
Friday, July 9, 2021

On a mission

I circled town on errands this morning. Dollar store, post office, AmVets to drop off a donation and finally, Kriegers for real pie crusts. Before lunch of the last fake crostata, I had a new one in the oven.

The real deal. I put the gluten free in the trash, with no regret.

And the real crostata will begin being lunch tomorrow.

I asked Becca if Toby is settling in. She sent two pictures.

He has oversized window sills that actually fit him. 

He has a bed to share and a person to lie on. It's especially important to lie right on the legs.

That's it; just to let you know all's right with my world. 


  1. Cats seem to have no problem fitting right in wherever they are.

  2. I'm very glad to hear that Toby's happy and gluten is back in your life! Both good things. A person to lie on, also to ignore. Cats are happy doing that.

  3. Good to hear that you are both doing well!
    El Gato has certainly landed on all four paws!!

  4. Looks like all is well in Toby's world as well.

  5. Hari OM
    This is such a happy post! YAM xx

  6. Ah, Toby looks happy :)
    And if we had a picture of Joanne eating her new crostata, she would look happy too :)

  7. A beautiful blueberry crostata with a REAL crust and a happy, well-adjusted Toby! Good news all around!

  8. All is good with a replenished supply of great pie crust and handsome Toby is settling in nicely with Becca. The photos show he's found his creature comforts. Knowing that he's happy is important.

  9. I am very, very glad that all is right with your world.

  10. Toby looks very comfortable and at home. I'm happy that you found the real pie crusts. I would do the same with the gluten free ones. Into the trash!!

  11. Toby looks so content. Legs to sleep on are good. Gluten free pie crust is sort of an oxymoron.

  12. So glad Toby has life well in do you.

  13. Toby looks happy and settled in. He probably remembered your granddaughter. I am allergic to wheat and always look for the gluten free crusts and can never find them. Oh the pain! You threw them away! Yours does look delicious!

  14. Happy day, real pie crusts are back! Thanks for the Toby pictures. He appears to be doing well especially with being able to sleep in bed and on someone's legs. He looks happy and in charge which is what all cats love!

  15. I'm glad Toby is settling in so well in his new home. The crostata looks mouth watering.

  16. I'm happy Toby has settled so well so quickly. I throw unsatisfactory foods in the bin with no guilt too.

  17. Cats always know how to make themselves comfortable and it's good you now have the decent pastry for pies again

  18. It's strange or not, but I thought of Toby, I wondered how he was doing and I'm glad to hear he's fine.

  19. Sue gets laid upon most nights, mainly her legs, but usually only for a few minutes.

  20. I'm happy for Toby! And I'm happy you have some real pie crusts.

  21. You do sound happy with your life!

  22. Good that Toby is settling in. And, good that you got REAL pie pastry rather than the fake stuff!

  23. trash is where the gluten free belongs and good that Toby is fine with his change of residence.

  24. Now you can have a real crust on your crostata. Toby looks so content. All is right with the world.

  25. Glad you threw away the GF pie crusts. Nothing like the real thing. And it does look like Toby has made himself comfortable in his new surroundings.

  26. Love your little pie bird. So pretty and colourful. Toby is happy.

  27. Glad you were able to find some pie crusts that suit your requirements. Your new one certainly does look good enough to eat.
