  8. I'm so glad Toby has a good and loving home. I will miss him too and I imagine you will as well but this sounds like the best solution for all. Maybe they will send you pictures of him once in awhile.

  9. Sounds like the perfect solution for everyone.

  10. Good luck Toby, be good if you can. Both you and Joanne are going on unexpected adventures, enjoy.

  11. Hari OM
    Oh my.... farewell dear Toby-cat, enjoy that altered life!

    But Joanne, there is other news here that got kinda skipped.... which no doubt will out in full when the time is ripe... though clearly some decisions have been made. YAM xx

  12. Well done! Toby El Gato is definitely on a winner!!

  13. In the manner of cats, Toby will do well and adjust to his new staff like no others ever existed.

  14. A definite win for Toby, though he will miss you. It is surely tough for you, but it is clear that you feel it is the right thing and therefore best to do it.

  15. It sounds like things have worked out.

  16. This is a good outcome for all.

  17. This sounds like a very good solution all around. One of our cats went to live with our son after being with us for many years. He had a much better life being the only cat and got far more attention and was happier. He only lived a couple of years more but they were good years for both him and our son. May Toby experience the same kind of joy. I think you did well to keep him as long as you did, given your allergies. The things we do for our furry charges.

  18. I am happy for you and Toby, less allergies for you and a petting home for Toby.

  19. Best thing all around but still- sad too. I have a feeling you will miss your little Toby.

  20. I had no idea that you were, as you say a win win situation. But you will miss him, I am sure.

  21. well, I suppose it's a win win. but won't you miss him? even if you are allergic? I was terribly allergic as a kid but outgrew it around 20 yrs old. they don't bother me at all now.

  22. Yes, this is a win , win, win story. It's not easy in any way to move older animals.

  23. That is a good, practical solution. Hope you are feeling okay and looking forward to your move.

  24. What a good decision for Toby and for everyone. Good luck in your new life, Toby!

  25. Yes, it's a win. I think the other upheavals in your life ---that are happening in September----will help alleviate any feelings of loneliness that his departure might have caused you. You will be busy adjusting to different surroundings, different companions, schedules, etc, That is a good thing for you.

  26. Dear Joanne, there is a poignancy to this posting that, at first reading, breaks my heart. Saying good-bye to any of the cats with whom I've lived--Dulcy, Bartleby, Tybalt, Eliza Doolittle, Noah, Jeremiah, Laz, Raissa, Ellie, Maggie, Matthew--has always (except for once) meant that I had to release them to the death that beckoned them to the glory of eternal "fussing." Only one was ever given aways, as you have done. And your giving Toby to Becca is an act of love. An act of in a way cracking open your own heart so that the light of play could come into Toby's life. So, on second reading, I felt the power of your generosity of spirit and your love for Toby as you entrusted him to Becca. So hard and yet so lovely in the giving. Peace.

    PS: The last three cats whom I named are still alive and we live together the years of aging. They are between 13 and 15 years old. Of the other names, all died in my arms except for Tybalt, whom I had to give to a farmer because Dulcy couldn't abide him, and choosing the pantry for her home, she shunned me for a year. The farmer was overjoyed that Tybalt turned out to be the Pied Piper on his farm! Peace again.

  27. I am so happy that Toby will be fussed over! I am also allergic to cats, but I have always had a cat since I married HeWho loves animals as much as I do! I could never trust Martha, the boy cat to someone else, since I am his mother. Raising him with a bottle and taking care of his his elimination needs has a strong bond! Martha does not know he is a cat or a boy, for that matter. Other cats I have known and loved could have rehomed with no angst on my part. I must be getting old and maudlin!

  28. So happy Toby has a new home. The last time we had a resident cat was when Mom lived with us. We kept "Georgie" after Mom died, but both my husband and I are allergic to cats. When Georgie died, we did not replace her, but I miss her.

  29. I am sad, no wait, I am , sad again...change is difficult for me so i go to "sad" generally. Really though it is the best of out comes. Toby is good cat.

  30. I am sad and happy at the same time, Joanne. I know it is the best for Toby but I am going to miss hearing about him. At least you have your bookmark. =) Take care.

  31. Sounds like a good move for all involved.

  32. Excellent solution and timing. Toby will be happy in his new home. xx

  33. We will all miss Toby. He is a wonderful cat and wasn't he lucky that you rescued him as a tiny kitten. Knowing he is with Becca and well loved makes this all okay. I hope Becca sends you a photo to show Toby settling in to his Cleveland home.

  34. I will miss Toby - but it'll be nice to have a human to fuss over him.

  35. Oh, I so hope he will love it there. You will love not having allergies.

  36. Now I understand about Toby. How do you feel about the dog? I've never heard of that breed.


    1. I understand Coton's are hypoallergenic. Non allergenic. As for "dog", I've lived with one or more all my adult life. I was attached to just one, Angus.

  37. Aww, bye bye Toby. You'll have a wonderful life at Becca's.

  38. I'm happy it worked out so well.

  39. So thrilled you found the perfect home for Toby.
