
Thursday, July 1, 2021

More news and then some advice

Today will be busy. I'm not sneaking in a post; this is part of the day's plan. In half an hour I must take El Gato to the groomer, and not a minute too soon. He's leaving me clumps of hair to pick up. I see I should leave off here and get him confined.

Big changes coming. To start, the towel ordering source will be my website, Everything Old is New Again. I'll update the blog to reflect that later today. I am pleased as punch to do this; the web is so clean and straightforward, and for me at any rate, makes ordering easier for international sales.

What's bigger than the web site, you ask. Well, I'm moving again. I've wrestled mightily with this for the last two years. I want to leave shoveling snow and lugging groceries up a flight of stairs. Two years ago I initiated a move to Regina, for independent living. There I could find company, and leave the cooking to the cooks. And we all remember two years ago, when the world stood still.

Instead, I came to rely on Laura, to run the vacuum, very occasionally mop the floors, and keep me company in the grocery store. I always knew where she lived; I was the transport. Since graduation from high school, a year ago now, she has lived with Kamaria, except the several months she rented a studio apartment in Kent.

Every time I've asked her current plans these last several months, she says she is living with Kamaria and/or helping Kamaria. This last time she was helping Kamaria move from Kent back to 61, the Peninsula address she purchased from Janice and me.

Kamaria asked me to move in with her a couple of years ago, when her own mother passed on. That was a tough struggle for me, but in the end I said No. I hesitated for some time this time, but it was nerves holding me back. When I asked this time she said Yes, conditionally. She had to run it past her boys and Laura. That answer also was Yes, so in I go.

I will move the end of September, into "my" old room, and the studio into Mom's old room. "My" lovely new bathroom will be mine, and will be the "downstairs bathroom" all day every day. That's about it for that news. 

On to my web pages. I am excited, and hope to make something of them. I would like to keep up Where the towels live, but I'm reluctant to do so until I receive permission. I will only publish where you live, or where you said you live or where I think you live, or where you want to live. There will be no names disclosed, or web links. What say you? 

And finally, here's a little tour around my garden.

Here's the pink mandevilla. Of the three, it's lagging. The next time I must use kitchen water on them, it will include the monthly dose of MiracleGrow.

The white mandevilla makes buds almost hourly. This batch are on the other side of the plant!

The red is another prolific bloomer. They keep me happy.

The Gerbera daisy keeps surprising, too. I've never had one this busy supporting blooms. There are nine Gerbera's in bloom and two you can see coming on. There is another on the other side.

This is the pot of zinnia from store. Many buds, but only now beginning to bloom.

This pot of zinnia are from last year's seeds. I have not begun dead heading them.

And just see the pot of wildflowers, from the store. The little blue flowers are on a stalk that resembles pinks, except it's a very tall stalk, not close to the ground.


  1. you may publish the "where the towels live" photo I sent you with or without my name (first name only, please) and location. Still loving your towels and using them daily. I think of you each time I touch one, which is frequent!


  2. I also use your towels all the time - they are lovely and wash so well. Sounds like you have a busy few months ahead.

  3. where the towels live is an inspired idea. I look forward to reading it.

  4. September is right around the corner! You must be genius at packing things up by now . I hope the move will be effortless.
    Your flowers are so pretty, COLOR!! isn't it divine to open the door and be met with blooming color!

  5. The move sounds perfect! It will suit everyone very well. I love your flowers and am a bit envious. I don't have any this year. With the kids home (and working), I'm too busy being Granny Nanny.

  6. I'll send you a picture of my towels and please feel free to say where they live. :) Your flowers are so pretty. I love the way the bright colors pop! Sounds like the move will be good for you....congrats!

  7. Your flowers are doing well - it shows that you are taking good care of them. The move sounds perfect! Hope it goes smoothly!

  8. Never a dull moment! How far away are you moving? It sounds as if you're pretty happy with the decision.

  9. I'll send a photo of some of my towels--as you know I have many and love them--and you can publish anything about me that you like. I confess I'm a little confused about the move; who is Kamaria? I'm glad you won't be on your own so much.


