
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Grumble, grumble, grumble

I began this post last night, and got as far as the title when something distracted me. Of course, I had no memory of beginning until I sat down to compose this afternoon.

Before I forget, my distraction was trying to set up the back page, Where the Towels Live, on my web page. It was after supper, which I have already proven is prime mind disfunction time. Nevertheless, I persevered. Then I did not save it and went to bed. 

I actually had a plan at that point. If I did not save my mess, it would revert to the original format and I could start over some other day. I have not looked yet to see if that was a good plan. Right now I have to weave. I now need to spend my time weaving.

Back to the grumbles. I probably have mentioned them all and they're done. I have my credit card. I've ordered thread. All's well in Peninsula. 

This is not a grumble, but a magazine I love to read, in my hands, turning pages, is Vanity Fair. The current issue, though, is heavy! First the pretty young woman story, Dua Lipa, a song writer/singer from Kosovo, who despite her heavy credentials still had to pose probably unclothed under improbable coverings. 

Then long research pieces, first on the origin of Covid-19; another thoroughly researched piece on retail mogul Leslie Wexner's assets literally swallowed and used to finance Epstein; a chilling column on Gavin McInnes, founder of the Proud Boys; another on Robert Kennedy, Jr. and his anti-vax movement; another on the break up of WeWork.....

There were lighter pieces interspersed, but insufficient to keep this average reader's mind off the awful. One of the last pieces is on the remake of the out takes of the last Beatle collaborative effort, a simultaneous filming of the making of the album Let it Be. It's fun and happy and way in the back.

I've started a blue, called Dusty Blue, on the warp. I'm very close to the end, maybe one more color after this. I'm close to the end of the very big warp that Laura wound on in May. I hope I can hire her again for the next warp. She's currently dormed up at Akron U, getting two requirements out of the way. Both are maths; she'll do well. 

So, I'll leave you with a shuttle of Dusty Blue.


  1. That's a pretty blue! I can't read hard copy newspapers or magazines anymore. The print is too small for me to see. I don't miss them though. Everything I need is on TV where I can hear it and on the internet, where I can increase the font size, LOL!

  2. Hari OM
    I agree about the blue - and thank goodness for the card and order made... I'll pass on the magazine too. YAM xx

  3. I like the blue, Joanne. Your review of Vanity Fair was wonderful and made me try to think of the last magazine I read and I couldn't give you an accurate answer. We used to have several magazine subscriptions but they started to have less material and more ads.

  4. I'm so happy you received your card and could order your thread. I also love that dusty blue!

  5. I'm glad the card and thread were sorted. I hope Laura can find the time to help you with the next warp too. The dusty blue looks exactly like the first two towels I received from you, way back when you were just beginning to weave again on the little LeClerc machine.

  6. Great for Laura. Hope she enjoys the experience!

  7. Vanity Fair is a great magazine. I am now thinking about re-subscribing. The articles you list appeal to me. Dwell and Architectural Digest are currently helpful to me being in renovation mode. Great that Laura is getting her math requirements out of the way. Love the blue. As a student, Laura will be happy to earn some extra spending money. Win-win!

  8. Whenever I come across an link to a VF post, I am usually impressed.

  9. Beautiful blue. As always you inspire me no end.


  10. Vanity Fair sounds like an excellent mix of the dark with the uplifting. Love that blue but I'm happy with the towels I ordered which will go beautifully with my kitchen colors. :)

  11. that blue is great... Hope Laura can manage to do another warp

  12. Vanity Fair is a good magazine with excellent reporting and writing. I have taken photos of towels in my kitchen and will email them to you. I hope your Where The Towels Live page works out.


  13. Love that Blue - and hope that Laura can help.

  14. Thank goodness you were able to get your thread ordered before you run right out.

    Hope Laura will help with your next setting up

  15. Dusty blue looks like an appealing colour.

  16. Interesting magazine review. Not many of them left with content worth reviewing.

  17. that Laura gets around. everytime you write she's somewhere else doing something else. what ever happened to the farm volunteer thing? we canceled all our magazines sometime around 2011, economy in the toilet and we were counting our pennies except Nat'l Geographic. we canceled that though when Murdoch bought it. I'm in a 'I can't handle the news and politics' phase. it's not getting better and I feel helpless and frustrated that the two democrat senators seem to care more for the republicans than democrats. besides I have my mind on other endeavors.

  18. I used to get Vanity Fair. I should start getting it again. I did always enjoy it.
    Love the dusty blue.

  19. I think that dusty blue will be a popular color for your towels. Looks great!

  20. There is too much awful around..
    That is a lovely blue. Hope you can get Laura's help ..a real treasure for you.

    There is that time in the early evening when you think... can't waste that time...but if you carry on jobs end up taking twice as long.
    How is life without El Gato?

  21. Another pretty color for your color wheel.

  22. That is definitely a gorgeous shade of blue.
