
Sunday, July 11, 2021

Another fine mess

On the Monday, 4th of July holiday, I had an email from my bank. It said they were fairly certain I had not made a purchase of $14.99 from a sporting goods shop in Reno, Nevada and consequently, my card was deactivated. If it actually was me, reply OK. If not, reply with the other button, the card will stay deactivated and the new card will come in the mail in five business days.

This happened a year ago, when I stupidly left the card in bag I threw away. The new card arrived in three days. A year ago I probably had nothing pressing to buy with the card. It is four business days since I pressed the button. No new card.  

I need thread! I am two colors from the end of the warp. Worse, I have such a limited selection of colors for weaving. Worse yet, I do not have enough thread to put a warp on the loom. Yes, thread comes fairly quickly from Quebec. But I order it with the credit card I no longer have. 

Yes, I have another credit card. It's from another bank, with twice the credit limit of my compromised card. I shredded it long ago. I don't need to know I could buy a new car with a card. I could use my debit card, but if it ever is compromised, that's a bigger world of hurt than needing a new warp.

Tomorrow is the fifth working day. I have work to do. I hope Visa and the mail person do, too.

Today has been rain the entire day. The little weather report along the bottom of the screen shows a grey cloud and says "Rain off and on". The actual weather has been rain, on and on. At five at night it has stopped.

I have a beautiful pan of supper in the oven. Stuffed peppers by bread crumbs. I made it up as I went along. I needed bread crumbs, so I over toasted some specialty dark wheat bread with honey and raisins, then ran it through the little chopper gismo with blades.

Then I sent a big onion and four garlic cloves in after it. I mixed all that and poured on enough olive oil to make it think it was sticky. When I got the peppers out of the fridge, I found the rest of the mushrooms and added them to the stuffing. Over the whole top, a little spaghetti sauce from a jar.

I set the timer for an hour and it's a few minutes shy. I'm hungry. Here's hoping I did well enough.


  1. That dinner sounds great! The mail has been very frustrating lately; I hope your card comes soon. Is there any way to track it through your bank?

  2. Hari OM
    Hope you are no longer hungry by the time you read this! What a bummer about the card. Had that done to me once. Long years ago. Great that the fraud department was on the ball. Shame about the production department though... mine took fourteen days. I trust that will not be the case for you. YAM xx

  3. so your card was compromised again, this year? damn I hate it when I run out of whatever material I need that prevents me from finishing. thought I was going to run out of white glass powder today before I finished the feather. I didn't but it was pretty close.

  4. The mail continues to be slow and a week plus might be more realistic for getting your new card. Your stuffed peppers sound outstanding.


  5. I think you be had!...I'm sure that call was a scam. Better call your credit card company to make sure everything is O.K Also check with your bank.

  6. Hope the credit card shows up tomorrow. Such a nuisance when you have problems with a card.

  7. Oh I do hope your card arrives soon. They do come in handy for certain things. I would call the credit card company as someone else suggested and just make sure all is well. When I had problems with a certain credit card, the bank always makes me go to the branch to pick up the new one.

  8. I hope your card arrives quickly. I noted a fraudulent charge on my card recently and called and cancelled it and they sent a new card promptly.

  9. One thing I learned from this covid experience, is that I have whittled down the importance of doing things or the time it takes to do one thing, could be hours, and the buying of things, unless it is food, most things are just not at the top of the list. It is all relative isn't it. Relax about it all, take it in stride, it is not a race after all....but I am pretty sure you bought that thing in Reno when you were sleep walking.

  10. That food sounds wonderful. I love the narrative of finding interesting things to add in.

    Adding my concern that the email might be a scam. I get messaged like that and they don't come to anything as long as I don't click what they want me to. Id test the card and see if it is in fact active. Did you call the card co?

  11. Gack I hope not a scam, seems like a tiny amount to tell you about. I love how you write the recipes :)


  12. Sigh on the card issue. I was rung by my bank about an even smaller amount, but the new card arrived and all was fine. I hope yours is quick.
    Your dinner sounded GOOD.

  13. Gasp! That's scary and then most aggravating to have to wait.

  14. I hope you were not the victim of a scam. Your best et would have been to call your bank. Never answer an email from a financial institution by clicking yes or no. Call them first thing tomorrow to see what is really going on.

  15. If you trust the company you buy thread from I would say go ahead and use the debit card. But also check with your bank about the credit card. why are they two separate cards? I have a debit card which I can also use as a credit card if I wish to, just a matter of choosing "credit" or "debit" on the card reader.

  16. Those peppers sound delicious! Let us know how they turned out. I like the thought of veggie stuffed peppers.

    I had a similar problem with my card a few months ago, only I found it myself when going over the charge statement. There was a charge to Apple and since we don't use any Apple products it was clear that it was a scam. We also had to get a new card and of course wait on it to arrive. I hope your new card comes tomorrow. If it doesn't you might be able to check with your bank on the best way to go ahead and make the purchase. Good luck with it!

  17. I receive an email any time a suspicious charge is spotted on my account, no matter how small it is. The email always says to click yes or no. When I think something will never show up in the mail, I usually get it the next day so I hope your new card arrives today (Monday). I also have the app on my phone for the credit card I use regularly. I log into the app every few days just to make sure everything is okay.


  18. You could run a class in improvisational cooking, Joanne! Let us know how it tasted.

  19. You are also creative in the kitchen. You gave me an idea for the pepper filling.

  20. Fingers crossed for that card arriving!

  21. Well, did you.
    Yes, I had a card like that once. I could buy a Maserati with it...or a Lamborghini if I wanted one. The interest was too high and I cancelled it.

  22. I also wondered if the email was a scam. Hopefully it wasn't and you get your new card okay. So why did they think the $14.99 charge was suspicious? It may be a small sum, but I'm told scammers often try a small sum first to see if it goes through okay, and then they try a much larger sum.

  23. Dinner sounds great. It's been awhile since we had to cancel a card. I am really not looking forward to changing addresses on our cards and Amazon and hoping they go concurrently and I'm not denied somewhere.

  24. Did they ask for your cc number in that e-mail? If so, you have definitely been 'had'. E-mail is not secure. No bank would ever ask you to supply your credit card information via e-mail. You really need to speak to your bank asap.

  25. Bravo to you for the inspired supper.