  10. Decisions get more difficult as we age. The solutions do not come problem free. I hope this move is what you need.

  11. Exciting times ahead. And hooray for a return to your bathroom.
    Of course you can use my contribution to where the towels live - as either Sue or EC.

  12. Living in a place that meets all your needs is important. I'm glad you are able to make this move. New home. New beginnings. That's exciting.

  13. Please use my towel pic and info however you think best. This will liven up your sales site a lot! I, too, have forgotten who Kamaria is.

  14. Go ahead and use my towel picture and first name if you want. Congratulations on your move. I'm a wee bit confused about where you are going and with whom, but as long as you are happy with the arrangements, good for you! Also, another big congratulations on your new website. You seem to have hit your groove. -Jenn

  15. The blue wildflowers are cornflowers, or bachelor buttons. One of my favorites!

  16. Lots of changes coming your way! You can do whatever you want with my towel photo/.

  17. A move is a big change! It sounds as if it will make life a bit easier for you. I sure hope so. Your garden is beautiful, colorful and happy! It sounds like handling your orders through the website is a smart move. Enjoy your holiday weekend!


  18. Good luck with the move and the new web site.

  19. I hope you are able to take your pots of colourful flowers with you on your move. Hope the plans go well

  20. I hope everything goes well with your new move and settling in is easy. I'm happy to have my photos stay on the Where the Towels Live page.
    Love the zinnias, such bright little buttons of colour.

  21. I hope the move works out well,and I hope that El Gato is going too.

  22. I hope this move works well for you. You are returning home in a sense.

    If you wanted to use the photo I sent of the towels, no problem.

  23. Good luck with your new plans. I hope the move works well for all involved.

  24. I am embarrassed to ask this but is Kamaria a relative of yours? I assume she must be. That sounds wonderful. Change is hard but sometimes it is so very necessary and generally turns out to be a very fine thing.

  25. I don't envy you the physical move but the end result sounds good. All your flowers look nice.

  26. I see cornflower (blue) and coreopsis (yellow) in your wildflower pot.

    and so, big news! this is the woman that bought your old house, yes? obviously. she bought the house, lived in it, moved away, moved back in and now you are joining her and Laura in your old house! shades of the past. funny how life works. I thought you were about to tell us you were moving into assisted living quarters. this is so much better and you get your garden back!

  27. Wow, big news indeed! I wish you well with the move and may you be very happy in your New Old Home with Kamaria etc. And great news about the website too. Sure, for my towel photos you can indicate they are now living happily in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada!

  28. What wonderful news. Since you so recently moved, this shouldn't be a difficult one. This is exciting stuff all around.
    Yes, you can say my towels live in San Diego CA.

  29. Sounds good to be moving and being with people. I am envious. xx

  30. You have my permission to say where i live.

  31. Congratulations on the new living arrangements. Sounds ideal.
    Inspired by you, I planted two packets of zinnia seeds in a nice sunny spot. I've got exactly one flower ready to bloom. Another few seeds took but the resident chipmunks ate all but that lone one.

  32. Congratulations on your new home! It is good not to be alone. This is an exciting time. Enjoy!

  33. So, moving again - good luck with that. You could certainly do without the shovelling snow and lugging groceries.

  34. Good luck with the move. Shovelling snow is no fun.
    Greetings to El Gato..hope he appreciates the attention!

  35. The garden is looking great! Congratulations on your plans to move. I think it's a wonderful idea. As for publishing where the towels live on your new website, I don't have any issues. I'm Joyful from Snap That blog. I sent you a photo some time back and I'm still loving the towels.

  36. A move is big news indeed. I do not know the names involved; is it nearby? I am guessing there is room for your loom to be set up, too. It will be nice for you to have company and a bathroom to yourself. Your plants look lovely, and I am guessing you can have the pots moved to your new place?

  37. Life plans sound just terrific! I am so happy for you. Daughter in Chicago, currently en route here, just loves her towel and you are welcome to report the photo.
